Infection, The Fortress of Damnation. I've got your attention, yay. This looks like its my first map uploaded here. The Fortress Created by LeadinSpartan Supported Gametypes: Infection only! Use included gametype: Fort Infection. Map Description: This is one of my first real forge maps in Halo 3, It happens to be a fortress because It's the first thing that came to my mind. Now I know what your thinking, highly unoriginal right? Well, for starters this isn't a map on Foundry, or Sandbox. *Gasp* Second off, I know I put a lot of weapons for the humans, maybe even a little too much, but there is no time limit, the zombies are going to have to win at some point. So here is the backround story. You are an elite squad of Spartans sent to investigate a distress call from a UNSC Miltary Complex that has been suspected to be over run by the covenant, You arrive to figure out that the dissappearance of the last members from the Complex have been infected by something...or someone. One of your best friends dies in the very beginning, You fall back deeper into the base, Finding more ammo and supplies. You call for backup, *static*. Your mission? To survive as long as you can, Backup may never arrive. Overview of your Fortress. Mounted Gauss Turrets? OMG! ^_^ Watchout Tower Gate Inside, Yes you need a vehicle, Zombies can drive. Zombie Spawn, Warthog is for the gate. Anyways, As a zombie, you don't have to use a warthog to get in the base, You can alternatively just go through the teleporter at the bottom of the "Real" Standoff base on that side. In my gameplay video, It shows me going down a tunnel, That tunnel leads you to a locked Corridor. Happy Camping, and Hope you liked my map. P.S. Humans will never win as there is no time limit, you just got to "Survive." Lol. Download The Fortress Download Fort Infection Gameplay Video: YouTube - .:Fort Infection:.
Looks interesting enough. My only real qualm with this is the weapon placement. Spread the guns around the map (or at least the fortress) a bit. Keep up the great forging! PS: Nice job on getting pictures and a description in your first map post. ~Hunter
Thanks, I've been lurking around here since the site started actually, I had another account but I forgot the pass, and I became less active on the site. Yesterday I saw a post on linking here and it brought back so many memories. I never posted a map before but I've seen how people get pissed easily without pictures and stuff, thanks for the constructive criticism. Best Regards, Hardly Hidden. P.S. Glad you liked it, My gameplay video is @ 64% and Its 2:36 am here lol.
Ok besides the armory and such, how much health do the zombies get? I know you get tons of weapons and stuff, but the zombies bette be damn hard to kill, and it hopefully is hard for them to get into the base. Thats the only way I see this map being a challange. Otherwise the people being the zombies will hate every waking second of it. An with the map, the fotress looks ok, its not bad, and its not impressive, but I did see you went for gameplay here which is cool. Pm me back about the zombie health, or reply on here I dont care. Happy Forging!
At first, I thought this map was going to be another floating base with teleporters and grav lifts to get up to the base. But when I saw the first picture, I was wrong. You put a lot more time and thought into it. Also, for the lookout tower, I would probably get rid of some of the weapons. You only need a sniper and maybe a fuel rod gun or a rocket launcher. What is the warthog spawn at? Because if you need the warthog to get into the base, then what are the zombies going to do if it is destroyed? Unless the gametype has indestructable vehicles. I think the humans would be at too large of an advantage which would make the game less fun for both the humans and the zombies. I would suggest maybe cleaning (not saying anything is out of place) up the fortress a bit and maybe adding stuff for the zombies to use. Fairly good map, but a bit over powering. 3/5
There are 2 ways to get into the base, One by Warthog, and the other by teleporter. I don't because I would have to change the weapon layout by a lot lol. Thanks for the comment. I think that Zombies are 250% fast with 150% Gravity and Normal Shields. They move way to fast to be hit most of the time. I actually had them overpowered at first. Thanks for all the compliments guys. Keep them coming. Best Regards, Hardly Hidden.
He can, but most of us wouldnt recommend it. I'd say 110%, with 200% health would make it more of a challenge for both teams. Humans - Tons of weapons and cover Zombies -Walking tanks.
No... he can't. The choices available skip from 200 to 300 for speed. I believe these are the choices... 25 50 75 90 100 110 125 150 200 300 I know for a fact that there is no 250.
Yeah, I changed it to 110 Speed with 200% damage resistance and normal shields for the zombies. By the way Check out my newest map: