ODST and REACH news thread.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mace, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    nobody said there WAS going to be jonor guard armor, they just want it (and so do I!)
  2. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Elites are dirty.

    All im looking forward to with odst is the ability to beta test reach,
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    You don't like survival mode? ): I hope the beta isn't only out for 2 weeks like Halo 3 multiplayer beta.
  4. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    the beta for reach will not be with the game! you get the code and everything, but then you have to wait a while before you can use it. there was an article on this somewhere on the web earlier today that i was reading.
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yes it will. Bungie said so. It'll come with the game CD. You read wrong.
  6. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i ment that we cant use the beta code we get for a while, but we still get the code with the game. this may be wrong i don't know.
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    It is, when you get Halo:Reach, you can start playing reach beta I believe.

    Closeup=doesn't even look like MJOLNIR.
    But these kids found a reasonable explanation with facts at least
    If it ends up being a class game... well I really hope that it doesn't add up to as Team Fortress Halo.
    (Left to right)
    #227 Rifte, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    How about Halo Battlefront?
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    thatd be really good.

    but theres a lack of factions to go around to make it good
  10. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    really? i thought that there were three (mabie even four) teams in the war? mabie i'm wrong but here's the possible "factions" for halo:
    The Flood
    and i al;so have characters for each:
    UNSC:spartans (each armor variant is differant), marines and ODSTs.
    Covenant:The typical troops for the covies + the never before seen covenant trooper (that wasn't put into the halo games. it was ment to destroy vehicles).
    Flood: the flying units, and the regular units (obiously they're not on reach, but they could be on another planet that you go to.)
    Rebels: they weren't on reach but they, like the flood, could be on another planet. you could use......oh i don't know mabie terrorists.
  11. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I wish I could use the Arbiter armor...
  12. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Damn no elites in ODST. VERY sad faic. At least the awesomeness of the ODSTs make up for it.
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I know, I wish we could face elites instead of ODST in firefight... I never really liked brutes, they aren't as alien as elites. At least we'll be able to start killing elites again for Reach. Bring back the Halo 1 elites!
    #233 Rifte, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  14. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
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  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    nice. some of those are gonna be a *****.
  16. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Vidmasters, and the collectible one. Absolute bullshit. Collecting 100. I'm gonna wait for a guide to come out though before I collect them, so when I start to try for the achievement, I won't miss any.
  17. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    so, will the engineers be the human kind, or the Covenent race/Forerunner android thing? just wondering, and the Deja vu one, looks, well, like the vidmaster annual one, with 4 player legendary live co-op iron on and everybody in ghosts, ah, horrible, horrible, times, stupid internet (I didn't mean don't fail me, I need the net!) anyways, I was just curious, and it also means that there might be hidden skulls in the campaign..... :() muhahahahahahhaahha...Black eye overshield anyone? IWYBYD, ah Johnson, what a nut, and terrible shot with a Splaser! Stiil, I really want one of these games to feature the ability to turn off assassinations! Think of the possibilities! (not pie) lets see.
    Which looks more like the ones in the picture of all the Spartans? In the Reach Trailer that is?[​IMG]
    ooooooh, New Machine Gun, or something like that, it looks part ODST, part Mark III and part Cyborg Knight(Jedis?) Can we we use the machete that one guy has? Wait, is this based partly on the Ghost Recon/GRAW(2?) gear? BTW in the Advoe, I spy a Covenant ship, glassing reach, and mountains, and of course, the big explosion that is the orangeish backround
    #237 Crushric, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  18. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
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    If you look closely, the 100 has a percent sign by it, so it just means all of them. Also, I'm looking forward to the Vidmasters. I want a challenge this time around.
