Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    We're not saying evolution did it. Unlike you we have scientific evidence showing the course evolution took which has been shown in the Evolution v. Creation debate.
  2. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    I think you are hinting at the origin of our universe, which currently only has one theory, god created it. But just because it is the only theory out there so far, it doesn't make it right. You provide no evidence to back your reasons up, you just ask questions that lead to one big question that nobody can answer. If proving god were that easy, it would have been done already.
  3. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Oh really, then who made god? How can you be so sure. Monkeys did not make us, we evloved from chimps. You will understand more once you study evolution in college.
  4. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    WRONG. We did not evolve from chimps. We shared a common ancestor with chimps. I certainly hope you did not learn that in college.

    Read More
  5. abandofmilk

    abandofmilk Ancient
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    The bible says to spread the word of God so that you can live a christian life, a better life, on earth. It would be selfish to not share the loving power of god to those who are in poverty and sickness. People live very horrible lives that don't know god. The main reason is love. God is love, and one cannot love life without knowing god. But in the latter, our life on earth is impossibly small compared to the life after death, which is an eternity. Lives have been changed for the better for most people who hear the word of god.
  6. FUFHA

    FUFHA Ancient
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    who did create god, if he does exsist?
    some would argue that he exsisted forever, in whichcase others can just argue that the planets exsisted forever, or that our ansestors lived forever.
    either way, i see no end to this debate for a very long time.
  7. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Is it not selfish to think that your god is right and someone else's god is wrong?

    Some people live horrible lives and all they care about is their god. If god is love, then why are extremists killing people in god's name?
  8. abandofmilk

    abandofmilk Ancient
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    Because they're beliefs of god are much more different than a christians. that's why its NOT the same religion. There is man-made religion and there is true religion. Those extremist are islamic extremist, which follow the beliefs of a man named muhammed, whereas Christians follow the teachings of Jesus who was the son of god. And it wasn't jesus that wrote the bible. it was God's influence on peoples lives who wrote the books of the bible. its all their stories on how god impacter their lives basically and letters to people from people of god. Go look around to more than just one source. that's how the bible is told, from more than one point of view.

    The god they think of is someone who wants them to rid of anyone who questions them, whereas our god wants to spread his love to people everywhere. So its normal for people to ask questions. As a christian myself, I ask questions about my faith all the time. No one knows everything there is about God, Jesus, and the bible. If anyone tells you that they KNOW, they are lying.
    #1928 abandofmilk, Jun 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  9. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    That was possibly the most uneducated post regarding Islam ever. Islam is all about peace for one thing. The extremists are not who you can consider great examples of Muslims. You're definitely one of those people who hates all Muslims because you think they are all terrorists.

    And also, if you are saying you know there is a God, you, by your logic, are lying.
  10. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    The Islamic people believe very very strongly, probably stronger then Christians to spread God's love, and their form of praying to people throughout the world. This of course is misinterpreted by extremist groups who think that all who do not believe in Allah, must perish. Of course most Islamic people believe the same thing you do, yet you would hold prejudices against them, just for having a near identical faith to your own.

    And don't tell me there aren't Christian extremist as well, because there are. Such as, Fred Phelps, an extreme Christian, who interprets the bible so that he must hate homosexuals. Him and his church have been deemed a hate group in our country and many others, he is not allowed to visit the UK for protesting I believe a play about the death of a homosexual through abuse.

    And throughout the years Christians have held themselves at a higher pedestal than all religions. I can name three wars that they started, the crusades. Deeming that they were far more important than the Islamic people they attacked the middle-east.

    But of course they are still good people, who are peaceful, and want to spread god's love through death and everything.
  11. abandofmilk

    abandofmilk Ancient
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    Making assumptions is what makes confusion. I never said they're arnt any christian extremist.

