October 10, 2009 (Release date is Bungie Day! 7/7/09) The Swine Flu has been getting worse and worse. It has gone from simple flu-symptoms to shut-down bodily functions, rabies like foam coming from the mouth, and even death. There is a critical rush for a vacine for the infection. The Death Toll is in the thousands within a week in the U.S. School systems are shutdown, import and export routes and canals are closed, and we are now blocked off from the rest of the world. Everybody is told to stay as clean as possible, make sure they don't get infected. Keep any infected human around you quarantined inside their living quarters. Everyone is calm and strong right now. October 18,2009 Forty-Thousand deaths within this week... Everybody is now told to stay inside their abodes and don't even step a foot outside. Every case of swine flu has been terrible. Symptoms are the following: Shaking, constant moaning and screaming, seizuring, stroke, and all have been recorded with deaths. The only way the infection can be spread is through bodily fluids. Officials have told people to not come in contact with any infected person what so ever! No kissing, holding hands, sharing drinks, etc. October 22, 2009 Doctor Robert E. Conan has discovered a possible vaccine. It is in a form of fluid. So, at 7:56 P.M. Conan inserted the fluid vaccine into a mid-age man. Everything seemed normal, but after 2 minutes, the patient started to rapidly shake, he was in a seizure state and was foaming from his mouth. His eyes were bleeding and his ears were too. The monitor line went flat. Just as they were leaving, the patient jolted up very quickly, turned to the doctor and yelled. With aggresivness he tackled the doctor and started to bite at him. The doctor's eyes rolled back in his head. Just like the middle-age man Robert sat up and turned into something else. News stations warned everyone to not take the vaccinations over T.V. .. But it was too late, everyone over the country were using these vaccination shots and becoming these creatures. There were reports of odd occurances as well with these transformations. Some patients digestive tracts bloated to a very large way. Boils formed all over them. Some patients even bloated so much, that they literally exploded. Their blood turned into this thick-green bile. Any other infected around the bile seemed to jump on it. It attracts them. The doctors came up with a name for them, the Boomers. Patients with a lung cancer had some very disturbing mutations. Their tongues grew terribly long and would hang all the way down to their legs. Fumes started to come out of them and they would cough without stopping. Boils formed all around their body. The tongue is able to be stretched and pulled back at will. They were named Smokers. These patients were very wierd after mutations. These patients had an athletic life pre-infection. During mutation, their lung capacity doubled. Leg and arm strength were raised terribly. Reports talk about seeing these patients jump and scale across buildings and walls. Screeching and yelling very loudly. They have been seen jumping on other infected, tearing them to shreads. Hunters were the name that they have been given. I am Louis. I am with 3 others by the name of Zoey, Bill, and Francis. We have been traveling through Philadelphia seeking salvation from this Hell on Earth. It will be a damn long time before that happens though... We are walking up on this old cabin right now....
This doesn't really get me excited. The story seems sort of overused. I also don't know if the map has a chance of being good or not because the are no pics to show it.
I did have another thread on this, that is why there are no pictures. Not really mean't to excite, just to tell the story. I can care less if it's overused.
You could have linked to that page. It's kinda pointless to post ABOUT a map you're making unless you need help or want people to get excited. Normally people add the stories on their finished map. Just think about that next time, mhm?