Author: Matty Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Juggernaught, Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Recommended Players: 2-4 Time Taken To Complete: 3 Hours - - -Download- - - Weapons And Equipment Battle Rifle x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Energy Sword x1 Plasma Grenade x4 Power Drain x1 Regenerator x1 Recommended Settings - No grenade start - BR / AR start - 3 second respawn - 0 suicide penalty Introduction Welcome to my 7th published map. I have come a long way since the 'Steelworks' days. This map i call Crossfire. I named it this because of the intense fighting that takes place, and also because alot of the scenery is arranged in a 'cross' shaped fasion. This map took 3 hours to complete. Yes, 3 hours. I crown this the ultimate in speed forging. I spent 10 minutes fully thinking through the initial process, and lining the starting boxes. Then i spent 2 hours constructing the map. The next 30 minutes were spent adding weapons, spawns, and setting up objective markers. I spend the next 20 minutes playing some short and sweet test games, finding all of the flaws. The final 10 minutes were correcting the minor bugs and glitches, and making sure that everything was ok. Map Design Ok so what did 3 hours of intense forging produce? A very, very clean, small competative arena map. This map is, like my previous one, very tight. I recommend playing with 2-6 players. No more unless you like dying instantly. The map is basicly a 'bowl' shape, with a raised centre area. I constructed it in 4 segments, each equal in shape, size, and content. The raised area is somewhat like the centrepiece. This area reminds me alot of Halo 2's 'Warlock'. The centre piece contains the Energy Sword, the most powerful weapon on the map, but certainly not in an 'unbalanced' way. You may also note, that in the very centre, is a small hole. This was put there as an Aesthetic feature, but proves to be quite interesting, and to a clever player, hugely tactical. This hole goes right to the bottom of the map. I decided to place 2 mancannons interlocked right at the bottom. The result? Grenades that fall down come flying back up. Obviously this feature will only be an advantage to the players who are clever and quick to act. A well placed grenade, while getting chased, can go under you and up into your enemies face. Overall Feel Overall i think i have suceeded in myself with this map. The design is everything i wanted, and more. It is much more interesting than i initially planned. Aesthetically i am hugely proud of my accomplishment. Its clean and tidy, to the best of my abilities. I also really like the features i have managed to add. The 'Rose' shaped centre piece acts as a very tactical position, but leaves the players hugely exposed. I am also happy with the way i have managed to make awkward shapes almost identical in position and angle, on different areas of the map. All of the slopes i have made on a slant have all managed to be pretty much perfect. Furthermore, i like the staircase centrepiece i have constructed above the 'rose'. This is somewhat the same as the one featured on 'Magician' which was the remake of the Halo 2's 'Warlock' Finally, i really love the feel of the map. I can completely forget i am in Foundry, which is a great experience. The above features make this its own map, and not just a few boxes stuck together in a warehouse.
I'm gonna do a forgethrough on this map Matty. Aeron was great in my opinion so whatever you publish I will be checking out. The only downfall is the pics in my opinion. Since I know you I know that you make quality maps so I will check it out, but some that don't know your maps may be turned off by the funky panoramas. Getting the feel of the map is just slightly harder than in normal pics. That's just me,my not hold true for others.
Thanks. Yes please take a good look and get back to me. And i have heard this again and again about the panoramas. I am just so bored with normal images, but for you i will take 1 or 2 images that arnt panoramic and post them above the other 4. Thanks again.
While playing, I really loved it, but Ill just list the Pros and Cons I saw in the gameplay: Pros: Hills are balanced Map has a very chaotic pace of battle(which I love) Assault Rifles are okay, But I LOVED the Battle rifles. Its littleness of a map is perfect for oddbal which means less camping, and more whacking! Cons: Sword is questionable Could be too chaotic at time. Respawns were to close, heck everytime I spawned there was a guy respawned nearly a wall away! Grenades can somewhat make the map worse The map looks great, its just the gameplay thats all.
Thanks, just trying to argue against the cons: - Sword is powerful at times, but with a 3 minute respawn, but dont forget that with less people it would actually be less powerful, and if you didnt realisie, it wasnt even remotely good in the games with BR starts. BR owned it. - Yes the spawns are pretty close, but there isnt much i could do, i didnt get any situations of bieng killed in my spawn, it just seemed like we got into fights quickly, which isnt bad - Yes starting grenades are bad. It is much better with no grenades - Yes it was a little too chaotic, but remember we were playing 6 player. I would recommend playing 3 player. Imagine how much fairer it would be. Its quite easy to destroy all of those cons, just depending on how many people you play with. Thanks, glad you noticed.
This looks awesome! One of the best small arena style maps I've seen. You should of waited and added this to your Guilder App!
Whoa nice! Even though the picture quality is apalling it looks reall cool. Great job on the geometry/layout.
I really enjoyed this map! The size you made this map is perfect.. It ensures intense battles from beginning to end. I really liked the BR start rather than the assault rifle, but either one works. I'm still amazed something that looks that good only took you 3 hours.. My hats off to you my friend!
Its on purpose, it makes the images look more interesting. I find regular pictures appalling quality.
i have to agree with MNM because your pictures honestly just gave me a headache... but it seems like a great KOTH map.
Sweet! Good times testing this map Matty. The spawn points were my only gripe since it seemed like half the time I spawned and someone spawned right behind me,but that was clearly because of the number of players playing. Other than that this may be the best you can get out of forge in 3 hours in my opnion. P.S. Sorry about that lame "British sandwich with American meat" joke I made pre-game, may have been the worst thing that ever came out of my mouth lol.