Foundry TLC Leverage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by ThePhillUp, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. ThePhillUp

    ThePhillUp Ancient
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    For this map, The True Links wanted to incorporate a type of feel from multiple maps with a lot of our own personal touch. And please before you comment, this is a map made for MLG team slayer. MLG maps matter about GAMEPLAY and NOT about if they look pretty or not. Please download before you rate or comment. Thank you.

    A Base
    View of Level 2 and Level 3
    Level 2
    Level 1
    Spawn View
    Grav Lift Up To Rockets
    Back Man Cannons
    Rockets on Level 3

    Download Here, and make sure to check out The True Links for our tournament that we are holding which will use MLG gametypes and all 8 of our MLG style maps.
  2. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    It all looks really good, i like how you have to crouch under the tunnel thing to get mauler. I also like the double crane block and how high everything is. The only thing i can see might cause a few problems is the ground-cover. It looks a little bare in the pictures, I suggest maybe adding some little structures to hide around. Other than that very-easily fixable detail, the map looks great. 4.5/5

    EDIT: fIrSt PoSt. You might want to switch the signs to only As and Only Bs so people can call out easier.
    #2 s3anz2, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  3. ThePhillUp

    ThePhillUp Ancient
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    Thank you, but also please download. The main focus is around the second and third level though, and the bottom level is used a little bit, but main fighting doesn't happen there.
  4. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    1/5 not even close to MLG standards. Very sloppy, looks like a bunch of stuff thrown together with a few peices of nice interlocking. Foundry is too small to have rockets. foundry is too smal to have 4 man cannons if any. Looks very plain and fairly unblananced. I guess it a good start but its a long way from MLG
  5. ThePhillUp

    ThePhillUp Ancient
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    Did you perhaps download it? Did you get some friends to play on it? Did you play over 10 matches on it like we did while we tested it? We found out Rockets did not rule the map. You have 3-4 rockets, and they respawn every 2:30-3 minutes. And also you say it is unbalanced. It is perfectly symetrical. Since when does being unsymetrical considered being unbalanced. Also when you are playing MLG, you don't stop and say, oooooo! That looks pretty! You play to win with MLG.

    Also, there are 4 man cannons, but only 3 are used. The one above the one taking you to Level 3 is just for stability, so you can always land on top. They DID NOT overpower the map during the tests.
    #5 ThePhillUp, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  6. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    The map lacks balance in terms of flow. You have an empty side with two man cannons and one side with rockets and the rest of the map. It is very empy with one side only contained some poorly forged bridges that seem to have no purpose, two man cannons, and some uneven A/B signs. Spools are not MLG unless they have weapon holders on top of them. Rockets are 3 minutes and are drop spawns, not 2.5-3 minutes. You have a free floating platfrom (door) in the map, that is highly non-MLG. The map is sloppy, it is symmetrical but it is not neat and from the pictures it looks like most of the objects are uneven and not aligned properly to be completely Symmetrical. There are tons of bumps and edges that ruin the flow of the game. There is no goemrging and little to none of interlocking. The map is very plain and empty. 1/5

    Listen, im not trying to sound like an asshole, im just being realistic. It's a good start and i hope you take my points not as me coming off as a jerk but as constructive citicism for your next map.
    #6 tw khaotik, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  7. i5m I Joker

    i5m I Joker Ancient
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    Personal Touch when you steel the Wall and the cranes from onlaught? Yeah dude, pretty personal touch ...

    I played 1 round with 6 peolpe and 1 with 8, none of them was even close to fun, 1 guy quited because the map was "too random and -blam-".
    The Forging is very weak and the map is unbalanced. All of the guys who tested it are very high levels in mlg, but in the 4 on 4 Game one team just spawncamped the other team until the final score was 50-17, when you have a setup its impossible for the other team to break through, rethink the spawns, add cover ... rethink everything ...
    + Foundary IS too small to have rocket

    (Edit: Try to make a complete Infection Map out of Leverage, its closer to that than to MLG ...)
    #7 i5m I Joker, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  8. ThePhillUp

    ThePhillUp Ancient
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    Steal the wall and cranes from onslaught??? Wow. Just wow.
  9. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
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    Ok ThePhillUp overall from the pictures i can tell this map has some potential...but it seems like some things were just placed to make it look the same...i would like to help you revise it, if you would like me too...(if you look at my map on my signature, you will probably think bad, but ive gotten way better)...soo if you would like some help, on a possible V2, i would like too
  10. i5m I Joker

    i5m I Joker Ancient
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    Your trying to deny it? Wow. Just wow.

    You want to tell me you made a perfect wall and a perfect crane block, but the rest of your map is just bad? Of course ...
    I could delete everything exept the wall and the cranes on your map, and on onlaught, it would be the exact same map ... you are poor dude, taking the wall and the cranes isnt even that bad, but to deny it is just poor, gtfo ...
  11. ThePhillUp

    ThePhillUp Ancient
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    Yes, we took the map and cleared it out except for that. The cranes make the map fair, and so does the wall. You expect us to delete it all and create it again when it is readily available for us? I wasn't denying that we used them. Just that your an idiot that should just leave this site.
  12. i5m I Joker

    i5m I Joker Ancient
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    Thats denying for me ...

    And yes, i expect you to build your own wall and your own crane blockers, why? Because the onlaught wall and cranes are made by the guy who made onlaught, you steal his work (or did you ask him?) and dont even notify it in your post, so without saying you stole the parts, you indirectly say its your work, you are no forger, you are a thief.
    (+ You cant take criticism, you just deny your mistakes and offend me by calling me an idiot. ..)
    I wont leave this site, ill stay till you learn how to forge (your own things). This might take a couple years ...
  13. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    ThePhillUp, just get over it. This map is not up to MLG standards. It should be moved to Competitive.
  14. ThePhillUp

    ThePhillUp Ancient
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    I don't really care if the map is perfect I'm perfectly okay about it. I just don't like inconsiderate people.
  15. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    We're not being inconsiderate. Your just not taking our advice contructively. You may think we're just being jerks but we are giving you realistic feedback.
  16. XxSniperJobexX

    XxSniperJobexX Ancient
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    I agree its very sloppy. What dissapointed me the most is that you used amplified and deleted some things. Everything good I saw, the very little interlocking, the very little geo-merging, and the divding wall, was from amplified. You didn't even make most of the map. Sorry to be rude but everything I said was true. My advice: More cover on the lower level. Remove the Rockets. Remove the Manncannons. Make your map from scratch without using other peoples maps. Interlock almost everything in an MLG map. Remove some bumps. Make the map flow a little better. Also the map is not perfectly symetrical.

    Those were just my thoughts on how to make it better. 1.5/5 for... um trying.

    Oh and if you post your map but think everyone is stupid and mean and you won't even take thier advice then don't even post at all.
    #16 XxSniperJobexX, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  17. ThePhillUp

    ThePhillUp Ancient
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    I repect everything you say, but me and my friend DID MAKE THIS MAP. We used the wall and cranes from the MLG map so it would save us the countless amount of time to recreate something exactly like that to make the map fair.
  18. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, it's a nice attempt at making an MLG map, but your not quite there yet. Good luck with your next one though.

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