  19. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    personally, I very surprised by the male and female difference between the spartans, I had always assumed the armor was the same, because, to me the female suit looks slightly less intimidating (but thats a natural side affect of me being a male so...) so I assumed they were the same as to not let the enemy tell the difference (other then vocaly) I can imagine all the lonley guys out there clamouring to play as her and the other possible female, LOL, I'm going for the MC every time (he's my second favorite spartan next to..well, I'd rather not say) and if not the MC, well then the funny guy (every real team out there has one) or drive the Spartan Rick Roll Mobile! (wait, they never had one :( to bad) I'm starting to question Reach more and more everyday, I'll still but it even if the only goal for beating it on legendary is a secret unicorn level, in which you must fight unicorns! oh the horror! or something dumb like that. I Also want to splatter little kids with a pelican! muhahahahahahhaha *cough* *cough* just as long as it still is halo, not halofront (battlefront or whaterver) or something so unimaginably horrible, that the though scars mens minds! Barbie as Cortana! I hate cheap kids movies. especially when I'm trying to watch family guy reruns and its there! (commercial) anyways, I'll try my best to Leeroy Jenkins the Campaign and get everyone I know (cept me) killed in the process (game wise)
  20. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Here's the list of achievements in order so no one has to memorize the video. Numbers are the number they appear in the pictures at the bottom.
    (Row 1)
    1. Listener - Found the first audio log. 5g
    2. Kikowani Station - Completed Kikowani Station on any difficulty normal and up. 30g
    3. Data Hive - Completed Data Hive and unlocked the Chasm Ten firefight mission. 50g
    4. Kizingo Boulevard - Completed Kizingo Boulevard and unlocked the Mickey character in firefight. 30g
    5. ONI Alpha Site - Completed ONI Alpha Site and unlocked the Alpha Site firefight mission. 30g
    6. NMPD HQ - Completed NMPD HQ and unlocked the Romeo character in firefight. 30g
    (Row 2)
    1. Campaign Complete Legendary - Completed Campaign on Legendary and unlocked the Dare character in firefight. 100g
    2. Junior Detective - Found the first clue unraveling the mystery. 10g
    3. Gumshoe - Found the 3rd clue unraveling the mystery, alone or with another ODST. 10g
    4. Coastal Highway - Completed Coastal Highway and unlocked The Last Exit firefight mission. 50g
    5. Campaign Complete Normal - Completed Campaign on Normal. 100g
    6. Campaign Complete Heroic - Completed Campaign on Heroic. 100g
    (Row 3)
    1. Boom, Headshot - Get 10 automag headshots in any level. 5g
    2. Stunning! - Stunned a Vehicle with an overcharged plasma pistol and quickly killed the driver. 5g
    3. Ewww, Sticky - Get 5 sticky grenade kills on any level. 5g
    4. Heal Up - Found the first Medical Kiosk and healed yourself. 5g
    5. Tourist - Accessed and downloaded the map to VISR. 5g
    6. Dark Times - Killed five enemies while using VISR mode. 5g
    (Row 4)
    1. Headcase - Finished any level with at least one Skull activated. 5g
    2. Tayari Plaza - Completed Tayari Plaza and unlocked the Buck character in firefight. 30g
    3. Uplift Reserve - Completed Uplift Reserve and unlocked the Dutch character in firefight. 30g
    4. My Clothes! - Plasma Pistol Overcharged and quickly killed 10 brutes. 5g
    5. Pink and Deadly - Get 10 Needler supercombine kills on any covenant. 5g
    6. Trading Down - Traded weapons with a fellow character. 5g
    (Row 5)
    1. Firefight: Security Zone - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Security Zone. 10g
    2. Firefight: Alpha Site - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Alpha Site. 10g
    3. Firefight: Rally Point - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Rally Point. 10g
    4. Firefight: Crater - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Crater. 10g
    5. Firefight: Lost Platoon - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Lost Platoon. 10g
    6. Firefight: Windward - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Windward. 10g
    (Row 6)
    1. Vidmaster Challenge: Endure - In firefight, on any mission, passed the 4th set on 4-player Heroic LIVE co-op. 25g
    2. Vidmaster Challenge: Deja Vu - Completed Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and no 'Hog or Scorpian. 25g
    3. Vidmaster Challenge: Classic - Finished any level solo on Legendary on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades thrown. 25g
    4. Firefight: Chasm Ten - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Chasm Ten. 10g
    5. Firefight: Last Exit - Scored over 200,000 points in firefight on Last Exit. 10g
    6. Be Like Marty - In firefight, finished a full round without killing a single enemy. 10g
    (Row 7)
    1. Laser Blaster - Get 10 Spartan Laser kills on ONI Alpha Site. 5g
    2. Dome Inspector - Got 15 headshot kills on NMPD HQ. 5g
    3. Both Tubes - Got 10 rocket kills on Kizingo Boulevard. 5g
    4. Super Sleuth - Found the final clue unraveling the mystery, alone or with another ODST. 10g
    5. Wraith Killer - Killed all wraiths on Uplift Reserve. 5g
    6. I Like Fire - Killed 10 enemies with the flamethrower on Data Reserve. 5g
    (Row 8)
    1. All Ears - Found 15 audio logs, alone or with another ODST. 30g
    2. Audiophite - Found all audio logs, alone or with another ODST. 75g
    3. Tuned In - Found 3 audio logs, alone or with another ODST. 15g
    4. Good Samaritan - Killed no Engineers in the city at night during entire campaign, alone or with another ODST. 20g
    5. Naughty Naughty - Killed 10 Engineers in the city at night , alone or with another ODST. 5g

    There goes 30 minutes of my life. Here goes another 15, ima gonna put all of the achievements in a picture here in order, like reading a book. Bad quality, so live with it.

    Edit: Wow took another 30. Anyway I split the achievements into seven groups of six and one of five, so it's easier to relate the achievement to the picture. Enjoy!

    #240 redearth, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009

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