Scariest Games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chronic Fate, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    What are your top 5 scariest game you have ever played and also add each game's most scariest moment.

    • Dead Space
    • Condemned: Condemned Criminal Origins
    • Doom 3
    • Silent Hill
    #1 Chronic Fate, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  2. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    can't say I've played the scariest game, but the one scary game i did get called Doom II or III (not sure) was pretty scary. im probably no help to this thread since i don't play many scary games lol.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, there are some pretty scary games, but the ones I have played:

    The atmosphere in this game is just amazing, from the scenery to the amazing sound effects. The groan of a Big Daddy still makes me shiver at times (that is, if I am not hunting them for ADAM). I still remember one of the earliest parts of the game, where I stepped intoa room and all the lights went out except for one over my head, and I could hear slicers all around me. It got me scared, and very few things do that to me.

    Resident Evil 4
    I've only played RE4 and RE5, but I felt that RE4 was the scariest of the two (for reasons I won't delve into). I never completed it, since it was my friend's, but the time I did spend on had many moments of fear. Again, the scenery to the sound is really what made it, as well as the helplessness you felt at times.

    Doom 3
    It's been a long time, but I remember going to a friends house and spending the night, where we stayed up playing Doom 3. The monsters, were scary, but being lost in the dark is what made it so scary. You were always on the tip of your toes, waiting for something to lunge out of the shadows. Alas, I can't remember much, but I do remember that it had me scared.

    Dead Space
    Regardless of what people say, I loved this game. I was eager for it, and when it came out I rented it making a promise to myself to only play it at night. This game captured all sorts of horror, from jump scares to gore, to just eerie moments. The first level is a great example of that, and continued to have me running scared even on my second playthrough. The lights flicker, blood spashes on the glass, and you begin to run for your life as all hell breaks loose. This game really captured the horror in space, unlike Alien (sorry, I hated that movie).
  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Dead Space and Bioshock. Not much more i can add to what Sweeney said.
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I don't really play scary games because im a big ***** when it comes to playing them...

    The haunted mansion for the dreamcast gave me nightmares for months though... The resident evil game for playstation 1 gave me some scares... thats just about it, i can't take the suspense from the horror genres, its too much for me...

    Why do you think I like Kingdom hearts so much? It has Disney characters... (0_o)
  6. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    I'm with Shihu :x, I can' play scary games. I got scared in Halo CE when you first see the flood on Guilty Spark. I think I was about 7 or 8 though, but still. I tried playing F.E.A.R. At a friends and it just scared the hell out of me. I played through the first level, and seeing random blood, screen flashes and sudden room changes would just freak the **** out of me, I couldn't take it.

    Scariest game I own might be Time Crisis, no it's not a horror game, but there are some creepy aspects to it. On the third level it's all zombies, and just kinda has random ghosts flaming you. Was creepy the first time. :l I'ma puss.
  7. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Condemned: Criminal Origins was an extremely scary game, it brings survival horror and mystery together which normally is a good mix.

    was scary because the amount of Zombies the game will throw at you at once, and gain, mystery adds to the drama. Also, the lack of save points make it so you want to live even more, and adds some "real life" horror. Or frustration. I forget.

    Left 4 Dead created horror with the "can't see ****" aspect, as well as the stranded feeling to the game. Questions pop up like "how did this happen?", "where are we going to go?" and "are we the only ones left?".

    And of course, BioShock and DeadSpace like Sweeny said, I agree with. Those games from the time I started 'till the time I was finished sent chills down my spine.
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    I'm not sure why, but Turok for the N64 used to scare the living **** out of me.

    And Bioshock, for reasons already stated.
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I'm playing Dead Space right now. I shot the legs off one of the enemies and knew there was a save point nearby so I started walking towards it with no fear. Turns out the enemy was playing dead after I shot it, jumped up, and stabbed me in the face. It scared the **** out of me!

