Sandbox Translight

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Jambo, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    Map Overview with Roof Removed

    The Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine functions by creating ruptures between normal and slipstream space. But this one is broken!
    Download Translight

    Small Circular Map for Free For All Carnage or Small Team Games.
    Its basically a Ring with Red and Blue sides.
    Is set up for all Gametypes.

    Blue Side

    Red Side

    Centre Piece
    YouTube - Halo 3: Translight Tour

    Weapons/Equipment/Vehicle List:
    [x2] Battle Rifle
    [x4] SMG
    [x2] Plasma Pistol
    [x2] Needler
    [x1] Gravity Hammer
    [x1] Energy Sword
    [x4] Plasma Grenade
    [x1] Regenerator
    [x1] Bubble Shield
    [x2] Deployable Cover
    [x1] Mongoose

    Blah Blah Blah
    This is my first submission to Forge Hub. Sorry for any errors.
    I wanted a nice looking small map in which to kill friends, so Translight was born.
    It was named this because the centre piece almost looks like some kind of engine (Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine from the Halo Fiction).


    Please feel free to check out my File Share for some other cool stuff.
    (Thanks Regal Flame for suggesting the name change!)​
    #1 Jambo, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  2. Regal Flame

    Regal Flame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I LOVE the aesthetics on this map, they're amazing. The center piece gets a 20/5 lol.

    This will probably work out well as an alternative for the map octagon, and I'll probably start using it instead of octagon. My only con - the name. I understand its from halo, but it's a little too complicated for a small map like this. If you want to keep the same idea, I'd change it to Translight.

    Anyways, amazing map. ESPECIALLY for your first post! 4.8/5! We need more people like you making great maps on ForgeHub.

    #2 Regal Flame, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, from the video this map looks pretty sweet. I love the idea of those teeth surrounding the kill ball. Nice touch man. Not only the middle looks good, but the sides look well constructed as well.

    BTW, put some pics. Click THIS to learn how to embed your pics.

    As for your weapons and equipment:
    Don't put the Gravity Hammer and the Sword on one map, it makes it have two power weapons of the same type. The rest seem to be okay, but I don't see a useful purpose for the mongoose because the layout of this map isn't really open.

    Good job.

    EDIT: Sweet, your pics are up. Nice work man.
    #3 RaBBiiTTT, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  4. CONER117

    CONER117 Ancient
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    your screenshots arent working for me but your videos are up. i thin k that the map is really cool but maybe add some cover 3/5
  5. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thats the reason I put it in the Casual Maps section, It's just a silly map with alot of toys to play with. :)

    Changed the name to Translight (you're right its much much better!)
    #5 Jambo, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  6. Regal Flame

    Regal Flame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, Translight is much better :p I Downloaded it and tried it out, its really fun if you set it with no weapons on map, and starting with BR's and snipers. Try it, it's fun :)

    With updated name it's 4.9/5 :O
  7. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Nice map dude. Good work on this one,


    Nice Weapons

    Reminds me of the Ark Reactor from Iron Man (Which is a good Thing ;P

    Everything! Its Perfect


    [x2] Battle Rifle
    [x4] SMG
    [x2] Plasma Pistol
    [x2] Needler
    [x1] Gravity Hammer
    [x1] Energy Sword

    [x4] Plasma Grenade
    [x1] Regenerator
    [x1] Bubble Shield
    [x2] Deployable Cover
    [x1] Mongoose

    Big No-No,

    But other than that, Nice Map 5/5

    Deserves a Feature
  8. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    the only thing that i hate about killballs is that they are very noisy. It is an extermely annoying sound.. if you could do anything to make the centerpiece different, i would love it. also, like everyone else says, no sword and gravity hammer. I would just keep The Gham tho sword is too overpowering in this kind of a small map.
  9. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    I didnt realise these two weapons would be a problem.
    I wanted close quarters power weapons (as its a small map) but it had to be balanced so that both teams could get to 1 of them equally, and with the map not having a middle section where i could put 1 weapon that was equal distance to both bases, I just added 2. I will look into this though :D

    WOW, Thanks alot! :O

    I totally agree with you there, they make an Incredibly Horrible Noise!
    However I thought the Killball just looked too damn sexy through the 'teeth' so I decided to stick with it.

    What could I replace the Hammer and Sword with? Any ideas are welcome!
    It obviously has to be something worth going up the Grav Lifts for, Equipment maybe? Power Drainer? Flare?
    #9 Jambo, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  10. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Woah, gret job bro. Like said before, the aesthetics are fantastic, but i think the gameplay is alittle questioning.. Maybe if you kept it to like a 3 person FFA than it would work out, but it just seems alittle too small.. plus the only way to kill people is to camp in one spot and wait for people to run by, or just run in a circle (lol)

    But still seems fun for small FFA games

    4/5 gameplay
    5/5 aesthetics
  11. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Hey the map looks amazing. Aesthetically it's perfect, I don't know how gameplay would be but I'll get back to you after I review it. This kinda reminds me of one of the Halo 2 campian missions.
  12. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    This is true :(

    That was all this map was ever meant to be, nothing serious, just a small arena for a bit of carnage with a few friends.
  13. V

    V Ancient
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    Power drainer might be nice, or deployable cover since it's rather close quarters. Or you could put in a shotty with no extra clips on a super long respawn time or a mauler or a brute shot of the like. Just some suggestions. Even a turret might work. It doesn't seem like it would be too dominating but you should probably test that one out first if you choose to use it.
  14. FaTaLiiTY5

    FaTaLiiTY5 Ancient
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    WOW looks sweet i just love the middle peace but he was right you need to chose between the grev hamer or the sword 9/10!!!
  15. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    Yeah, I'm thinking remove Hammer and Sword, and replace them with a Mauler at each side, I think I'll remove the Grav Lifts too, so the Maulers are just laying on the floor.
  16. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    You know, I think this could be a nice infection game map as well. It looks great as it is, but slayer would be a bit off from what I see. I could be wrong, but I'll try it out and update this if necessary. Crazy King would also be fun here.
  17. Jambo

    Jambo Ancient
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    Its setup for all Gametypes, although I havent tried infection.

    TransLite is Born!
    New Version of Translight with the Hammer and Sword replaced by Maulers and the Grav Lifts removed.
    Ill leave both versions in my File Share for now.
    But its basically a glorified circle.
    Maybe I should have put it in the Aesthetic Maps section lol
    #17 Jambo, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Why put two maulers in a small circular FFA map? Bad move man. I suggest putting one mauler in a place where everyone should fight for to get it. But that's just me.
  19. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub, Jambo!! Took you long enough, lol. This map looks great, as do all of your maps. I like the idea to put maulers instead of a sword and a hammer. Much better for CQC imo. Kind of like the idea to put some deployable covers in, as well, as someone else mentioned. Keep it up man!!
  20. Hyperactiveman

    Hyperactiveman Ancient
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    Omg srsly!

    As soon as I saw the first screenshot I was just blown away... Then I saw the second and was speechless. This map is perfectly proportioned and symmetrical. The look is fantastic and the limitless possiblities just make me go nuts.

    5/5 AWESOME!

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