I hve been looking for some other Banjo fans and was wondering! Who on FHloves Banjo Kazooie/Banjo Tooie! I also wanted to let you know that Banjo Threeie is coming out for X360 eventually! Who else is hyped!
Ablaze you are Iv0ry Sak3 right? And the Third comes out sometime in 2008. Check it out on IGN.com for most up to date info.
He said the exact thing I would have. Although I think it would be interesting to see how the controller layout will change from the N64 version.
I liked it....But when I played it I was like 8 or something so I didn't really know what was going on. Don't really remember much except for the ninja carrots and the crazy mole...and those stupid colored elfs/gnomes/teletubbies
remember when jamjars would try and jump into his hole but hit the lid instead!? that was hilarious! and they said it wouldn't be a "traditional" platformer hhhmmm...
I cant wait Itll probably go like conker live and reloaded with guns etc if i know microsoft but hopefully itll stay immature and awesome! GRENADE EGGS FTW!
omg, that reminds me of my childhood.....it was one of the first games i played obsessively along with mario 64 ofcourse
ahh i remember the N64. well not completely true because ever since my xbox broke i was playing it alot. although i have been mainly playing rainbow 6 and jet force gemini this reminded me that banjo kazooie and tooie were really fun and i may just play it right now. my favourite transformation was to the bee
i'm sorry mario ain't got nothing on a bear and a bird, and my favorite transformation/whatever was the snowball that grew as you moved on the ice but shrunk when you were in the lava.
I loved eberything! I loved bieng the dragon, and the bee cuz I liked shooting my stingers at people!
and the levels were the most creative thing ever! i mean, a floating mountain that you access via a bubble? someone was high...