Sandbox MLG Foundation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Tawnsoul, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. Tawnsoul

    Tawnsoul Ancient
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    MLG Foundation

    MLG Foundation is a remake of Halo 2s Map Foundation but with extra cover and has been made into a MLG map on Sandbox sky platform. If you have not played the original it has 4 bases in each corner two big platforms and 2 small platforms and a center piece.


    Foundation v1 (for Slayer gametypes)
    Foundation v2 (for objective gametypes)


    Whole Map:


    Blue Platform:


    Red Sniper Side:


    Weapon List

    2x Sniper (1 spare clip 120 sec respawn)
    1x Rocket (1 spare clip 150 sec respawn)
    4x BR
    4x Carbine
    2x Frags
    4x Plasmas
  2. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Why in the skybubble? Did you just feel like taking away the most important elements of the original? did you want people to get out of the map, like in Halo 2? (Although here you can get on top of the rooms.) 2 snipers? on a map where the spawn hives are all parallel to each other and only two exits? And why have the snipers respawn faster than the rockets? rockets = 4 shots, sniper = 8 shots x2,,, 4 rockets = 150, 16 shots = 120?

    and just because the middle had 4 sections/4 entrances with a hole on top, doesn't mean you can just slap together those 4 pieces and call it done. not even close.

    And why those two T-walls? they weren't there on foundation, neither was the random cover on the walkways.

    And you should know from the original pit that rooms separated from a map is terrible for MLG gameplay
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Hmm... The map looks pretty well forged and i can honestly see that you took your time on the map. Although im concerned... MLG maps usually have much more cover and right now i dont see much. The entire center looks like it needs much more cover. Other then that pretty good job. I would put it under competetive maps.
  4. LucSkywalker16

    LucSkywalker16 Ancient
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    i very much agree...
    and you dont put it in the sky bubble, put it in the crypt...
    and to headless barbie...there is a better one on FH...
    oh and my on personal suggestion...i dont know for a fact, im just saying did u really need a slayer and objective variant...i mean unless there was a serious physical barrier needed to be moved/replaced/removed/added you could have just used the "symmetrical" option on the objects so that they appear on one sided games or not...otherwise i dont see why u needed 2 variants
  5. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Well first, it looks like someone may need some anger management classes. I know a good guy who can help, his name is Buddy ;). Anywayz I didn't play much Halo 2 so I can't really comment on how accurate this is, but overall the forging looks ok. Like silvershadow said, I believe this would be better as a competitive map rather than MLG. Although, I haven't played on it yet so I am only saying that based on the pics. I do like the fact that you made the middle area wooden to change things up a little. Thats all I can comment on right now.
  6. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    First off, good map. This looks a lot better than a lot of other maps I've seen. Now, let's get to the fun part. Cutting your map apart piece by piece and enjoying every minute of it....okay!?

    The good:
    -Your floors and outer walls are straight. That's something a lot of people have trouble with.
    -I like the middle floor made of the wooden bridges and the quad structure in the middle. Looks really nice to me for some reason.
    -The platform by the grav lift looks really good. But for some reason the one on red side doesn't look the same as the one on blue side. Probably something you should look into.

    The bad:
    -You have the four corner bases but they look really wimpy. Maybe try to beef them up a little depending on what you have left for budget and OL.
    -I really think you should have put guard rails on the sides. Again if you don't have budget or OL for it I understand but it's really, really, really something you should do. REALLY.
    -Sorry the middle just doesn't cut it for me. You can't just throw Twalls and junk in the middle and call it cover. Try building a super awesome, feature worthy structure in the middle that will act as cover.
    -You may also want to tweak your weapons as other people said.

    So in the end this is an average map. Better than a whole lot of others, but also has miles of room for improvement. Take the suggestions others and I gave you and give your map a facelift. Take your forging sword of justice and do battle with your inner demons. I wish you the best of luck.

    Oh and p.s.:
    Since this is a re-imaging of foundation do something different. Like maybe put a team base on either side instead of putting them in the corner bases. I suggest putting them on the ramp sides (the ones without the gravlifts). Then you can also have the corner bases act as secondary bases. Doesn't matter what you do just keep practicing your forging skills.

    --flaming omelet

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