Ok so place your votes. What do YOU think is the best in forge vehicle on Halo 3? Banshee- Chopper-1 Hornet- Ghost- Prowler- Mongoose-3 Scorpion- Warthog-1 Warthog, Gauss- Wraith- Hornet , Transport-
For forge, I would say the Warthog because it's like the standard vehicle for team games in big maps. I would choose the mongoose if you took out the word "Forge", meaning it's my favorite vehicle in Halo 3 because it's fast and it can carry two people. And why can't it just be "Favorite Halo 3 Vehicle" instead? You just make us somewhat confused with forge in it.
Then just state it in the thread. BTW, this belongs to either Halo Discussion or Halo Forge Discussion. I don't know, you just made it really confusing. Lol. *Request move to either Halo Discussion or Halo Forge Discussion*
Well my favorite vehicle is the mongoose, but what is the point of having the word 'forge'? Wouldn't it be smarter to NOT be in a vehicle if you were playing someone in forge?