Alright ive had a problem with forging lately. I love making infection maps but the blue and red lights dont glow anymore. So in the dark maps i create the lights dont help at all. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell me thanks -King
They seem to switch on and off every minute or so, If you have them interlocked with something, Yank it out of there
It could be the FX you're using. If not, then there've been times where the light's just wouldn't glow at all. You could see them, and the lights themselves glowed, but all the scenery around it wouldn't glow. If that's your problem I don't think you can fix it, because it seems to happen randomly. But yeah, if you're using FX, that could be the problem.
this happened to me when I was using a money glitched map. maybe that is part of the problem? i can only suggest replacing the light, starting new round, or saving and ending the game. Sorry if it doesn't go well for you.
Never bothered me. On my map it happened, andi didnt interlock anything, i think it just happens naturaly, just delete it, save, spawn a new one, it should work, that worked for me, on my other map, i left it alone, and in a custom game, it worked.