Yeah no **** xD. Um, well I think it has the same little problems as the first one you gave me, just this one the smudging is a bit more "everywhere".
Ah I see, well keep on giving things tries, always experiment and such, any questions needing answers my PM is open as usual, I'd prefer PM's over VM's. Anyways back to CnCing, anything more guys?
It was requested you needed something to CnC. Of course, I don't know why you can't just go to a thread.
Well I am a very lazy person, and this is actually one of your better pieces in my opinion. It's more original than your usual signature with the C4D just sitting there, and the text in this is quite different that most of your signatures, good colours you got going on there, lighting is good, I like how you added the shadows there on the left, and nice depth, over all pretty good work Frag.
3D Comp CnC Made in Google Sketchup I was wondering how this was composition wise. There are two key things that I didn't get a chance to add in however. On the right you will see a passing subway train behind the pillars and hanging out of the ticket dispenser (coin slot is vertical, ticket dispenser is horizontal) you will see a ticket. I may add a staircase where you see the other exit. This was a ruft model. At the end I will probably include smaller details like trash, lights, signs, etc.
Looks pretty solid so far, I've never really worked with something like this so I couldn't say what to add on, but please update when you get more detail into it.
I like the first one better. But, I'm not a big fan of the white, and I personaly liked the smudgy style better. The texture on this one seems wierd and the render isn't blended as well. The text could also use some work. Maybe try a gradient map to help it blend a little more.
Looks great man, when I showed you the stock I meant that I was going to try something with it, but looks like it worked out for both of us, I will finish mine later, I actually havn't even started... For CnC: Nice effects, really works with the stock, maybe move the text closer and tone the white down to a greyish colour or somethin like that.
A little better, but the way the color ends at near the top of the smudgy like stuff looks odd. The text needs to be repositioned closer to the body/shoulders of the person. However, I like this version better just fix the top of the smudgy stuff and it will look pretty good. I still don't like the white though.
ok here is my new try at a sig. i rencently saw the new transformers and i was like o that seems like a good idea for a new sig lol o and i use gimp