Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen TF:2 was a mixed bag for me. One part of me is like wow this is a good movie, funny has great action, and the other half says, this movie had waay to many funny parts and crackin jokes. There is so much comic relief in this movie that it makes me feel like it isnt truly a hardcore Transformers movie. But I liked all the jokes and hilarious scenes. Such as Sams mother eating weed brownies. This movie gets away with alot of cursing and genital jokes for being PG-13 but hey im not complaining. Megan Fox was super hot in this movie. All MB seemed to focus on her was her ass and ****, but again not complaining. There are some great fight sequences,the forest and final desert ones to name the best of the few. Ofcourse since its a Michael Nay film there is plenty of explosions and stuff blowing up. I thought the main story was completely unmemorable and crap. They take the "alien relic, lets all fight for it" story from the first one and planted it in this movie as well. I look back on the movie and that quote is all i remember of the story. In the end I felt the comedic parts of the movie almost outweighed the true transformers meat of the movie which is why i have mixed feelings for the movie. Id reccomend everyone see this movie PS:Toaster Decepticon FTW-pay close attention in the beggining