DeathToll77's ATTACK OF THE ANTS! TGIF Recap

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by DeathToll77, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    The return of my TGIF after having a broken xbox and halo disk was truly epic. But this time there were some unwelcome d guests, that attacked, THE ATTACK OF THE ANTS!! We all had a great time and eventually overcame the ants using vacuum. Addy got and overkill with the Vacuum.


    Adelyss: The Ant Vitum-"Hey Addy" "DeathToll did you get a mic?"

    DeathToll77: The One Man Carpet Bomb- "KYRO! Say it right noob!

    Cheespuffs:The Guy who will prove you wrong- "I will prove you wrong!"

    Gibbar: NO NICKNAME!!!- "What part of no nickname don't you understand?"

    Amercan Pycho: Ant Overlord- "MULLLGG PRRROOOO"

    Phreakie: The President of Awesome- "Wait we're going to play Asians?" (No phreakie we're playing Agents)

    Awkward Silence: Headshot Honcho- "I'm not really a man."

    The Cheat- Megan Fox- "I'm so hot I don't need talent"

    Speed e Cake- The Cake "Wow very original"

    So we started the night out with some MULG Pro it was the Heroes vs the Ants. The ants are blue, the good guys are red.

    The ants started off strong beating us senseless around every corner.

    and again

    and again

    "It takes 2 of us to kill one of them!! The math is against us!"

    With the ants winning 1-0 we figured, if you can't beat them, piss them off.
    Jump off of narrows for the hide spot

    Since their flag must be at home to score, they won't be scoring for a while.

    Eventually the whole team joined in(See the tags)

    [​IMG]In the end, they all co-ordinated against us and killed us, the ants won this round. "Those dirty blues!!"

    *Fast Forward* To Battle snipes where where both the ants and the heroes were split up due to a sun spot. o_O Yeah that's right

    Off to a great start!

    Or not, those dirty ants!

    This is actually a scene straight out of Die Hard.

    You noob you should have gotten a killtrocity

    The interstate commerce combat

    Either they hate each other or they love each other.

    Going backward will surely thrown them off.


    The Ant Victim overcame the evil ants!

    *Fast forward to wishbone*

    Wishbone was fun, the damn ants could not triumph over the sheer might of home court advantage.

    The ants were sneaky however, the used diabolical tactics....

    The ants were ruthless and beat us as soon as we came into combat

    Addy found the vacuum and sucked up all the ants TRIPLE KILL!!

    DeathToll: YES A NEEDLER!!


    The ants with their super strength climbed onto vehicles and ruthlessly jacked them.

    You can only imagine what happened here.

    We moved on to Foothills where the ants evolved into ruthless ODSA. Orbital Drop Shock Ants!

    Dropping in alone, not a good idea.

    Ants have evolved to use the machines

    Addy and DeathToll sandwich an ant.


    That's more like it!

    The ants evolved even more and turned into super shooting chomp machines, called choppers.

    And ant in stealth mode.

    Just after we lost to the ants in ODSA, we tried to call in reinforcements, but the phone was on hold. Just when you thought they couldn't evolve anymore, the turn into final form!!






    We lost to the ants, but we celebrated with the epic human pyramid.
    #1 DeathToll77, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2009
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    What's the map/gametype of the last game?
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Phone is on Hold, I believe this is the one you want. It's pretty good if you have a lot of people.
    #3 Rifte, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  4. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That human pyramid turned out really well. I realized it was the only shot I'm in though...
    (Damn ants!)

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