Final Day

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Hybrid Soldier, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Ancient
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    -F I N A L D A Y-
    Download Map: Final Day
    Download Gametype: Final Life
    Author's: H4BR1D 50LD13R
    Gametype(s): INFECTION
    Player's: 10-16
    Story: All player's spawn in the main room. Their objective....survive the night! (30:00min) As you defend the outpost, defferent rooms will become available. when the game first starts, you only have two rooms to defend,-Spawn room, and Main room. After 30 seconds, the hallway becomes availble. 60 seconds, the 3rd and 2nd rooms become availble. 90 seconds, the 2nd floor becomes avilble. (if the stone is stiil in the path, just push it!)
    Origin: When i first began creating this map, i was thinking of creating a map from Call of Duty: World at War. The map took me a total of two months to build. I have not testedit yet, but a lot of my freinds think, that this is a fun map.
    Overveiw: This is the entire compound. The entire map is located in the center of "Sandbox".
    Main Room: This the main room. This is one of the first rooms you need to guard! Very easy to defend. After 30 seconds the "Hallway" opens.
    Hallway: This is the hallway, the 3rd area that you defend. it becomes availble after 30 seconds. The hallway has Smg's located on the right.

    Third Area: These are the next two rooms that become availble after 60 seconds. These rooms are the same as the first two. easy to defend and simple.
    Impossible room: This room is nicknamed "Imposible", because of the many ways the infected can get in.
    Final Room: This is the final room to defend, easy and complex, if your the gunner then watch your head.

    well thats it download and enjoy!
    #1 Hybrid Soldier, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  2. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    OMG 30 minutes, that is an amazingly large time limit. The map looks very good but why would someone want to leave the beginning rooms?
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I cannot read your text. No need to make the colors fancy, just make it legible. Other people use other site themes, and it messes up the coloring scheme.
  4. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Like the other guy said 30 minutes is WY to long and i would suggest making it just i suppose 15 minutes along with 1 round. Anyways, im guessing you were aiming for a natzi zombie kind of map? I suggest taking camo off and i also suggest making a little cover outside for the zombies. Pretty neat forging by the way, good job.
  5. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments. I really just threw the gametype together. if you want you can change the time limit. my freinds wanted me to keep the limit at 30 cuz they loved the thrill. Thanks for the post!

    Also can anyone tell me how to put up the rater?

    The reason why is as time passes it becomes harder to cover.
    #5 Hybrid Soldier, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    To me, this would seem to indicate that you have zombies way too weak. There is no way an infection game should last 30 minutes... let alone 10 minutes. Nobody wants to be infected that long.

    The rater is there if you look. It just requires some people to rate the thread before it actually shows the rating in the forum.
  7. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Ancient
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    Actually i have thim with normal health. it is thrilling, because their is always a zombie trying to sneak up behind you. most times you will find people up against a wall cuz they're scared. Also, don't rate a map because of the gametype. you create your own gametype to the map, you do not have to use the one gave to you!
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    1.) I don't see anywhere in my post anything stating any rating whatsoever... and you most likely never will.
    2.) Don't tell me how to rate. I'll rate how I see fit, if I even bother rating.
    3.) To me, a map and it's gametype go hand in hand. What good is a jump map where you can't jump? A game is a combination of the map and game type. Settings make or break a map and game type. Skycastle with one hit kill zombies is for pussies. Give the zombies some shielding and then it becomes a game.
    4.) Don't get all bent out of shape over ratings. People can rate poorly for many reasons like not liking the person, how you judged their map, or because you tell them how they should vote. If it were up to me, everyone that cries about their map rating gets 1 star.
  9. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Ancient
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    O.k. for one, i don't care what my map get's as a rating, for two i was not crying about my map having a low rating. for three, i did not say anything about your rating. 4, for every map i download off this site, i never download the gametype. i first check the map the make a gametype that go's along with it. and also if a "jump map" does not come with a "jump" gametype then make one. So what ever you say i do not care!

    And good job on HOTH one of my favourite maps!
    #9 Hybrid Soldier, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  10. Formaldahyde

    Formaldahyde Ancient
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    This looks pretty damn good. Really well made and I like the idea of a long game because it would make you be more on edge throughout the game.
    Will DL and update!
  11. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Ancient
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    I just want to inform everyone, the 2nd door that opens, sometimes glitches, so if you do DL go into forge and make sure the damaged columns are not instant respawn. (most times as soon as the door opens, a new damaged column spawns and replaces the other so it gets stuck.)

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