Sandbox Lumumba District

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cory21, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Can't wait until September 22? Can't wait to play Halo 3: ODST? Want to experience New Mombasa as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper? Unfortunately, your still gonna have to wait until September, but I have made the next best thing:

    Your probably wondering "What is Lumumba District?". If you haven't read Ascendant justice's blog about New Mombasa and Halo 3: ODST you probably should (after you read this post first). It talks about the possible location where the Rookie crash lands and regains consciousness. Lumumba District is based on this and is a great game to play until Halo 3:ODST comes out.

    Lumumba District has many features that set it apart from other maps. Before I show pictures of the map itself, I'll explain how the game works. There are 3 different gametypes that play with Lumumba District: ODST slayer, ODST Escort, and ODST Infection.


    In Lumumba District, each side plays as either an ODST or the Covenant. ODSTs start out with an Sub machine Gun and a Magnum. ODSTs have 200% damage resistance so they can take quite a beating before they fall. however, since they aren't Spartans in MJOLNIR armor, their shields don't regenerate unless they pick up a Health pack (explained below). They have a wide variety of weapons to choose from on the battle field ranging from Battle Rifles to Sniper Rifles to Flamethrowers. When an ODST has low shields, he should quickly take cover and try to find a health Pack immediately or suffer death (and then respawn). This makes teamwork crucial to survive in Lumumba District. Its a necessity to stay in groups and call out any Covenant soldiers that could potentially kill an ODST.

    The Covenant play a little differently than ODSTs. They do have regenerating shields, but they also have 100% damage resistance, so an ODST will almost always win in a 1v1. This makes teamwork also vital so so you can outnumber the ODSTs and pick them off one by one. Covenant soldiers also have a unique spawning system, that lets them choose a class before heading off into battle. The Covenant can only pick up weapons the first 15 seconds after they spawn. This gives them enough time to choose which class they want to be but don't get a good chance to pick up any weapons that are for ODSTs


    From left to right, the classes are: Elite, Brute Chieftain, Elite Honor Guard, Brute, and Jackal. Also, I changed some of the weapons after I took this picture, so these isn't a 100% accurate picture.


    Jackals are the Covenant's long range infantry. They have a Carbine with a 30 second respawn timer. A good strategy is to sit on top of rooftops and when they start to get attacked, back away from the ledge. They can also use their Plasma Pistol that they start with when their ammo gets low. About 3 minutes into the game, a single beam Rifle spawns that can cause some serious damage to ODSTs. However, it only gets 10 shots, so use them wisely.

    Brutes are good at finishing off injured ODSTs with their Brute Spikers. They also get a pair of Spike grenades that can be used to clear out a room. They can use their Brute Shot to cause some heavy damage to ODSTs or any vehicles, however, the Brute Shot only spawns with 6 shots, so they can be depleted fast.

    Elite Honor Guards get an Energy Sword and Active Cloaking. They can bring the fight up close to ODSTs and can bring their shields down fast, or even kill them. It does take 2 melees with a sword to kill an ODST though, so don't expect to kill on the first hit. Honor guards mostly rely on their cloaking to get kills. Once your cloaking wears off, they don't have much to use except for their sword and Plasma Pistol.

    The Brute Chieftain spawns with a wide variety of weapons so he can dominate in all areas of battle. He can wield a single Spiker that can be used to kill injured ODSTs easily. The Chieftain also gets a Flame Grenade that can be lethal, even to an ODST with full health. In close combat, he wields a Gravity Hammer and for pretty much any range, he gets a detachable Plasma Turret that can rip apart ODSTs shields with ease. And to top it all off, he gets an Overshield that doubles his shields before he steps into battle. Don't think that this beast is overpowered though, with focused firepower, the Brute Chieftain can be brought down.

    The Elite is the ultimate support class. They get 3 Plasma Rifles that spawn 10 seconds each, a choice between a Bubble Shield, Regenerator, or Deployable Cover, and a Plasma Grenade. They can use their Plasma Rifles to damage ODSTs so any allies can pick them off easily. They can use Plasma grenades to clear out a room, or their equipment to give combat support to their allies in a tight situation.
    You may be wondering what that extra tube is towards the bottom of the picture at the top of the section. That is the Elite's special teleporter that leads to the Ghost Spawn.

    There are 4 'bases' throughout the city. Each base has one Battle Rifle, one or two SMGs, and a Health Pack. Other armaments found at each base are Frag Grenades, Assault Rifles, Trip Mines, and a Mongoose. Each base is located by each of the four light posts, which can be easily found. Bases are in plain view from the road so it isn't smart to just camp there.
    Other weapons in the city are a rocket launcher, spartan laser, 3 shotguns, and a flamethrower. There is also a Warthog underneath the Flamethrower spawn.