    I also hate when one appears in front of you, you shoot it, and as you're reloading you see the claws of another one appear behind you. I literally just said "Oh my ****ing god, turn around!" out loud, lol.
  10. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    I can only say three games that have really been scary to me.

    I can remember one part when you walk into a dentists room and suddenly the room fills with gas or something and you can't see. When the gas eventually fades away, you turn around and a crazy doctor guy is right in your screen and he does freaky crazy laugh. Scared the **** outta me.

    Dead Space
    I remember walking through the game on normal difficulty and thinking it was easy. I then went through it on impossible difficulty thinking I was used to all the tension filled parts. But on harder difficulties the necromorphs 'play dead' and I remember a few times thinking that I was safe because I just killed a few enemy's, walk past thier bodies and have them jump up and scream at you. Had so many pants filling moments on that game.

    Half Life 2
    Well at least I think it's Half Life 2. I remember a level when you have to go to an abandoned town call Ravenholm. That place creeped me out so much. I hated walking down the dark streets when suddenly a face crab jumps out of a dark corner and does that weird growl thing it does. Or there is this house where you walk into a room and suddenly a face crab victim (the people with face crabs on thier face, controlling thier body) falls through a wall, gets up and hobbles towards you... and you have no weapon! That feeling of helplessness was one of the scariest moments i've had on a game.
    #10 Crippled Hobo, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  11. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    believe it or not, Alien Resurrection for the PS1 scared me so bad. Before you even played the game it said, "This game is best played in the dark." all you here are people yelling and gun sounds somewhere on an creepy ship. You always wonder when something is going to happen because you don't know when you will see one because they could be on the ceiling or in vents.
    One time i saved my game, and as soon as i turned around an alien was charging me.
  12. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Half-Life 2:

    I. HATE. RAVENHOLM! I just hate the whole atmosphere. Surrounded by the head Crabs every second AND the Smeagol-Ish Headcrabs we all know and love that make several creepy sudden intro. Oh and i forgot to note that your unarmed until the guy gives you the shotgun, Then turns into a headcrap

    Gears of War

    i played until i beat the Prison Escape. Never Played Again
  13. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I haven't played any of those fail games (JK), but 2 games that had scary moments for me:

    Halo 1: No live.... but in all seriousness, the flood, and halo 3's flood was uglier to look at.

    Fallout 3: The quest Those! had me suprised. I hate giant bugs, and it scared the **** out of me the first fire ant. Still gives me chills when I fight them up close.
  14. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    I definitely agree that level is just plain creepy. The moans and growls and howls that the zombies make are pretty scary. And the fast zombies and poison headcrabs were the worst.

    Also Fallout 3 has some creepy parts. I haven't finished the game yet I only play it occasionally but the Metros are just a scary place to be. And fighting the glowing ghoul so far has been one of my least favorite battles.
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    System Shock 2.

    The rest are all overrated in senses of horror. They all use the same scaring tactics. I believe System Shock 2 was the first to ever come out with the tactics.
  16. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    wow r u serious. I hope not.

    Anyway im gonna have to say deadspace hands down. Id be just walkin through a brightly lit hallway and all of sudden the lights go out and then im being stabbed with 2 or 3 sets of claws. Or when your walking and things are like popping out of the walls trying to get you. Its scary.
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Note that System Shock was a pioneer in the first person genre, offering 3d landscapes and what not. System Shock 2 also marked a point in revolutionizing gaming. So yes, it did get all those scares first because it was out first. I have wanted to play it however, seeing that it is what lead up to Bioshock, its "spiritual" successor.
  18. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Your all gonna laugh at this one... Myst.

    first time i played it i was about eight at my mom's friend's house, and she showed me the game.. i was just you know walking around and stuff and all of a sudden this girl walked in front of me, and then just ran away..

    the creepy part about it was that i hadn't seen a single person on the island since you see the guy get pushed off a cliff at the beginning. it really is scary.
  19. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    @ DuckMan

    Hey, I have Necrophobia, Which means i HATE. Dead stuff.
  20. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    #20 ZANDER1994, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009

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