Sandheart Manor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by iTz Fuzzywig, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Showyourface

    Showyourface Ancient
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    Wow you did so much geomerging in the sand, you are an awesome forger. the only problem I have is it's really really crowded and it kinda hurts my head to play. I think you have some really good skills, but you need to make bigger rooms I think.
  2. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    The first few times you play it feels like a massive maze. But it is actually quite smaller than it appears.
    And the bedroom is REALLY hard to find.
    I think you should remove the active camo, it makes it too hard to defend.
    You should also think about making an asymmetric assault and flag variant.
  3. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Well of course it would appear like a maze the first time you play it- the map is complex and large- but really the map is very straight forward and is vesry easy to navigate once you know where to go- and also, the active camo is a very important part of tis map because without it, defeending becomes too hard and you need tha to get people out of the tight corners and crnnies so I would much rather have a map that is too hard to defend than impossible for the zombies to win. At least you have a chllenge =] And as for the bed room, it isnt hard to find if you know where to look for it =]
  4. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    I'd like to start off with giving you a good effort towards this map. The forging looks pretty good but there seems to be a lot of hype over this map based purely on the forging. It looks good but it seems that no one has noticed that unless there is low gravity for zombies there is only 2 entrances, both of which lead to the same doorway. On the other side of said doorway is a infitnite respawn flame grenade along with various other items. The only other two entrances are about halfway up the manor on the left side that lead into the largest room that contains, among other things, a 4 shot 30 second respawn rocket launcher. Aside from that it appears that all your weapons were just spawned and dropped with the origional spawn times. I can only take from just my simple forge through that this map would not be any fun at all to be a zombie on. Maybe you should stop complaining that you map isn't featured with 5 stars because you forged it nice and take a deeper look into the details of your map.
    #64 Ell3ment, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  5. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Finally!!! A heckler!!! All that I ever wanted for this post so I could crush them and grind them into the sand and dirt until they beg for mercy from their mommies!! BWAHAHAHA =] Anyways, *ahem* lets just start out with the first jackassish thing you said of "The forging looks pretty good but there seems to be a lot of hype over this map based purely on the forging" Ok- let us just take this apart piece by piece- the forging on this map is not "pretty good" I worked my ass off so that this map would be perfect and that as far as I can see, I have not seen geomerging that can match the geomerging I did on this except perhaps Utah Mambo by Cosmic Rick. Lets call a Spade a Spade here and say that the forging is pretty much to perfection or else I would have not uploaded it to forgehub and shown it to the general public.
    Ok- now for the second jackassish thing you said 8D, I think it goes a little something like "no one has noticed that unless there is low gravity for zombies there is only 2 entrances, both of which lead to the same doorway. On the other side of said doorway is a infitnite respawn flame grenade along with various other items. The only other two entrances are about halfway up the manor on the left side that lead into the largest room that contains, among other things, a 4 shot 30 second respawn rocket launcher."
    This is all well and good to say this stuff but it seems to me that you are just complaining about the gametype used on the map instead of the map itself... if you wish to be an idiot and play a game where the zombies have 200% gravity and have 10% damage resistance and walk uber slow then go right ahead because I have tested this map with pretty much every other game version from the pre-made "Infection" made by Bungie to the much hated by me version of Fat Kid.
    I have already explained to people that not every gometype will work on this map and if you want to whine and complain about it, go and change the gametype or DONT PLAY THE MAP. Also, as for the entrances, the zombies would have to be retarded (excuse me using retard- we all know we have to be politically correct these days!!) for the scenario that you portrayed to actually happen, you can get into all the entrances in the manor even if you zombie cant jump because the side of the sand dune is climbable and you can simply jump down right into the entrance halfway up the map. The front entrance does have infinate spawn nades but guess what- there is something called active camo located on the side of the main zombie spawning building that can really help in that problem. you simply acquire this lovely item and when the evil camper with the flame nades doesnt see you go through the main entrance, you can go and slice him!!! Or, even more intelligent, go halfway up the map and simply flank him by using the turret entrance and go down from the hallway up and slice him in the back. As for the rocket launcher, unless my memory is failing me ( which it could possibly be) I believe you added the 30 second respawn on the rockets for dramtic effect to help fortify your argument that my map is bad and that a matter of fact that the rockets respawn in 90 seconds, not your prementioned 30 seconds.
    He doesnt stop there ladies and gentlemen!!! I think he wants more attention!!! He says, and I quote "Aside from that it appears that all your weapons were just spawned and dropped with the origional spawn times. I can only take from just my simple forge through that this map would not be any fun at all to be a zombie on." I will admit, most of my items do have the original spawn times on them but since when was this a problem, I have played this map over 150 times on infection (I'm not kidding) and never once have I heard a single person say "The weapons spawn too fast!!!" I think you are just running out of things to complain about and are just grabbing at straws on this one, for all the testing Ive done on tis map, I see no validity of this complaint and that none of the spawn times of my items effect the gameplay in an adverse kind of way.
    "just my simple forge through that this map would not be any fun at all to be a zombie on" This quote right here really gets me angry because now you are just making blind assumptions that everybody else in Halo is either as stupid as you as to rush the front entrance if they well know someone is camping it or stupid enough to put a gametype that doesnt work with the map. I myself view being the zombie an incredibly fun part of this map and I have never seen a problem with the gameplay that would effect my pleasure in playing this map. I would actually rather be a zombie on this map rather than human because I find it so fun.
    Lastly, "Maybe you should stop complaining that you map isn't featured with 5 stars because you forged it nice and take a deeper look into the details of your map."Perhaps you should play the map with infection instead of just bitching (pardon my french) about things and you would see that nearly EVERY complaint you have said has no hold on the gameplay of the map except in that single idiotic game you are playing out in your head where the zombies are played by retards that cant adapt to the maps changing terrain of gamplay and the humans that are all MLG Pros that cannot make an error in judgement and could never possibly be killed!!!
    Perhaps you should do more than just a "simple forgethrough" and actually play the map and you would not have to complain about aspects of a map that dont matter to gameplay because you have nothing else to say bad about the map because you cant think of things- I always appreciate criticism to my maps so that I can make my maps better but perhaps next time, you should state your post in a way that doesnt make you sound like a guy that is complaining about a map because he is bored and wants to make himself look like an idiot =].

