Debate 2012?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    I warn you guys, this is bullcrap

    The man behind the whole thing, i forget his name, but remember these facts very well.

    Global Saviour, International Hero... It goes on, Search his name on Google.

    73 results.

    We are taking precautions?

    That was George W Bush.

    Mabye, the Mayans just thought that the Mayan culture was going to end on December 21st, 2012, or mabye they had a lazy calenders-person.

    Therefore, 2012, thats all bullcrap.

    The only way the world will end is flooding, asteroids, or the sun collapsing into itself, have a nice day!
  2. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    The sun would not "collapse" into itself. It is a star. It will expand and then retract into a smaller mass and eventually become carbon.

    Your experiment has had a different set of results to the original lab experiment. Your experiment is void.
  3. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    for one i've made one semi-irrelivent post that was supporting my theory, second studies have show that you can dream on will and control your dreams when they are in the stage called REM. besides that i didn't say that i drempt upon will about anything, i just had a dream that happened a few days later.
    (i've only made two posts and one actualy had to do with 20'****ing 12. the other was a theory of mine. you can't tell me to not state my opinion about a subject that is being discussed when that is being asked of us!)

    -have a great ****'n day,Mav.
  4. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    You dont understand the facts.

    The guy has 73 results on google. 73!

    Famous people that were heroes, for example, martin luther king, has millions of results, if not billions, and this guy, 73.
  5. used man

    used man Ancient
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    The world will end in 2012, and this is how it will go down:

    first a meteor will land in new york. it is a very small meteor and doesnt do much damage. then it will break open and optimus prime and megatron will come out. they will fight, while fighting the empire state building will get destroyed. of course king kong will be up there and he will fall. previously he was, of course crouching in a corner, so naturally he will hit a crack and be bunced hundreds of miles toward france. impaled on the eiffel tower, his head will fall down and land on a button triggering a nuclear chain reaction which will overload the batting cage machines. the baseballs will travel in circles around the earth and hit all the world leaders. the world will descend into anarchy and everyone will kill eachother. voila
  6. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    It's not gonna happen, Mayan calander restarts they didn't expect to live this long anyways
  7. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    What was his name? And even if you mustered up a name this has little relevance.

    And so what?

    The world can't flood either. And asteroids is so unlikely.

    Your dumb. Sorry.
  8. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I wouldn't say asteroids are very unlikely.

    There's been talk about developing defense systems to prevent asteroids hitting Earth.
  9. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Yet, about 70 people agree with me on Xfire, and ive been asking around for a few weeks.

    Look on youtube, youll find a video that shows what MY group thinks.

    Plus, Nasa SAID that its not gunna happen, and the Calender guys mustve gotten lazy, or he died.

    They had to stop somewhere, right?

    Ive got a hundred more reasons, so try me.
  10. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    People on youtube and 'Xfire' are total idiots. Seriously. Don't believe people and what they say.

    They ended it because their unknowing of when the world will thrive or when it was supposed to die out
  11. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    ill enjoy my life with GOD
  12. MrCasperTom

    MrCasperTom Ancient
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    I don't believe the world with end. Simple as. While I don't have all the facts about why this time it will blow up/come to an end/nuclear war starts/carebear invasion or other theories of how and when the world is going to end it seems to me as being just another idea of the world is going to end. It was going to end in 2000 remember, and 2006, and when they started up the massive Hydrogen Collider and several other times that I can remember.

    I personally can't base my theories on a thousands of year old calendar or a painter who was said to predict things. It might be the sciencetist part in me that thinks that but I don't think there is any substantal proof that the world is going to end in 2012. I base this idea on what I stated above but also because where is the evidence that something catastrophic is around the corner? I think if it was enough to end the world there would be at least a minor indication of what is going to happen. Sure you could say the NK buisness is going to start a war but I don't think it will and thats a different topic entirely.

    Either way if the world ends the world end. I can't do anything about it so i'm not going to worry really.
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Is it possible that perhaps, Nostradamus just happened to read the Mayans calendar when he was out of things to predict and just took it as truth?

    As for an asteroid defense system, we have one. It's called Jupiter.

    Seriously, we watched a vid (with Sam Neill!) whee it showed that Jupiter's mass is sogreat, and it's gravity so strong that it will pull the majority of out-worldly collisional objects into itself.
  14. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    3 Cheers For Jupiter!
    I'm just saying that cuz I have no scientific explanation or theories at the moment. =)
  15. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I guess it's possible for the world to end in 2012, But wouldn't it be just as easy for the world to end on any other day? Why would it end on specifically that date.

    As people said before they though Y2K was the end too. But we are still here.

    It dosen't seem plausible that someone can "predict" the future. Possible to guess accurately. But highy doubtfull and never likely. =/
  16. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    I think it's BS. Like the poster said, the Mayans got tired of making their calendar, so what? Maybe they just got tired and thought that the year 2012 would be good enough until people later just make it to another year.
  17. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    Well, about 14 million people use Xfire, and more on Youtube.

    Whats your proof that the world WILL end?
  18. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    well i agree there is so many theories on when and plus they probably knew that by 2012 well have another calander and if not we do deserve to die
  19. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Recently at Blockbuster a movie crossed my eye "The Chaos Experiment" with Val Kilmer.

    This movie state exactly these things. I advise you to watch this movie, not only does it "predict" the future, but also shows mankinds reaction....

    But my opinion. I think it's all just BS, But thats just me, just because they didn't make a calander that lasted forever, dosen't mean that time wont.... But thats just me.
  20. cortinator

    cortinator Ancient
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    The people that started this whole 2012 apocalypse bogus aren't scientists. They aren't knowledgeable in the field of astronomy, nor do they know anything about what's going to happen in 2012. They see that the Mayan Calendar ends on this specific date, but they have no logical explanation to back it up other than "Oh the Mayans predicted it!". The Mayans didn't predict anything, they probably got ****ing tired making a calendar that won't affect them at all. Not to mention that there are no specific details about the end of the world anywhere else BUT that one Calendar. There are no Mayan text that can back up the statement, just a calendar.

    The people that started this theory are goons, and the people that continue this false theory only do so for $$PROFIT$$. Books, Movies, Video Games, etc. The 2012 theory itself stimulates the economy and since we're coming close to that date, be sure to see some more exciting products about the said subject.
    #300 cortinator, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009

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