Sandbox P-D Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Kronos, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    [Pink Death] Arena
    Game Variant
    P-D Arena is pretty much a map based off my old one, which was just Narrows with a hill covering the bridge area in the center. This new version on Sandbox improves upon that version [which was never posted] by making the lower level unavailable, and by erasing pointless parts of the map, such as the bases and man-cannon areas.

    Anyway, since none of you know what I'm talking about yet, P-D arena is pretty much a team slayer game to 25, but the goal is to launch other team's members off the "Bridge" by spamming tons of needles into them. I've made some changes to the basic bridge that is on Narrows, such as adding blocks in one corner of each team's spawn, as you can see in the screens below.

    I know by now some of you are probably thinking, "oh, so we . . . shoot each other a lot?" While, this is true, what makes this game so fun is that you fly around so much. Being dead is bad, but flying through the sky before you die is just epic, plus you don't ALWAYS die in the sky. Eh, I'm bad at explanations, moving on to the game variant!

    The game variant is fairly simple. It is a KotH game; in the hill, you have decreased gravity, high shields / resistance, and do low damage. The starting weapon is needler, secondary is magnum, and no weapons are on the map. The magnum is for shooting fusion coils. If you noticed, you are NOT invincible, but it is far easier to launch someone off than it is to kill them. Again, I suck at explanations, on to screenies!


    ~ Side View *Note Corner Blocks, They Really Do Save You ~

    ~ Across from Far Side ~

    ~ Center ~

    ~ One of Two Ramps ~

    ~ Ground Level Across ~

    I am aware that players can get on top fo the corner blocks if they are launched up there by needles, but I decided to keep that in for a couple reasons:

    1) It's awesome.
    2) Said player cannot help team well.

    I am also aware that players can jump down to the obelisks near each side. I kept this in for a couple reasons as well:

    1) It makes the player 100% useless to team.
    2) The player is an instant kill to anyone who shoots him / her.

    Map: P-D Arena
    Game: Pink Death

    Thanks for looking!

    #1 Kronos, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2009
  2. mikecincifan22

    mikecincifan22 Ancient
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    um ok its not really all that original but it has a possiblity to be fun but the only thing i have a problem is the excessive amount of spawn killing that i see going to happen on this map. if you add a couple more structures this has the possibility to be quite entertaining
  3. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I forgot to mention, the spawns are in the sky, so spawn-assassins will fail. Spawn killing does not occur. At the most, one team may get the first shot in, which really doesn't effect all that much when there is constant shooting going on.

    Look at the first screenshot. You can see they are floating. You have enough time to arrange yourself before hitting the ground to stop spawn-killing.

    note: Obviously it's not original, it's based off the bridge on Narrows! ^_^


    I know it's not all that original, but I have fun on it, and that's what counts.

    Edit: The idea isn't to have a lot of cover, the idea is to get a better angle and blast your opponent away. Not to hide form needles the whole game. This is why I don't include large structures in this, or any structure in the playing field other than small cover that is similar to Narrows.
    #3 Kronos, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  4. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    Looks fun but I recommend you removing the fusion coils and add more attachments to the bridge, maybe two bridges!? You can forge nicely though.

  5. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I like the fusion coils. They aren't overkill though, people don't really focus on them, and if someone is, they have to wait for a guy to walk next to one, and then, a lot of the time that guy goes up, but not out. On the other hand it DOES work sometimes. The map doesn't need them, but it doesn't hurt either.

    About the attachments, care to elaborate? what kind of attachments?

    It would be cool to have two bridges, kinda like that one level on Halo CE campaign. I would have the money, but I don't know about items, I'll have to spawn every object I need to see if it would work.
  6. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    Two bridges would be amazing, especially with man cannons going to each side...
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I just tested. If I make them both the same, and I mean the exact same, I have 1 extra object, and that's using walls in place of double walls, not using T-Walls.

    Plus I think I added in random extra objects to make sure I didn't undercount.

    If I remove a few fusion coils, I can make a second bridge with mancannons.

    Care to tell me where the mancannons would go?

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