    Health Packs (custom powerups) are vital to the survival of ODSTs. Since ODSTs don't have self regenerating shields, these give anyone who picks them up 100% Shield Regeneration. Each Health Pack has a 3 minute respawn timer and isn't placed at start. However, there must always be one Health Pack in the city at a time. If you pick up a Health pack, it will be instantly moved to another part of the city. The ODST in disguise as a Covenant Elite shown above has no shields so he is trying to avoid actual Covenant soldiers at all costs.

    Since Covenant soldiers have self regenerating shields, picking up a health pack has no effect on them. if you see a health pack as a Covenant Soldier, guarding it would be a better idea so then ODSTs wouldn't be able to regenerate shields.

    GAMETYPES *updated ODST Escort*
    There are 3 gametypes associated with Lumumba District. I recommend ODST Infection and ODST Escort.

    ODST Infection
    2 players spawn as Covenant while the rest spawn as ODSTs. ODSTs have a slight damage boost to help with the oncoming horde of Covenant soldiers. The last man standing becomes a Spartan. the Spartan gets a pair of Overshields and 150% damage resistance and his shields regenerate at 50% speed, so picking up health packs still benefit him.
    "Spartan reporting for duty"
    Probably not my favorite gametype of the 3. It plays the same as Team Slayer (1 pt per kill). There are 2 rounds so each team has the opportunity to play as each side. The fisrt team to 15 points ends the round. Also, the VIP doesn't change gameplay whatsoever. There are no extra points for killing the VIP.
    One guy on the ODST team becomes a VIP. The VIP must make his way to each of the 10 checkpoints scattered throughout the city. There are 4 3-minute rounds, so team side plays on each faction twice. Changes in the V2 are a new, competitive scoring system. Now you get 2 points for arriving at a destination, but the Covenant gets 1 point for killing the VIP. Also, the respawn time for suicide has been reduced so the ODSTs have less time to reggroup.

    I've explained Lumumba District as thoroughly as possible. Now here's the pictures:
    Top half of Lumumba District. There are 5 Covenant teleporters that are turned upside down so they aren't visible to ODSTs

    Bottom half of Lumumba District

    The Chieftain

    Teamwork is essential

    Protect the VIP at all costs

    Elites can be a threat if they are used properly. This ODST is fleeing to grab a Health Pack

    Even Grunts can kill you if you have no shields. And no, Kung Fu does not protect you.

    "Jackals, on the ridge!"

    The ghost's splatter can deplete an ODSTs shields and then can finish them off with their plasma turrets.

    More pics in the next post.

    Download Lumumba District here

    ODST Infection

    ODST Slayer

    ODST Escort V2

    There's more pics in the 2nd post. Cooler ones. Really cool. Really.

    PLayahata27- Lumumba Disctrict was an honest surprise. Being it was a rendition of the upcoming Halo 3 ODST, it was fairly identical in a sense that I would imagine the initial game to look like, which is a huge success.The layout was perfect, and choosing covenant classes was brilliant.This map really made me feel like an ODST. From the weapon choices, to now health recharge. Honestly you've got a masterpiece in the waiting.

    used man-Lumumba district is a very interesting map. it is an infection map, but doesn't feel like one. most infection maps promote the humans to camp and the zombies to rush in and be killed numerous times.

    NinKeith- Around every corner there were fights breaking out to control the territories. Infection was really fun on this map because you actually felt like you were in a city, and all the calm moments between fights were actually kinda creepy.

    Big thanks to every one who helped test the map with me and gave me advice on how to make it better

    EDIT: YES, 500 + downloads, thanks guys
    #1 cory21, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Im sorry, but for me, when i open your spoilers, the pictures are HUGE. Anyway, i was hoping that this would be more of like an infection type game where you would have to make it through the streets and the infected would have guns instead of swords... Maybe one got a custom for a brute chieftan boss?? anyway im talking to myself and giving the whole community ideas XD

    EDIT: yea sorry, i didnt read the post like a NOoB and i couldnt see the pictures since the spoilers weren't exactly working. I will DL and play later, but i can't right now cuz my brother is a GOW2 jew (not making fun of jews)
    #2 uF HaVoK, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  3. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Secure the Destination

    Spikers can be devastating to injured ODSTs


    Flying grunt v 3 ODSTs. What do you think?

    Secret Ghost Spawn

    'Death Ahead'

    Using Covenant technology against them.


    Chieftain Mad!

    Spartan laser spawn in that tower and the ghost right beneath it.

    Don't underestimate Plasma Pistols; they can deplete your shields when they are over-charged

    Elite Honor Guards

    Having trouble with the Brute Chieftain? This is how you kill him.

