Proper usage of the carbine

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by halo kid, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Proper usage of the carbine
    Hello I’m halo kid 024, and as some of you may have guessed this guide is about the carbine. It will cover both combat and forging usage.
    Table of contents

    • intro
    • ToC (you’re here)
    • combat
    3a.long range
    3b.medium range
    3c.short range

    • VS
    4a.carbine vs. BR
    4b.carbine vs. sniper
    4c. carbine vs. AR

    • Forging
    5a. position
    5b.spawns and clips
    6. Ending
    Ah yes, in general the carbine can win at any range, depending on the weapon its up against, you cant beat a shotty at close range, or a Needler (unless your skilled) at medium range. I’ll start off the guide at long range.

    Long range
    At long range, the only thing you should be scared of is a skilled splaser user, it’s not hard to beat a sniper, as discussed later. The main thing you should do is strafe in random directions, and pepper there area in fire. At this range you shouldn’t try to get a headshot, as you will just waste ammo. Instead, try to get there shields down, as they will usually try to run for it then. Keep giving them body shots, as they will fall after a few more. Also, watch out for people who scope there snipers and charge there lasers behind cover. Please note that carbine rounds don’t travel instantly, they take a second to reach there target at this range.
    All in all: the carbine can dominate at this range, but requires skill to win effectively from a long distance.

    Medium range
    This is where the carbine truly shines, with or without a scope. A happy trigger finger will win many battles at this range. To completely win at this range you must learn to keep the cursor on there head, or they will overwhelm you with superior firepower, which is bad. A good tactic is to jump mid battle, not at the beginning. If you jump at the beginning of a battle, the will react naturally, since that’s what most players do, but if you jump mid battle, they will not react as quickly, allowing you two or three extra headshots before fire resumes on you. Now is a good time to mention that the carbine fires as fast as you pull the trigger, so if you are capable of pulling off 7headshots in a matter of 2.5 seconds, you’ll win, most of the time.
    All in all: the best range for the carbine, you will win here, hands down.

    Short range
    Probably the worst range for the carbine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t win, that just means you need the most skill to survive here. The main tactic you should be using at this range is the punch-headshot combo, that is, punching your opponent and then pulling off a headshot in rapid succestion, it may seem tough at first, because they might be able to pepper you with AR before you can headshot. It does take practice, but before long it’ll be second nature.
    All in all: you will have a tough time learning to win here, but it’s possible.

    Battle rifle VS carbine
    One of the most common debates in halo, and one you’ll be in alot. I’ll break it down for you.
    Carbine advantages:
    Kills faster, quicker rate of fire. Quicker reload. (By half a second or so)
    BR advantages:
    More power per shot. Three round burst. Quicker bullet time.
    Most people think that the battle rifle clearly has the win in this case, but the carbines rate of fire is so good that it can lay out more damage in same amount of time. In the case of facing a BR user, if they can get two hits in before you can fire, get to cover, you won’t (unless you’re lucky) win that battle. In the case you see them first, fire away. Also, learn to strafe when going against a BR user, as it’s easy to strafe a carbine shot, you must be able to do the same thing to them.

    Sniper rifle VS carbine
    Ah yes the sniper VS carbine, easy battle for one, and hard as heck for the other. I’m here to make sure it’s easiest for you.
    Carbine advantages
    Keeps opponent unscoped and unable to attack.
    Sniper advantages
    2 shot kill, extreme range.
    This isn’t a very hard battle, the key is persistence. The battle mechanic on your side is simple. If you hit the sniper, he unscopes. Do not ever in a sniper battle try to run away, that’s when they get the advantage, they have a factor over you that may make them win, Range. They can hit you accurately from a far greater range then you can hit them. Keep shooting there area, and they will either be killed, or give up. The last thing about facing a sniper is the heavy importance of cover, use it smartly, as going up against a sniper with no cover, no matter you skill, is suicide.

    Carbine VS Assault rifle
    Perhaps the most common situation for all carbine users, and Im gonna make sure you win every time.
    Carbine advantages
    Range, not having to reload every 3 seconds

    Assault rifle advantages
    Rate fire, good at close range
    The first thing you should do against an AR user is get some range in-between you two. When they run out of ammo (which won’t take very long) then you strike. That’s about it for this section. Moving on to forge.

    This is probably what the majority of you came to read, proper placement in forge.
    One factor you must take into consideration before placing is traffic, unless you wish for everyone to have a carbine all the time, or nobody to have one anytime, place them in areas of medium traffic. A good example of an area with medium traffic is the stump on guardian.
    Another part of it is elevation, the carbine needs to be at an area of decent elevation, not ground level, unless it’s on higher ground than most of the map, but not at the highest point of elevation. A good example is the carbine next to the Spartan laser tower on high ground.
    The last and least important of placement is how it’s placed. The two ways it’s placed (mainly) is leaning and flat. Leaning is where it’s leaned up against a wall or railing, best in open areas or places where multiple paths meet. The second is flat, that is where it lays flat against the ground, best in narrow halls.
    Spawns and clips
    Spawns is just as the name implies, how long it takes for the weapon to respawn. Generally you can go with the default settings with the carbine, but there are exceptions. If it’s an area of immense traffic (gold lift on guardian) you should increase the spawn time to either 45 sec to 1 minute. Never go beyond a minute or lower the 20 seconds.

