UNOFFICIAL PROTOTYPE DISCUSSION THREAD I apologize if there is already a thread like this, I'm just very exiting about it. Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm renting this for the next 3 days, and so far, 1 day into it, I love it. The feeling of being able to take out tanks by dropping on them. It's almost as awesome as seeing someone stepping on a massive pile of poop on the sidewalk. So far, I have no issues with it. The upgrades and Evolution points tie in nicely on how much you earn them, and the difficulty curve is nice. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this game. LOLWUT.
I beat it,and its an exellent game. So far the best part is running around in free roam, ITS ADDICTING. how many landmark collectibles have you found o far.
I've found no collectibles so far, because I'll look on RoosterTeeths guides so I don't accidentally collect one and then be confused by the guide. I've seen plenty though. My sisters boyfriend completed it and told me you can run around with all your powers and do the story again. I'm hangin' out for that!
no they are no,and that is spam. please dont do it again. On topic:has anyone completed the web of intrege.
whoever told you that is wrong. Every mission has a little something that makes it differant. including: escorting an uber powerfull tank. disguising as a soilder and flying a helicopter to get some information,and stopping strike teams from finding out where your safehouse is. Clearly there is something differant about each mission,and its highly replayable.
Yeah, you unlock "New Game+" mode after beating it. You get to go through with all your powers, but you can only do it on the difficulty you beat it on and lower. I'm sure this will make it easy to go through without dying. I have. Why do you ask? I love this game. I'm working my way through hard, and it does get annoying at times, that's only because of the difficulty. I freakin hate Hunters... The only thing that continually causes problems is the targeting system. The game slows down when you switch targets to give you an advantage, but it just makes it seem laggy (in fact, IGN docked it points because they thought it actually was lag. noobs). Also, it supposedly targets the highest priority, but it is really inconsistent. Like when you're in a heli, it will target hives/bases that are all the way across the map, but other times it will choose soldiers instead of tanks or helis which would obviously be a higher priority. But that is really the only bad thing I have found so far. A word of advice to help this: instead of trying to switch targets with the right stick, let off the left trigger and then re-target if you want to have a greater chance of targeting the highest priority. I have all the Hint collectibles thanks to RoosterTeeth, and I could only find about 185 landmarks on my own, so I used this map to find them all when I started a new game on hard. The only achievements that I think are going to take forever are: Pt (I have about a third platinum'd) and Trail of Corpses (I only killed like 10k tops going throught the entire game on Normal).
wow,your way further than me,I just beat it on easy and about to go through on medium. As about the web of intrege I wanted to know how long it took you. did yu find all the hints? (theres a buttload of them in times square)
Well, I didn't use anything for the Web, so I spent a couple hours flying around in helicopters waiting for them to appear on my mini-map. Yes, the map I linked shows their locations. I just thought they were random, but apparently there is a method to the madness.
I'll just post them incase someone who has went into newgame+ comes along. 1:do you keep you landmarks if you do it? 2:what about hints? 3:web of intrege targets also?
I use it all the time. You definitely keep WOI targets, but I dont know about hints/landmarks. HOWEVER you cant use a helicopter or APC until you do the corresponding mission.