Sandbox The Gravitator

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Sarge525, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    The Gravitator
    Avoid... Everything!

    This map has been designed to support any party size of your choosing, and is based on a simple concept... Don't die. A lot of you may have played an earlier build of this in Vicious Vice's TGIFs, so if so here is the new improved version. The map is a large chamber with a high ceiling. Above you awaits killballs, below death barrier, and everywhere in between the possibility of getting splattered; quite the vacation spot if I do say so myself. Simply put: If you're human, try not to die; and if you're a zombie, throw your gravlifts to destroy the human scourge!

    Throw these at them...


    ...then this will happen


    Wow! It breaks when I shoot it!


    Other then the previous mention of the large, high-ceilinged chamber; there are two other sections to the map. These are the zombie slots; on either side of the chamber a zombie will spawn in a room with a slit to throw gravity lifts through. He has the ability to break the grav lifts by shooting them if he fails at throwing one, but can not shoot out past the slot (due to the shield doors).

    Looking Down


    Looking Up


    Zombie Slot


    The Ever Changing Floor Space




    Outside Overview Picture

    The many ways of death...

    From Above


    From Below




    Multiple strategies can be implemented by either side (human or zombie) to better their performance.

    Human Strategies

    1. Staying low - This maintains a better footing and makes you less prone to splattering, as you can't pick up much speed this far down; however, this also keeps you close to the death zone, inches from death.
    2. Corner camping - Sitting in the corners (a popular strategy) is a good idea to buy time early in the game; due to the difficulty of placing a gravlift in these locations. Yet again though, there is a downside... if a gravlift were to land here you become trapped on a death ride to the killball. (Note - zombies have a way to easily prevent this strategy)
    3. Grav lift surfing - Since these little beauties are less inclined to hurt you, they make for a good cushion on a hard landing. But get going to fast and you'll pass right through them to your death.

    Rock'em Sock'em


    Zombie Strategies

    1. X and Y - If you press Y after throwing an equipment you will instantly pic up another nearby equipment. This allows one to throw grav lifts very fast. However, do this to fast and one will get stuck in your inventory and be unable to throw.
    2. Melee - Punch those who dare taunt you at your window.
    3. Using the walls - If you hit a wall with a grav lift, it will subsequently fall straight down from that point (useful to get people out of your sides' corners)

    Bye Now!


    Please Download, Rate, and Comment
    <|> Map Variant <|> Game Variant <|>
    #1 Sarge525, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty good concept and is pretty well forged. Though I am not saying you copied it but it looks kind of like rocket ship or whatever it is called. But this is an entirely new infection concept. Keep the ideas flowing.
  3. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Figured I would get this comment... But yeah my map was built and finished before his. This is an updated version because I didn't want to publish the old one; as it's forging was sub par. And "Blast Off!" was still being worked on at the time mine was already being played in Vicious Vice's TGIFs, so technically; he copied me. Though we both came up with the ideas seperately with out ever knowing of the others work.
  4. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Your thinking of Blast-Off Zombiecow. Similar concept, totally different game. But anyway the map looks like a lot of fun, but doesn't seem like it'd be a long game. Is there a time limit?
  5. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    nice work. i like the concept and it seems like it'll have good gameplay.
    i use the broken collumb things as elevators on some maps.
  6. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Originality 3/5 (Okay, the second pic is probably what got me On about Blast Off vs. Gravitator. I Take Back what i said, Good Work)

    Asthetics 4/5 (Nice Interlocking)

    I just realized that the objective is not to gain hill points, But to stay alive while the zombie throws gravlifts down to drag you to Killballs

    sorry about the Confusion.

    Good Work Dude

    But i'm still sticking with blast off, No Hard Feelings, 'Kay? ;)
    #6 GR4V3mind117, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  7. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    he said earlier that he made his before Blast-off! Blast-off was being made while this map was being played! this is just an updated version.
  8. tR Siickness

    tR Siickness Ancient
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    Wow, Greatjedi, have you read any of the posts in the thread?

