OhNoez's Unofficial GUIDE to reviewing a map.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OhNoez64, Jun 26, 2009.


Useful enough to be stickied?

  1. Yes!

    3 vote(s)
  2. No!

    5 vote(s)
  1. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    As we know, there is the Review Hub, but still, people who don't have the time to review 4 maps a week. I intend for this guide to be a use to plenty of people in the future so we don't end up with posts saying...

    "NO INTERLOCKS 1/158.12"

    And instead we have more DETAILED posts.


    NEVER review a maps gameplay without playing on it first. GAMEplay. It sounds simple to a few of you, but others will, postly in a rush for post counts, thinking it reflects their ***** size, just say the maps gameplay doesn't LOOK good. I remember looking at Bayonetwork and saying 'Oh noez! Taking the high ground will give you pretty much an instant win since there is only one way up!" after playing on it, i realized that there are PLENTY more ways upit is the best small slayer map EVER to date, IMO

    Yes, you can review aesthetics BEFORE you download/play on the map, but still, if it's a castle, for example, and the user only shoves in a few pictures, or if the map CLEARLY does NOT have pictures of a specified area, PLEASE either don't review it, or let the poster know about the lack of pictures.

    When reviewing a map, take into account what TYPE of map it is. If it's a minigame map, don't talk about the map being to small for slayer. Download that map, play it for a bit, then talk about the fun crap that happened during your game. If it's aesthetics, PURELY aesthetics, DO NOT say that the gameplay looks like it would suck, as it wasn't designed for gameplay.


    ...Rating maps with decimals is either annoying, or it gives the creator a frame of mind of "Aww, it's 4.7, I don't need a v2" or... "eh, it's 3.6, close enough to a 4. I don't need to fix anything up". Either those or it just gets a tad confusing. 5/5 or 10/10 to be more precise will do, to stop it from getting confusing. If you really must have an 8.5 for example, state a reason why so the maker isn't stumped on what you retracted 0.5 from.

    Use proper punctuation...

    "o ya gret map rly nice id play itt when i get bak hom 2 get bak on 2 da xbawks.'

    ...That does NOT suffice. Now, that same sentence, only understandable...

    "Oh yes, great map, I think it's very nice..*Goes on with review*...I will definately play ir with a few friends on XBL when I get onto the xbox, and I will rate it after I play!"

    ...So what, it's a paragraph longer, but you will be looked at like a proper reviewer. ForgeHub's Halo 3 Forge Map and Testers Guild catergories were designed so that people can test maps, get maps tested, rate maps, get maps rated, and find out the communities opinion. TrueDarkFusion built this site into a great gem, and though we have a great group of Webmasters, Journalists, Mods and Admins, people are starting to ruin it.

    Moar ill be added to this guide at a later day, but for now this is enough.
    #1 OhNoez64, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I disagree.

    Actually, many people don't.


    Try one.

    Due to this guide's poor construction, I seriously doubt this will ever happen.


    I agree.

    This paragraph is poorly written. When writing a guide, it is in your best interest to use correct spelling, impeccable grammar and attractive styles. Your writing is very unprofessional. Try projecting your ideas clearly and coherently. Randome captilization, talk about penises, and homophobic ideas are really unneeded.

    I seriously disagree with this paragraph. It is ignorant to review any maps from screenshots. Also, refer to above.

    Refer to above and lower in my post.

    I also disagree with this. Rating a map, say, 7.5 or 8.6 is fine. Also, you are wrong. 3.561 is more precise than 5.

    I agree some what.

    There is not much here.

    This guide needs some work. Your most obvious problem is the way this was written. You didn't even try. When I quoted this, my FF spell check lit up with red dots. It doesn't have to be perfect but at least understandable. I very much dislike how elitist this guide is. You are constantly degrading newer members. Calling people 'dumbasses' will get you no where. Most of your guide is obvious information that isn't worth posting. If you ave a chance, read the FH Status Quo and take a look at the Review Hub's rating criteria.
  3. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    It hurts me that you said I didn't try, as I simply addressed a simple small guide, nothing like the huge massive guides that Forging 101 has, to address some simple matters.

    And of course it's not big. There is still plenty to add, im just not in much of a mood right now.

    I'll remove the sarcastic 'I hope it's stickied' if you hate it THAT much, but honestly. An aesthetic map can be reviewed with pictures, just very poorly. I never rate maps without me downloading them.

    I'll fix up the things you were slightly nice about when you commented on them, but kick me in the ass for adding some light humor.
  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This could have been a lot better. You don't really give any advice on ways to actually review gameplay or aesthetics, it's basically just a rant about you being upset people are rating maps on pictures alone.
  5. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you. Atleast your reply was fairly constructive. As said, I will update this in the future. I just get lazy. which is not good...

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