Maybe shoving the DirecTV remote up your ass will make you calm down. No? How about bashing your face in with a shoe? Ah. That's better. =)
This is to fake he would've ran away or something anyways how did he get the camera in the room with out his bro noticing?
That was his brother recording him. Obviously he knew his brother was going to act this way or he got lucky he got this on camera. I find this video hilarious. He sounds like a raptor attacking its prey Nice find
We all have our moments. I can't believe his brother embarrassed him like that. What is put on the internet, stays on the internet. I can't wait untill he sees himself on youtube one night and freaks!
i accually, honestly think that was real. i used to scream like that, to get attention and try to make my parents feel bad, i never shoved **** in my ass or anythign but, i screamed. it'd be that times two on his brothers ass.
That guy could be in World of Warcraft. If that guy wasn't acting, I think he's got bigger problems than World of Warcraft.
Addiction.YouTube - World of Warcraft Addict It's hits everyone.YouTube - Cannibal Corpse Frontman World of Warcraft Rant
Did he punch that wall? Or was that just a classic example of the media taking things out of context. Notice how the rest of the house appeared to be falling apart? Such as the wall surrounding the door frame? I honestly doubt that the kid did that, since it was apparent even behind the mother. To be honest, that kid has a good head on his shoulders, considering. He kept calm and cool, and used logic. In fact, I'd be willing to bet he said alot more than they put on the segment, because I agree 100% with him that he is "meeting friends". I meet friends on xbox live, I make them on this site. If you say that there's something wrong with that, you are practically saying that there is something wrong with long distance friendships. Pen pals are considered "friends" and aren't frowned upon, but you can learn more about a person through these games than writing a letter. The fact of the matter is, there is nothing wrong with making friends over the internet, because it is simply bridging the gap to another part of the world you cannot reach. If it wasn't for the internet, that kid would have never mett he people he knows on there now. ****ing news, I pray that one day my mom decides to call them so they can do a segment on me. That would be fun.
He seemed calm and collected, from what you've seen. There was a camera crew there, which are strangers, everyone seems to act a little more mature around company. Also your parents usually try to speak highly of their offspring, so why would she get the news to do a story on him? Yes it could be for publicity, but I highly doubt she wants to be known as that mother. As for the house looking the way it does, I think they are apart of the lower-class or maybe renting the house? I don't think he punched that big of a whole the wall though, maybe a stomp, but judging on looks he doesn't look like he can do much. I do agree on how we make friends over the internet in some shape or form, but I do think you need to keep in contact with friends that live close to you. It's good to have a social life in which you see the other person when you're talking to them, and no not by video chat. I think he needs to go outside a little, sixteen hours of your day? That's basically, wake up, game, eat, sleep. Not healthy last time I checked.