The Hunt on Dragons V4 (Maximum 10 people) The new dragons has been completely rebuilt, from top to bottom. Yes, I know I've only released the first version, but I didn't want to release versions 2 and 3, because there were too many bugs and glitches in them. Also, The Hunt gametype has been updated. The hunt on dragons force players to cooperate in order to take down the dragon. Dragons are players in banshees and must kill the knights. The knights must get into a mongoose(horse), and with only a sword, kill the dragon! Everyone has only 1 life. Objective -Dragon:Kill all the knights by splattering them. -Knights:Kill the dragon with the sword- before it kills you. Dragons -Inflict no damage towards the enemy with plasma turrets or banshee bombs, can only deal damage by ramming them. -Can shoot banshee bombs(flame thrower) to knock the knights off the horses. Again they can only deal damage with splatters. -10% leech. -2x overshield Humans -Swords for weapons. -Normal shields and health. -Normal damage. Last man Traits -125% speed. -No vehicle use. ====================================================== Changes Map changes -Pretty much everything. -Equipment are on map now. Trip mine x1 Power draing x2 Flare x1 Gametype changes -Last man standing can no longer get in vehicles, so games don't go for 5 minutes straight, with zombie only trying to knock the last guy off his horse. -Last man standing can move faster. ====================================================== Honor rules -NO SKYJACKING. Overview Human spawn Dragon spawn(1337 geomerging is 1337) After 30 seconds, kill balls will spawn inside the human base to eliminate camping, so GET OUT quickly. Action shots! DL links Dragons V4 (Map) The Hunt V4 (Gametype) I took The Hunt v1 gametype off my file share, replaced with v4, because the new one is better, although you may be able to find it in some people's fileshares. Dragons v1(Forgehub link) Thanks to all my testers. Made by rifte gifle On a side note, actually read first. Comments like, but whai cnat teh dragon jast sh00t teh knaits, will be completely ignored by me.
Okay, firstly, half of what you have, should be a signature. Not a post. The map is supposed to be wide, and mostly empty. If you play it, you'll understand why.
no ones knows this maps true potential. it is fun with even just 2 or 3 people and is soo much fun with like 10. the only thing that i dont like too much is how slow the banshee turns, there is too much time between the mongoose flip and getting back on.
It is, truth be told it gets annoying with more than 7 people because I have no clue who I want to chase, and it gets confusing.
oh my. i forgot al about this map. Testing was win, it's insane playing with a lot of people, attacking the zombie at once destroys. Kinda sucks that you can just camp around the pillars though. Dangerous but effective.
I tried the game out a couple days ago wiht like 8 people a couple days ago, and I must say that this is one of the most addicting gametypes ever. Seriously, we played like 5 games in a row, and I didn't get bored. I REALLY love the addition of equipment. It forces you to get creative, and adds some spice to gameplay, I salute you for making this rifte, this is definetly a map that'll be on my 360 for a while. Te only bad thing is that some people can just run around in circles waiting for the power drain to respawn, which gets kind of irritating but there are definetly ways to stop it.
Yes that is a problem, but I had to find some way to make obstacles in the map. And that would have happen theoretically with any other piece of scenery, so I had to choose between a blank empty map or a few camping spots. I might try to find a way to fix that in a V5? Although I highly doubt I'll make another one of these.
Nice forging and all. Good idea. I'm dling but I don't think the gameplay will be good at all considering knights only have sords. but I'll dl and find out for myself
it works with swordsbecause the zombie has to ram everybody because the wepons of the banshee do no damage. so, the banshee hits them with the fuelrod gun to flip them over, then rams them for the kill. whilst the humans try to run around and survive and when the zombie gets close, the humans stab at it. btw: good map rifle, it looks like cat and mouse kindof.
Looks like a rather interesting version of Cat and Mouse, only with a banshee instead of a wraith =). I actually love the idea, it's brilliant. Have you tried putting gravity hammers in the hands of the humans, as a secondary weapon in case they get thrown off? I think it'd be rather interesting considering gravity hammers do affect Banshees. I know they couldn't use them on the back of Mongooses, but it would be a good self-defense tactic should the Knights get thrown off. Regardless, you have a solid 8 or 9 out of 10 on originality here, and with maybe some minor tweaks, this could be very good!
I love the concept behind this map and game type, the map itself is a bit plain under first inspection for me but while actually playing I didn't notice, i would love to see a V5 but if your not interested could you give me permission to make my own version? with credit of course Most original thing I have seen in a long time by the way 4/5 8/10
No, sorry I've already got some really good ideas for a V5, both about scenery and spawn aesthetics. You're welcome to throw me some ideas, and I'll be sure to take them into account and if I use them I'll definetly credit you for it. Again, the map has nothing really special about it, it's the gametype that makes it good. EDIT: Actually, if you want to go ahead. I'm working on another forge project right now. Just make sure that you use the V4 gametype for your map and don't change it. If anyone else wants to start some other versions go ahead, so long as you use the gametype on my fileshare.
Thanks for that, i don't think theres much that i could change in the game type anyway, you'll get credit when i post it up. Thanks again.
Are we allowed to enter this map for that contest on the front page? I don't know how to check the date but I really like this map it's so fun, I will make another version too okay? I'll show it to you later