    Anyway, this looks like a lot of fun. I'm going to download this and play tonight. I love the idea of this map. GJ
  9. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    your an idiot honestly did you read what he said about this being an updated version of a map that was map before blast off and the fact that this is a totally different concept, and the fact that it has to be a box of a certain size to work right if it was a circle you think it would work? (the noobs they let on the internet these days)

    as for the map it looks really great has a good concept and looks like awesome gameplay 5/5
  10. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Its kids like you that ruin the community, if you were literate you would know that Blast off was made AFTER this map. However, they said they had never seen each others maps before they were posted, so they did not steal ideas from one another. Also, if you ever actually played Blast off you would know its a TKoTH gametype, and this is FFA.
    So just shut up if you have no clue about what you are talking about.
  11. deadlyshotz247

    deadlyshotz247 Ancient
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    so technically he didn't in defense of the other creator
  12. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    Hmmm, this looks like LOTS of fun! I should DL this later and try this out with my friends. Although to spice it up a little don't you think you should maybe put some other movable objects in there? Just to make it a little more interesting... Idk just a suggestion.

    Overall this game looks great! You have my DL
  13. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Yes there is a two minute time limit... kind of forgot that for the post, but it is irrelevant. Oh and since this is evidently becoming a little bit of an annoyance... here is a reply to my post on Blast Off! by Ellement

  14. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    He DID NOT rip off Blast Off! Play the map before you make such accusations. Seriously. In blast off, two teams go head to head and try to float to the hill in the top. In this one, the goal is to merely stay alive. You don't WANT to ride them. You don't want to fall off either. You just want to try to stay on the level floor. And you know what, aesthetics are pointless in this map, but everything is still nicely interlocked.

    Anyways, this is a great twist on the broken column glitch. I love it. Definite DL here.
    #14 AgileDan92, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  15. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Interesting concept, it's a bit like blast off, but you don't want to stay low or you fall, and you don't want to get too high or you get fried while trying to evade a zombie from hitting you. It's very original, I must say. You have my download, this looks like a lot of fun and it seems like something that will piss me off but I'll soon get addicted to it.

    I'll give a full review later after I play test a bit.

    Okay, so after play testing for a bit, the gameplay is very addictive, but there's too many places to camp. I suggest that instead of a square, the map be changed into a circle. Also, I sometimes lose all of my grav lifts for some reason, and then I'm rendered useless and can't do anything. Also, sometimes when I throw my grav lift onto a block, either nothing will happen, or the blocks get stuck. And most of the times the zombie can't even score, because it will usually count as 'fell to your death'. Other than that, this map is great, it's very fun and original, and of course it's hard to make a map like this perfect, so overall I'll give you a 4/5.
    #15 Rifte, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  16. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Sarge525 is correct, his map was finished before mine and neither of our works were influenced by the other. Gravitator is an origional version of itself just like Blast Off!! and it has it own completely different strategies/gameplay.

    Please for those wishing to compare it to my map stop.

    Anyway good work sarge, i like the reforge on the update, it definately looks a lot smoother and larger than before. In fact i think I am going to download it right now and get some games going!

  17. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    Its like anti-blast. Your goal is to not only fall but also not go to high. I like it and the forge work looks nice. Looking good! I'll DL.


    However, you could have made the map larger.
  18. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    How many people were you playing with? I assume only two? The grav lifts is caused by them force spawning in the other box, but if both sides are throwing it never happens. And the camping can be prevented if you use the suggested strategies for zombies. And while I would of loved to make it a circle... It's just not possible (if I want to maintain a smooth floor), because broken columns are rectangles. None the less I can see your reasoning in some cases, so thanks for the comment, rate, and download.

  19. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Ive downloaded and I feel that,although its a great minigame,It can be improved in many ways.

    I like the origanality of this map,as I dont think that this has ben done before. This map is very well constucted,even though there isnt much map,every part of the map you made is clean,and looking through the shoot,there isnt an item out of place.

    Although you have made a very nice map, think it still can be made better.
    1: if you were to make the map larger,say,two rows wider,and another zombie slot oposite of the current one. (if there is more items)

    2: Give the humans an item to fight back,Idont know what,but its almost impossible to survive the whole time.

    3: lower the killball,low enough where you run into it occasionaly,but high enough where you dont run into it eery time.

    Overall I like the game and it will be on my HD for a while.
  20. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I respectfully disagree on all three counts. There already IS another slot opposite the first one. The humans arent SUPPOSED to be able to fight back. And every time I've played so far (with six people in the game mind you) someone has hit the kill ball almost every round, so I dont think they need lowered.

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