    I wasnt talking about all muslims though. I was talking about the extremist. Yes the muslims for the most part are peaceful, but for one thing look at all the violence in middle eastern countries today. It's because of their different beliefs on what people should be allowered to do or are prohibited from doing based on their beliefs of islam. Islam is about peace throughout, but there are even deeper things in muslim that spark all this violence. And extremist christians like that are hard to say they follow christ. And if saying i know there is a god im lying, by what logic are you using? that we all just exploded from nothing?

    And another thing. I have a great life going for me ever since I became a follower of Christ. It seems as though you want to prove everyone wrong, and in doing so only hurting yourself. What's one good reason not to believe in a better life with christ?
    #1931 abandofmilk, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  12. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    If you are going to state that extremist Christians don't follow Christ, then don't say that extremist Muslims follow the same God as regular Muslims.

    I don't believe I need to add anything further to my post, since it is just meant to explain the reasoning behind Christian extremists.

    Don't be a hypocrite, if you are going to mention Islamic extremists and use their God, then mention Christian extremists using your God.

    EDIT: Might as well bring up some FSM things.

    Many people proclaim that religion is a way of teaching good morals through teachings of a higher being. Well essentially, that's what FSM is. IMO they teach much better morals than that of the Bible, Qua'ran, Torah, etc. Their basis of teachings are that of something that no religion as of yet can say they have, no hatred. Throughout religions there is hatred, for other religions, for groups of people, etc.

    And when looking at the website, you'll see all hatred comments left primarily by Christians are turned back by warm, loving remarks. Although it will mean nothing to these crazed hate-based individuals, the situation was at least attempted to be made right through good rather than through angry debate.
    #1932 Randle Scandal, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  13. abandofmilk

    abandofmilk Ancient
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    Your right. I'm sorry.

    I know muslims everywhere hate the muslim extremist. They obviously do not have the same views as all muslims.

    But that still doesnt mean the muslim population in the middle east isn't at war with eachother...
  14. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    May I bring your attention to World War II then.

    Hitler was a self-proclaimed Christian, and many Christians fought against his armies, so I guess you could say that was Christian population in Europe being at war.

    Also the most primary and long war in the Middle East is the war between Palistan and Israel, Israel representing Jews, while Palistan representing Muslims. As far as I can tell those are two completely different religions at war with eachother.
  15. abandofmilk

    abandofmilk Ancient
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    ok, seriously. Sunni and Shiate or whatever are like sworn muslims rivals. yes there is violence between islam and other religions. But hilter was just a crazy supremacist that doesnot portray the christian population.
  16. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    No matter Hitler's actions or state of mind, he was indeed a christian. What is normalcy? An average? The most common? Hitler was simply on one end of the spectrum. He killed people based on their religion being different.
  17. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    The Sunnis and Shi'ites might be at odds, but what gives you the right to generalize and say that the conflict includes all Sunnis and Shi'ites?

    Like you said, why should the actions of some portray the whole population's outlook?

    What point are you trying to make? You just said the Muslims are not all extremists. Then, you say, "Well, they're still in a war." So? Not all of them are.
    #1937 EonsAgo, Jun 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009
  18. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    The Muslims have as many different groups within their religion as Christians do. And before you criticize them for fighting each other because of religion, know that Christians killed each other for years and years in the crusades :all in the name of God" as if that justifies it. You can kill someone as long as you say it's for God apparantly.

    Anyways, I agree that not all Muslims are at war with one another. That's like saying everyone in America owns a TV. You have no evidence to say that every single person in America does, and there are thousands that don't. You also have no evidence or authority to say every single Muslim is at war.
  19. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I've told myself to stop debating here (it honestly has become a waste of my time) but this has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard here, and multiple times.

    hyp⋅o⋅crite  [hip-uh-krit] Show IPA
    1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
    2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

    hypocrite definition |

    Hitler was indeed not a Christian.
  20. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I agree. Trying to debate for the existence of god does seem like a waste of time, but you keep showing up.

    Hitler(self proclaimed Christian) and the crusades were brought up in context to show abandofmilk that Muslims were not the only religious group that has blood on it's hands in the form of religious extremism. Christianity has plenty. Nobody said Hitler was a model Christian.
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