    I don’t really have any thanks except to pegasi delta, who was helping me the whole way with this guide, and to doni R ninja, who (unknowingly) did a few experiments and in a way contributed to the guide.
    #1 halo kid, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  2. MXG Frost

    MXG Frost Ancient
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    The carbine doesn't fire as fast as you pull the trigger, there is a maximum fire rate.
  3. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    While there is a maximam fire rate,its difficult to achieve unless your controller is modded.
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Might want to check that again. It doesn't matter how quickly you pull the trigger, the carbine will always be maxed out of its firing rate. I'm in a game right now and I mashed the trigger. The carbine always maxed out its firing rate.
  5. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Kinda hard to read the dark text on the dark background. Many false's here, I'll point them out:

    -Carbine does not shoot every time you pull the trigger, it does have a cooldown time, albeit a short one (I play Paintball competitively, trust me I can shoot fast).
    -In a strafe it is best not to jump, until you are no shields and then it is still questionable. A player jumping slows down their movement and they change direction less often, this gives the opposing player an easy chance to realign their shots, meaning they'll stop missing (I also play MLG competitively).
    -BR is easier to hit shots because of its 3-burst. This usually makes it superior, however, a carbine 7-shot vs a BR 4-shot (MLG settings), carbine wins, Carbine 8-shot vs BR 4-shot (normal settings), BR wins.
  6. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Some spots that are a bit off, but oberall a great guide, shouldnt this be in halo disscussion, not forge?
  7. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The last half was made up of how to use them on your map.
  8. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    You should only jump mid-battle if you are on bumper jumper. I think it's truly the best set-up because you can continue aiming after jumping with you hand never leaving the right thumbstick.

    And a BR would definitely win in a battle in my opinion. Covenant weapons are designed to take down shields quickly but a BR can kill someone even if they are not one-shot with a well placed burst.
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I find that Carbine is a superior weapon in a lot of cases. Whenever I get in a dule with a br user, I usually win. The spread of the carbine tracks well enough at mid-range that it is by far the superior choice when it comes to mid-range combat.
  10. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i think that over a distance the carnine is better. the BR has WAY too big of a spread shot. carbine FTSW, AR FTFW. lol.
  11. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
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    Grenade + Carbine headshot = Win

    Basically the same with the BR, but I find headshot's easier with a Carbine, I also prefer the funky scope that it has.

    Not many people use it in matchmaking, I think they just dismiss it as useless, but many a time I have proved them wrong. :p

    Good thread BTW, very informative.
  12. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Please change the color of the font, it's very hard to read. And why does it randomly switch color? Anyways, the BR beats the Carbine in almost any situation. The carbine really isn't that useful at long range because of how inaccurate it is. The BR at least has a three round burst so there's a bigger chance of at least something hitting the target. You also have to factor in how cruddy XBL is. That makes it even harder to use the carbine at a long distance. At medium distance the carbine can be quite effective, but it's still quite a bit harder to land shots when compared to the BR. Unless you have a good, steady aim, the carbine isn't going to beat a BR at medium range. If you do, however, have good aim, the carbine can be pretty beast at close to medium range. So basically what I'm saying is that the carbine is only useful at close to medium range if you have good aim, and I wouldn't even bother using it unless I'm on LAN. The BR is still the weapon to use because it's fairly effective at almost any range due to its three round burst.

    Your guide isn't very accurate either. I'm no carbine expert, but the situations you mention are more complicated than you make them sound. Sure, the carbine could win a battle in any situation if you're playing with unskilled players, but anyone who is decent at Halo isn't going to be killed by the carbine as easily as you mention.

    Conclusion: Carbine fails. BR wins.

    BTW, this thread is better suited for the Halo 3 discussion.
    #12 Love Slice, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  13. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    thank you all for reading and commenting. as for all the questions,i typed this up on microsoft soft word,and that is why the text is black if you dont like it which to oldschool. as for you encounter,if your going to try to crash my guide,at least bring in some facts,all you had to say was "BR wins carbine sucks". and about the whole "move to forge disscusion" i put it here because the last half is because about forging,and Im sure thats what every one wants to see.
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Why should I switch to Oldschool to suit your guide? I was completely unaware that we were going back into the days akin to the Browser Wars of the mid-90's? "This site is best viewed in Netscape"?
  15. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    WOOO!!! carbine FTW. I prefer it to the BR cos the sight is easier to use, and i find it better for headshots. probably because of the days on end i had to use it as Arbiter trying to help one of my somewhat useless at halo friends beat legendary lol.
  16. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I find it odd that not as many people use the carbine, its been my favorite weapon for a long time. A quick trigger finger can do quite a bit... I just find it annoying that I run out of ammo quickly...
  17. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    Good guide but I still always choose BR over carbine.
  18. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I really do like both the BR and the Carbine, both of these weapons serve a purpose. The BR is a good all around weapon that can be used at any range effectively. While the carbine truly shines in close to mid range. The Carbine can be used long range, but the recoil and the nature of the weapon does not make long-range optimal. If any of you play MLG the Carbine can do quite a number on your opponents.
  19. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    Quite the opposite, in my opinion. In longer range fights, instead of shooting as fast as you possibly can at the guy 200 yards (ex.) away, shoot in "Short, controlled bursts." (Where have you not heard that line used before?). Shoot a few shots, then move the crosshairs as you're shooting one bullet (?). I find it easier to aim at longer ranges when you shoot your BR/Carbine slower. Besides, I'm sick of the BR! For now on, in Matchmaking, whenever I get the opprotunity, I'm switching to the Carbine! Weird enough, all of my favorite weapons are Covenant weaponry (Carbine, Plasma Rifle, Fuel Rod Gun, Energy Sword, Plasma Cannon.)
    #19 AIS Student, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  20. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    i will rethink next time it's team BRs and I see a carbine.

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