    The Brute Shot can be devastating to ODSTs






    Download it​
    #3 cory21, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  4. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    This has to be one of the best, by far, Covenant class-choosing maps I have ever seen. The balance between players is great. The chooser looks strange, but I bet it works really well. The classes are all really cool, with well-thought out weapon choices , and the map looks great and even. I don't understand how the ODSTs can't find the teleporters and block them, over time, but you may have that fixed, too.

    And in the last picture, "Grunt" is mentioned. Explain?

    And perhaps some more photos of the choosing thing in the Skybox.


    Great map. I really do love it and the gametypes you made.
  5. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    "Kitsune Yosh killed Serpent 45199"

    Anyway, I had a blast testing. This was probably the funnest map I've played in a while. Everything was set up perfectly. It was a lot of fun running around murdering some undead. I was skeptical about the ODSTs having no to get custom power-ups at first but then you told me they had twice as much hp as elites. For all you guys in the community, you should DEFINITELY give this a try. 5/5
  6. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    The 5 teleporters are on top of buildings and the 6th is in the Ghost Spawn. ODSTs will have a tough time getting on top of the roofs and blocking all 6 teleporters, so I'm not worried.
    A Grunt is a term we made up for someone who jumps into the teleporter without any weapons except for their plasma pistol. Its embarrassing when they kill you.

    Anyways, thanks for the comments.
  7. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Idiot. If the pictures don't work, then at least read the damn text. So obvious you didn't read the post, all the ideas you gave are in the map.

    "DLing now, i will play ltr, lawl" <- True sign of a noob.

    Even after you edited you gave him no useful feedback, actually, no feedback at all.

    And your last sentence. How could you NOT be making fun of Jewish people? "my brother is a Gears of war 2 jew"?? What does that even mean, anyway? I can't think of any context that sentence could be interpreted as not making fun of jews. Bigotry is not welcome here.

    In conclusion, GTFO.
    (not even **** can save you)

  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    maybe he meant jew as in the band J.E.W. or jimmy eat world?
    the map looks pretty balanced but when i played it there was one problem, we had 12 people and 4 of the covenant dudes kept taking the custom powerups so the odst's couldn't get them and there was an elite with a ghoust and a brute chieftien killing everybody so it wasn't very fun for my team.
    other than that great job.
  9. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Really? Every time we played, the Covenant were easily killed. There are plenty of anti vehicle weapons (spartan laser, rocket, trip mine, warthog and grenades) around the map to take care of ghosts and the Brute Chieftain can easily be taken care of. Maybe you were just having a bad game, but thats kind of unusual. Don't go in expecting that the Covenant will be easy to kill.
  10. phd lolz

    phd lolz Ancient
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    I like how you made the different covenant classes, very creative. I will definitely download.
  11. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    I played ODST at E3 and while this isnt exactly like firefight its just as fun, great map! It plays very well even without alot of people 5/5!
  12. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I didn't design it like FireFight, but if its just as fun; I'll take it. And yes, even with a few people its still very fun.
  13. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Ancient
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    This is a very nice map, and very fun, i DL and played yesterday with a couple of my freinds. They all loved it. the map is clean very well put together and good placement{such as spawner's weapons, obstacles, etc.}. 5/5
  14. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    You should submit this to the ATLAS on, this map would have no problem getting on to the living dead play list! Still though this is a very fun map, best fun ive had with an infection game in awhile to be honest.
  15. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    The map looks impressive and you can notice you put a lot of work into it. The forge work is very smooth and the buildings looks nice. Also, there strategically placed cover to enhance gameplay. The only thing I dislike is the effects. Good job!

  16. FaTaLiiTY5

    FaTaLiiTY5 Ancient
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    very creative and original i love the idea of having to go and get the health pack. you might of just made a new mode that every one will use congrats!!!

    What is stopin the aliens from lets say getting the Brute overshield and then getting the sword???
    #16 FaTaLiiTY5, Jun 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2009
  17. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    Well you cant really jump into another tube, also even if yo could after 15 sec the zombies can not pick up another weapon
  18. Fiatluxmortem94

    Fiatluxmortem94 Ancient
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    what a beautiful map. Pwn noobs XD yeah besides the girly smiley... once again, great layout, obviously much thought and planning, well executed. Great job! 10/10!
  19. FaTaLiiTY5

    FaTaLiiTY5 Ancient
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    just DL it and saw that the tubs had a drop on them.I couldn't tell by the pics.

    the map is just a tad bit sloppy but the game play makes up for it 8/10!!!
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I'm curious about the different Covenant classes. Do they spawn at different intervals? Ergo, do Elite weapons/equipment spawn faster than the Brute Chieftan's weapons/equipment? Other than that, I'll be happy when I'm able to download and test this out. I'm usually not the biggest fan of class selection games, but this one is one of the few that is done well and balanced enough that it picques interest.

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