I would do your idea with the hollowed out legs and such, however there arent near enough fusion coils on sandbox. Not to mention they took out propane tanks.
Wow This map is so awseome i cant wait till' tommorow to look at it! I really like how close it looks to the real thing. I must say it is very outstanding i would like to give you a 10/10. oh, and one more thing, KEEP MAKING MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!
Please Wait Whilst i gather my jaw up from the floor ... ... ... ... ... ... Holy. Fricking. Crap. THIS THING IS HUGE!!!! I like the size and it looks to be scale to the actual Scarab 5/5
XD yeah its supposed to be relatively the size and scale of the actual scarab, i think its pretty close, however there still needs to be added teh third floor and some minor details, fixing of the pathways to the eye, etc. Also the fact that this map has stayed on the front page of aesthetic maps for a couple months and i rarely actually write replies on it anymore kinda makes me wanna scream lol. What kind of pisses me off though, is even though so many people like it, it got on the front page of bungie.net in the bungie blog, and its stayed up here for so long forgehub still has yet to recognize it at all, i was hoping this would be my first feature map, that kind of makes me wanna scream louder. EDIT: Not to mention im almost done with my next map.
Rofl at the last two pics. Now, the map is like the BEST Scarab remake I've seen to date. I'll download this in 17 days when I get points
I ts is an awesome map but you have posted it three times i have seen it multiple times But it is an awesome remake of an scarab
It's rare for me to step in and post on an aesthetic map, but this??? Well, this is just damned amazing. I must agree with everyone else: best scarab ever. Not to mention that the interior is just as well built and accurate as the exterior; which always seems to be the loss of most scarab maps. 5/5 for you!
This scarab looks really good, the explosions are cool. I would have to say this is the Best scarab to date, good job.
Here's a good gametype for this map, the attackers must plant the bomb in the back of the scarab (the part where you kill it in campaign.) Hope that helps
I've seen a scarab done before just as well as this except the other was playable. I'm not impressed.
Awesome map, maybe add in a base on the other side and people have to plant the bomb in the place that you shoot in campaign mode? Oh, and anything other than Internet Explorer is a good browser. Even IE8 has a large amount of vulnerabilities that can lead to your computer being infected with tons of stuff. Try Firefox.
Might there be a linky to this scarab that has out done me? As far as i know i have yet to be officially passed in the uh unofficial top scarab kinda thing? =P idk lol but i would like to see this.