I don't like small schools right now because a only have like four friend. And I'm not even a geek. Yeah, that's right. It's just that there's so many "cool" kids in my school it's annoying. A freaking fifth grader sarcastically comes up to me and says, "You're so cool." I wanna move away from beach and go to places where people are awesome.
My school is pretty small. There is around 50 students in my grade. I do not have the same problem as you because I am not a geek. I keep FH, Halo, etc. separate from real life. I don't go to school and take about my maps.
Here's a good example why I'm glad I don't go to a huge school. My childhood friend, a year younger than me, went to Punahou, pretty much the biggest school in Hawaii. I hear there's about 500 kids in one graduating class. Anyways, so we were both, at the time, pretty much your average gaming nerds. Kinda hopeless situation for the both of us, lol. So I went to Midpac instead of Punahou, because my grades weren't as PERFECT as Punahou would require for a school that spouted such names as Steve Case and Barack Obama. Bleh. At my school, there's maybe 200 in the grade class. Less when I got there in 6ht grade (maybe 120?). Still being a little nerdy, I stuck around with the upperclass nerds (you know what I mean, those guys who in their grades, nobody likes, so they make friends with the younger grades?) until about 9th grade. Then I got a lot of friends throughout my grade level. Dunno for sure what happened. I just made friends with a few classmates. Because it was a small school, I just became friends with a huge amount of people. I mean, sure, there are a few people who I really don't like; but they're the same people who no one likes, except for their small group of friends. Basically, even if I acted like a total dork/douchebag in my earlier years, by the time I got into high school, I finally decided to be a little more outgoing. My friend, on the other hand, goes to Punahou at grade 7. I've seen their social grouping system before. It's very similar to a prison. Being at the bottom of the social food chain means colon violation. He pretty much crumpled. I have other friends who go Punahou, who aren't techincally on the lowest tier, but not exactly on the highest either, and they know him as the 'antisocial guy that doesn't talk to anyone". I asked him why he doesn't try to make friends over there, and he said that no one talks to him. It's pretty cyclical. Also vicious. That's why I'm glad I'm in a smaller school. I get a sort of rebound if I do screw up in the beginning.
Why would I stop being a geek? That's like telling a jock to stop playing sports. It's against my nature. A geek is who I am. I'm going to keep showing it, no matter how many people think me being a geek is a stupid decision. I don't act totally snotty, I have a decent outward attitude towards others, it's just that the other kids really aren't that mature. They swear profusely. And I don't swear at all, following a sort of religion my family has, which means I'm lame. It's the stupid area of swearing, not even casually, profusely, makes you seem 'cool.' I am the only kid in my grade that would rather look at a college instead of going to our lame dances, which the cool kids agree are lame (small town = small budget) but go to the dance anyway because it's 'cool.' That makes me an idiot? I know in a couple of years a lot of them will realize how silly they we're acting, but still, is it so hard in this day to at least act mature? Oh and yeah. About those words weirdo and freak... I don't like those words. Geek does not equal freek or weirdo all the time. They mean different from the normal, so that's why I am always called weird, but the other kids in school don't see me calling them weird. I think some of the stuff they do is 'weird.' But I know it is to the eye of the beholder. I find it weird kids in my school don't know what a projectile is, what periferal vision is, what a tendril is. But I don't say anything, because to them watching people play videogames is weird, dice with more or less than six sides are weird, and knowing how to program is weird. So next time you look at that person you think is 'weird,' think about it a bit longer. They may be different, which is the definition of weird, but how do you know that to them you're not weird. P.S. It's weirdo, not wierdo. Weirdo = We're doe Wierdo = wired doe.
Actually most of the kids at my school dont think playing videogames geeky at all. Lots of the "popular kids" i guess play xbox live, alot of the guys talk about CoD and **** like that. Unless your talking about WoW or some nerdy ass **** like that then your good. Yeah I play MapleStory but im not gonna go to school and talk about it....
Exactly. I talk about my insane halo kills at school, its mostly to brag at natu for havin xbl, but still. it doesnt effect my reputation, and im not a nerd. the only thing that happens is that all the girls are like. 'OMG I LIEK THAT GAME!!1!!' or something like that, and im bassically in middle school soo.
Yeah girls also think Guitar Hero is cool not nerdy. You can blame the Wii and Guitar Hero mainly for bringing games to the mainstream(almost).
I talk about stuff like computers a lot and that's why they call me a geek. I dun care, I think it's a good title. On my senior shirt in a few years Ima gonna have it say Dr. G33K on the back. : ) Yeah I don't get why so many people think that the only cool videogames are guitar hero and rockband. But IDK.
I said those ones are the most widely accepted as being non-nerdy not the most popular. I hear people talking about Halo and CoD and going on Xbox Live all the time.
-Pun warning- Spoiler I always thought the worst part about going to a small school was that everything was tiny compared to my normal sized body. Anyway, pretty much everyone I knew at my school had a console (or at the very least played World of Warcraft). A lot played WoW.
Yeh, Every guy in my class has a 360.. No joke. Some of the girls do too. Soo, there isnt that much "nerdy" things in small schools. because most people play the things that you think only nerds play.
It depends on where you live. I live in a small school place where many are stereotypes and I don't like it. So I don't think school size matters that much.
Homeschooled. My mother has a problem with me playing chess on the computer too. It's educational, I do whatever she wants, let other people use the computer, and she says I stay on the computer too much, and get stuck on it.
Eh, my school is decent, about 1600 students in the Highschool. The area I live in is upscale, so our school is filled to the brim with preps. I mainly hang out with the very small collection of people who enjoy Dungeons and Dragons, which is too say, not many. I don't get branded a geek, more like "Uncool" in general.
!!! THIS Well ****, if you know your a geek then don't expect to make a lot of friends. If you are a geek then just don't show it off. **** bro.
There's a private school near where I live that has a middle school (7th and 8th) of less then 20. XD
the worst thing about small schools is the fact that there are VERY small halls, everyone clusterfucks in one spot around YOUR locker and your late to every other class because the gossipers are to busy talking about nothing,