*Yes, I did just copy/paste FBWalshyFTW's video title.* Anyway, amazing montage from a Semi-Pro! Once again, great editing from passTHEword! Check it out v YouTube - Woooly :: Halo 3 Montage 1 - 100% MLG!
This was quite a nice montage. The music could have been better, but the editing and gameplay was amazing. I even see some top pros there and also Forge Hub's own PolishedLake (Forge Hub username is "Slash I2") was in that montage! BTW, this is my 1000th post
I saw polished lake LOL. I enjoyed that montage. There were some amazing clips in there. It wasn't the best I have seen but definetely an amazing montage. I wish the music was better though..
I thought the way you switched from one map to another when someone would turn around, or the camera would duck down, was excellent. The transition was really smooth, and the first time it happened I got confused for a second until I realized what was going on.
And he gets a 2 for 1 on Saiyan and T2 at :55 in the Sword Room on The Pit. And, that was a really nice out-BR on T2 because Woooly had one shot on him already.