    Thank you much for your time.
  6. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    I entered a custom game a while back and you were there. You may remember me 'T4K Shadow', it was on the foundry mansion you made. Anyway, I downloaded all your maps off your file share and this was by far the best of the lot. I was like "Holy Crap! That looks awesome!", the geo-merging is truly amazing, It must have taken absolutely ages. It's so complex aswell, so many rooms. I'll try and play some infection on it sometime. 5/5
  7. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Yeah- as a matter of fact I think I do remember you- but idk- I think all of my maps have equal amazingness in my heart =]
  8. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Fixed. Perhaps next time you should take the time gather yourself and propose your defense against criticism in a polite manner..

    I said your forging was "pretty good" not terrible, nobody said you didn't spend a lot of time and effort making this. The reason it is "pretty good" is that there are aspects that could have been forged deeper into the dunes to clean up some rough edges.

    I'll admit i am wrong on the ability to get into your building, i neglected to realize you have to scale the entire building to drop onto the ledges containing entrances two and three. As far as the instant spawn flame granade, it doesn't take someone MLG pro to spam fire grenades at a doorway while your fellow human with full shotgun ammo watches the other hallway behind you. Even if they have invisibility they would have to flank you or die to spam flame nades. Aswell as i redownloaded your map, twice, to make sure that the rockets are set to what i supposidly " added for dramtic effect to help fortify my argument that your map is bad" and in fact they ARE set to four shots at a 30 second respawn timer.

    Mostly when i said your weapons were spawn and dropped i was talking about your rockets, it's mostly forgers choice when it comes to weapons but balancing your map is key. It just seemed to me that there were a whole lot of weapons that respawned quicky with plenty of ammo, leaving any good shotgun user with all the ammo his heart would desire.

    I will admit that i only did a forge through, but I bet that more than a few who had positive comments on your post didn't more than look at your pictures and give a good review to get there post count up. At least when I reply you can guarentee that I at least gave it a download and took the time to look at it.

