Sandbox Tremular City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Black Theorem, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Black Theorem

    Map Name:
    Tremular City

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Tremor n' Mouse
    teh mastar

    Gametype Name:
    Tremor n' Mouse


    Official Tremor n Mouse gametype - Play with Tremor n Mouse map variants.

    by teh mastar on 10.22.2008

    How the game works

    Its Tremor vs. Mice.
    At the start of the game the mice are free to frolic in the rolling meadows of the map...

    Until a few seconds into the roundthe sole infected person gains acess to a chopper. Different maps use different methods for the Infected to get there: teleporters, a delayed gravlift to a tunnel, or like mine, a small maze.

    So at about 10 - 20/30 seconds in, the Tremor is in their chopper, and all hell is borken loose on the mice.

    The Tremor boosts into the panicking mice, exploding them in a shower of blood and fire. Mice only have one life per round; they ain't no cats.

    More and more mice fall victim to the Tremor's powerful destructive outbursts (boosts). The Tremor gains one point from each mouse he/she eats.
    Untill only one is left..
    The Last Mouse Standing gains 5 points for his efforts, but death is inevitable.

    Honor Rules
    Of course.. there are some little rules...

    * Hijacking of the Tremor is prohibited and will result in the offending mouse being booted from the game. Mice
    * The Tremor is not allowed to shoot at the Mice with its cannons. That's unfair as it knocks them over. Don't play with your food ya know?
    * This last rule isn't as important. Mice should try and stay in their vehicles at all times. Mice can't walk on two legs! That's crazy talk.



    Tremular City is my return to forging. I haven't made a map in months, admiring other maps and gametypes from here for too long. I was convinced after seeing Smeagleton's Tremors map to chill with the screenshots, and come back to an aspect of Halo 3 that i had ignored. Here is my pride and joy for about 3 weeks.

    Now, on to the pics.











    Credit for inspiration goes to ScarFac3d for his awesome skate parks, Smeagle for a similar Tremors n' Mouse map, and teh mastar for creating such a fun gametype!

    Thank you for viewing my thread, now please DOWNLOAD my map!​
    #1 Black Theorem, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  2. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    ... ... ...WoW, you've taken a different angle on tremor & mouse! that map looks like it could get crowded with a larger party, but that could end in some theatrical moments :) the forging looks very neat, i like the smooth wallride thing :) i cannot wait to play it! :) great map

    EDIT: w00t first post!
  3. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    the map looks great except the space needed for t&m and i have a question is T&M the same thing as Cat and Mouse.
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map plays well, trust me, it plays a whole lot better like this. And The only difference is the choppers.
  5. Yoshiodo

    Yoshiodo Ancient
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    Honestly, I can't tell you how sick I am of seeing tremor and mouse maps. They're old and there's plenty of them. But anyway...

    Your map is neat which is very hard to do on Sandbox. And even though I hate having to interlock on this map there's some places where you just kind of have to. And you did make some very nice areas like in your 4th picture.

    I guess I'll rate a 4/5 but I won't download.
  6. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I'm glad to see such an enclosed and close quarter Tremors map! Most of them are too big and open for my taste. So when the infected guy starts he has to walk all the way around the building to get his chopper? Can people get back into that building? I really like the half pipes and corner pipes. Does the chopper go up them well? I know some vehicles hit half pipes and just stop lol. I like the map! Its got a unique style for tremors and the forging is superb!
  7. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    aw **** theorem.
    This map is amazing.
    Plays awesome, so much fun!
    The aesthetics are just amazing, every looks so smooth and nice.
    It's just fun to go off all the jumps and ramps and do "flips and ****".
    Great map overall! And I'm glad to see how it's progressed since I've first played it!
  8. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    Oh it goes up them. And them eats the mouse that thought it could survive by going it their. HeHe.

    I played a couple of games today with a small group of people and I find that it works really well. I found that as a mouse you thought you were safe only for a Chopper to bear down right upon you. The actual map is a work of art and from what i've played it seems balanced enough, so if your a good mongoose driver your going to survive for a bit but proberly not till the end.

    I think you removed the little platform on the corner pipe from last time I played it which is a good move as now there really isn't a place the mice can stay and be safe from the tremors for a while. Also the maze to the chopper is a nice touch and the hole where it drops is scary, especially when I had the chopper drop right in front of me [​IMG]

    In short: It plsy smoothly, it looks brilliant and its a awesome map. Keep up the good work.
  9. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.6-Monument
    game play- 1.4-Exciting
    Originality- 0.3-Resource
    presentation- 0.4-Entertaining

    Over all= 4/5

    Nice job this is the first Tremor map that i have seen that actually looks good and well thought out. :) but there we some problems like the map felt a little to crapt and hard to maneuver through. Yes, you did have ramps to help out which are really good I must say its just you should have added ramps to almost everything then your map would have rid out perfectly but there were allot of dead stops in the games because of all the objects you slammed right into the center of the map. Other then that great job best Tremor map I have seen yet. :)
  10. crazeye0

    crazeye0 Ancient
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    Hey, me again, was just playing this, it's a very good Tremors map, it plays very smoothly and their are some very nice Aesthetics qualities to the map as well, such as the ramps along some of the walls which are really cool features of the map.

    5/5 from me, definitly worth the DL and a feature perhaps?

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