I care about the NK. They want to **** me up. If somebody spray paints "I'm going to kill you" on your door, do you just shrug it off and say "I don't care about them"? Sure the UN has it all under control. But what does the UN basically consist of nowadays? Oh yeah us. Don't tell me other countries really give a **** if America is nuked. They don't, and I truly believe if it happens, they'd just ***** out like they do time after time to us and tell us it's our problem, not there's.
I agree with u to a certaint extent. However, not all of the countries will shrug. They will give a certain extent of help that doesn't put them in major danger. If the US falls, most of the world will fall economically and will be unbalanced.
If you can give me a good reason for this similar example, I'll accept North Korea being likely too attack the U.S. Vladimir has 10, 000 tanks, and you have 10. Why on Earth would you start a war?
Terrorists do it all the time. They attack us knowing they can't win, just to **** us up. Terrorists are unstable, crazy, suicidal people. The UK is VERY comparable to that. What seems logical to us, doesn't matter to them.
Terrorists are people who believe in their cause to fight for it. They aren't suicidal, crazy or unstable by nature. And most western nations would help if N. Korea actually nuked someone. It'd be an easy war too since nobody would want to help N. Korea.
Well that's perhaps the most narrow view I've seen all day. Ya, who will care about America, it's number one customer? The Saudi's don't care, because we aren't providing them many benefits for discounted oil. China won't care, because we don't manufacture goods in their country. Japan won't care, because they are only so far away from North Korea. Nobody will care if an entire country and world power is destroyed from a rogue nation. Sucks to be us, America, Land of the Nobodies.
Well then what to you want me to call them? Religiously unstable? If you believe in some ****ing mythical creature that tells you to kill people because they aren't like you, you aren't crazy? In my opinion 99% of the world has a little bit of that craziness in them. It's just that these people are extremists. Don't put them out to be "fighting for a cause". They want to kill us because we don't believe what they believe; and thus, we are the enemy. It's a Jihad. If that's a "cause" then god help us. They are suicidal. The definition of suicidal is someone who wouldn't think twice about killing themselves. They wouldn't. They believe when they blow themselves up to try to hurt us, that they are going to be rewarded and sent to some magical place with a bunch of virgins that they can **** or something else depending on their beliefs. Sure we'd receive help, but I AM NOT putting my ass in ANY of their hands. I don't feel I could really count on them. It's happened before. Look at the Greeks and Romans. They collapsed, even when the world undoubtedly NEEDED them and would be better off with them. People are less willing to help if it puts themselves at an inconvenience, even if later down the road it's going to bite themselves in the ass. How come so many people are still NOT going green? It puts themselves at an inconvenience. I don't trust other countries, and I don't feel America has a shoulder big enough to rest on because we ARE the shoulder.
Someone get this foreigner out of here. How are terrorists not suicidal? Look up the definition terrorists. Many don't have a cause. Killing yourself to kill any number of people is still suicidal no matter if it has a purpose. I think this kid likes terrorists.Trust me, there are a few that would want to help North Korea.
Ok. Go ahead. See how far u get with that. U can't destroy religion. If u try it will only strengthen. This is seen from the French Revolution. We are talking about North Korea here. Stay on topic.
MUHAHAHAHA I'M AN ATHEIST! I WANT TO DESTROY YOUR BELIEFS! Naw man. I'm just kidding. I speak for most if not all Atheists when I say, we're not like that at all. Sometimes people need something to believe in. The idea of God is actually ingenious. It gives people hope. I respect that. I think the worst thing you could ever do to someone is destroy their faith in him. The smartest man on the planet earth concludes his book on the big bang with a statement of his belief in god.
More ignorance. Did you know that the American Revolution can be seen as an act of terrorism? We commited acts of defiance against a higher authority in order to make our voices heard. Sure, the Boston Teaparty seems mild in comparrison to 911, but the fact of the matter is we acted out to be heard. Now I'm not saying that the Taliban are fighting for a good cause, I'm just pointing out that terrorism exists in more forms than you appear to be aware of. The definition of Terrorism is inflicting terror to get a message across. You don't have to be suicidal to inflict terror. You don't have to be a "towel head" to inflict terror. All you need is a cause to fight for. The only thing you said right was that "they're extremists", which is true. Terrorism is basically using extreme means to get a message across. And stop making America sound like it's the only victim here. You far right politcal types really piss me off. Terrorist attacks happen all over the world, not just in America. And for the record, many terrorists groups do not judge the "people" as the enemy, they just view them as necessary casualties of war. So are our troops suicidal? Fighting in Iraq with the risk of death but not turning back? Because I already said not all terrorists are like the Taliban, they don't all go killing themselves. So if you even try and use the argument that they are "dieing while fighting, which might as well be suicide" then the same could be said about Vietnam for example. Honestly, you sound like a 80 year old war-vet with a double barrel in hand thinking that the group of kids across the street are planning to do you harm. Your ignorance is higher than a genius's IQ. It's idiots like you that I fear that America will fail, because it's people like you who will be leading our country one day. It's idiots like you who want us to just attack North Korea already, and take down the Iranian government. It's people like you who support Iraq, Vietnam, and every other war we fought in a country we didn't belong in. You think America should rule the world, though you'll never blatantly say that. You just think we should rely on ourselves, **** other countries because they aren't us, and do what we please for our own safety. Do you know how the Greeks and Romans fell? Their actions led to their own destruction. They got greedy, they got cocky, they put too much on their plate; thus they fell. You sir, are the gum on the bottom of my shoe. No matter what I do, whether I scrape you off with a stick or wash you in the sink, you're still there.
Whoa dude. Pause. Sweeny, I actually like you. Just because we have different beliefs doesn't mean I want to be your enemy or something. Look I'm sorry. I am definitely not who you think I am. Let's just drop it. So, friends? I'm sorry man.
He is right about terrorism. And I am sure everyone knows it happens everywhere. But that is not what I care about. I care about our sake, and America does care about a few others such as Britain and Canada( WW1 + 2)
Kim Dong Il, while being a crazy batshit motherfucker, is not stupid. He might be able to nuke one city, and then we can basically just declare war on them. We have the moral imperative to do so. And they'd be ****ed. SK would be on our side to, being that they want to reclaim Korea into a single nation. China is a little eh, because they're actually technically allies, but I'm pretty sure they'd understand that the NK were the ones that attacked us practically unprovoked. Like Dreaddraco said, why on earth would you want to start a war?
All I think is that the leader of North Korea is a nut job. Another war would be devastating, and it seems like that is what he wants.