    Sorry but after my forge through and your astoundingly rude reply to my post i can guarantee you'll never see this map in any party I'm in.
    #68 Ell3ment, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2009
  9. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Well good day good sir, dont let the door hit you on the way out.
  10. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I like the map,it looks gourgous,but plays like trash. I would take the time to make a long,detailed post,but it would be just like ellement's post. While the geo-merging is good for sandbox,I dont think its perfect. And your weapons are trash,you are giving the humans way to many grenades,and power wapons. the zombies ant going to do anything at long range,so they mus get close,and the humans have shotguns and,as mentioned bt ellement, a 30 sec respawn RL. im not going to go to far in depth,but overall think this really belongs in aesthetics maps,because it looks good,but doesnt play well at all.
  11. Black Mesa

    Black Mesa Ancient
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    Do you think you are going to improve unto it and make a v2??
    FYI: Whats with the outright attack on ellement?? By posting it here, you're asking for people's opinions, he gave his and you essentially said that his opinion is wrong and he is stupid for saying it.. opinion = opinion
  12. Kitten Stomp

    Kitten Stomp Ancient
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    This is probably one of the best, scratch that THE best house i have ever seen that is on the ground floor of Sand Box! I love the bar comment, classic! The house has plenty of rooms. I also love what you did with such a small area to do it in. Once again this map is awesome!
  13. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    This is, IMO the best use and demonstration of interlocking and geomerging to date. 5/5 in all aspects. In a beautfully forged map with a great layout and cool design. There are quite a few rooms that each have their own unique quality. Well done, i am amazed.
  14. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    The entire game does not depend on the map. Take advantage of the GameType. Make the zombies stronger, then remove the camo.
    Or at least put radars on 10 meters and keep the camo.

    because it is disappointing when you die with no warning.
  15. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I have never seen such a pompous and insulting response to criticism. You've gotten loads of positive feedback on this map. For you to go off on one person that politely stated his opinion about gameplay issues with your map is hostile and bizarre. Every single person is not going to love everything you do. We all have different visions of what makes a map good. Your endless slew of name calling just made you look really insecure.

    I think the map looks amazing and clearly took some serious forging effort to complete. The gameplay did not work for me though on the several games we tried. While the geomerging is very impressive throughout the manor, the confusing and very cramped interior left me frustrated. You have to remember that you built the map, of course you know exactly how to navigate everywhere and also exactly where everything is. For someone downloading this you must realize that there is a very long learning curve before they can enjoy this map. Even after studying all of the tunnels and routes throughout, because it is so tight and hard to move around inside, I just couldn't get into it. This is a great idea for a map that could be greatly improved upon if you were able to listen to any form of criticism at all.

    Really bad form on attacking Ell3ment. He did not heckle at all. You did.
    #75 makisupa007, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  16. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    I'm sorry to whoever was offended by my counter to his post but whats done is done and I don't regret saying a single thing in that post so lets just move on and hopefully I will try to be less "Pompous" next time =]
  17. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    FuzzyWig, stop bumping your map. Seriously, every time I check the casual maps thread, Yours is on the first page and the last reply was from you. Almost every second post is by you. This map would probably have a 5 star rating if you didnt do that, and didnt chew people up for criticism. The fact that you don't even regret it speaks volumns about your personality. You're a good forger, and this is an awesome map, but your attitude stinks. Learn how to take criticism and stop being so sensitive about your map. I realize that this is probably your "baby" and you've spent many hours on it and you want people to love it as you do, but now it's up to the community to decide. So please stop bumping your map. I'm sure it'll do fine on it's own, just look at the great feedback you're getting. I don't know what more you can expect.

    Oh, and please don't call your map amazing, and state that it has the best geomerging ever. One should never say that about their own work, it shows what a conceited prick they are in real life. Let the community decide, as it's their opinion that counts. You're only hurting yourself with your behaviour....
  18. E.R.SLiM

    E.R.SLiM Ancient
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    this is one of the best geomerged maps i have ever seen. ill dl fo sho. i dont know how well this will play out tho, but ill give it a try.
  19. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
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    well usually i just stay in the race map forum but i do like infection maps so i thought id look in here and wow this map is incredible mainly i like how you used the dunes to make an amazing map all the geomerging is cool to my xbox is broke right now had to send to microsoft but when it comes back ill be sure to DL the map awesome job dude
  20. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    This map has a nice size and plenty of places to shoot from and hide in.

    The Geo-merging is also very impressive great map fuzz.

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