There may not be a reason for posting it, but I felt it was necessary. I even waited over 24 hours before posting it in case I truly was "venting". Now, I'm not sure how long you hold your anger, but I assure you that mine is short lived. And as to your "as if the rest of us give a ****" remark: if you really feel that way, why are you still here?
So the question is was this thread created to start discussion, just to complain, or just to announce that he is going to stop forging. I think only he can answer that question, although we do not know if it is the truth or not.
It was an announcement that was meant to spark conversation as to why the flaws are there, and if they are worth the trouble. Whether anyone believes it or not, is not my problem.
well if thats the case here is what I will say. You should be happy that there weren't more flaws and that some of them existed (interlocking, geomerging). Remember what forge was originally supposed to be.
I completely agree with you on everything. Maps just don't look good on Sandbox now. They look bad, when Foundry maps looked good. The objects Bungie has given us are terrible to work with, and when you think Bungie could do things the easy way and give us a perfectly straight object, they give us an object covered with cracks, bumps, and many aesthetic touches that the box could easily do without. It's annoying... They have no excuse for the walls to do what they do, they didn't do this on Foundry, so what the hell? Sandbox was supposed to be the dream forge map, but in all honesty it came out to be another map Bungie had to add too much to. Wouldn't it have been easier to make a giant open area with the same objects Foundry had. Or perhaps they could have added every object from every previous level to give us the real "Dream Forge Map." I would quit myself, but I still have hope in Bungie. I hope they come to their senses and make the real "Dream Forge Map" that everybody was asking for.. I really do. As for the reason Shaddo posted this thread. I agree that it was an important thing to do. He is a major member of ForgeHub, being a premium makes it our every right to know if he's done forging. We can't just sit here and wait for his next map to release. Everybody loves Shaddo's maps, and if he's done with forging, it's a good thing he's telling us. Quit getting mad at him, just ignore the thread if you're against it.
The walls did slightly tilt on foundry. Just since they are bigger and aren't rounded off really, you don't notice and it doesn't affect gameplay. Have you seen bungies update as to why it does that though. Its something they couldn't fix because they originally didn't have immovable items. They couldn't test it out. I think people are forgetting what forge was supposed to be and should be happy that we have maps like foundry and sandbox and that there weren't more problems that arose.
Im with Sweeny on this one, sorry shadow. Every other thread like this gets flamed, and put down. The only difference between this thread and those is the user that posted it. You are a respected member, and have earned the rank of 'premium' but if a newer member were to post a thread exactly like this it would get comments such as "Omg use the search bar" "We already knew that walls moved, stfu" "Go whine somewhere else" IMO thats how it would turn out, and IMO this is a thread just for complaining. I have nothing against you, but im not going to just not say anything because of your 'rank'
I too reached a crossroads similar to this in March of this year. You see, I was at my Forgiest last summer - nothing could stop my creative freight train, as they say. I was droppin' maps like Britney Spears was droppin' babies, and all was well. However, September came and punched me in the balls. I was delivered the one-two punch aimed straight at my motivation for Forging: I became a Premium Member, and my Junior year of the International Baccalaureate program began shitting all over my face with work. I completed my Rat's Nest map (which was basically a cop-out on my part from Foundry), posted it, and vanished into the ether until December, at which point my annual custom game event (that I've held since '06) drew near and I had to please my regular patrons. You see, becoming a Premium had been my goal from the time I joined ForgeHub, and upon accomplishing it I'd had no reason to continue Forging. I managed to throw together a new Nooks&Crannies map for December's event somehow, and that spurred my desire to Forge once more. I came to the realization that I had allowed my goal of attaining the Maroon to interfere with my original desire to create. When I had that epiphany, my love for Forge came back and I was motivated to Forge once more. I began and never finished four or five maps in January and February as well as two or three Sandbox maps in March, and it was only recently that I figured out why I hadn't finished them. My fear of the "all-consuming goal" returning to rain on my parade had caused me to take the total opposite approach and Forge for "the fun of it" in a happy-go-lucky fashion. What resulted from that approach was what I like to call "creativity vomiting" - I merely made something that I wanted to (with no purpose really), and when I tired of it I made something else. I lacked the motivation to finish anything, and the bugs of Sandbox put me past the edge. When my 80+ hour Skybubble map that I'd worked on for weeks succumbed to an immovable double wall with a trapped Respawn Point on the main floor (I was too arrogant to use someone else's OLN canvas and had decided to do it manually) I took a three month hiatus from Forge. With my schooling's intensity picking up and the stresses of running my group, I had no time for Forge. I reconnected with my estranged love for Forge a few weeks ago. I attribute part of this reconnection to my sudden abundance of free time (work is far less time consuming than school), but the majority of it to a change in my attitude. I now know that I must have goals to succeed, but I mustn't let their achievement lull me into a sense of satisfaction and complacency. This is easier said than done, obviously, but I've set loftier goals now. My new goals for Forge are to conquer the Crypt, conquer the Skybubble, and get a map of mine into matchmaking via ATLAS. I guess the point of my post here is to tell you that you need to reconsider WHY it is that you Forge. In my case, it's because I have an innate love for building things and watching people enjoy them, as well as the desire to innovate and raise the standards of Forging. At this point, I see Sandbox's bugs and shortcomings as more of a challenge than anything else presented by the map. So why do YOU Forge, Shaddo? Ask yourself that question - the rest of the answers to your personal dilemma will come from that answer.
I forge because I enjoy the finished product, and want to share it with others. I could care less about getting Premium, featured, or any other type of recognition. When the amount of frustration that results from forging becomes greater the amount of enjoyment the map will bring me upon it's completion, it is time to move on from forge. That is what happened.
Hey these things piss me off too (especially the double wall problem), but you cant just quit like that. Like Makisupa said you have made some amazing creations, I'd just hate to see an amazing map maker just strait up quit. Look if you just don't like doing it anymore, it's fine but don't say you're quitting for good because you never know, you may start to miss forging or you may have a nice idea for forging in the future. I don't know, it's just sad to see a forger like you go for good.
In your case, that is a perfectly legitimate reason for quitting Forge. I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors.
I've backed up the forge many times before, and I can't be arsed to again as Sweeney said it all already. However, the dunes are the way they are because they are a copy of Sandtrap's dunes. If you don't want poeple to access them then build a wall around your map. But you're a preium so you should be able to find work-arounds like everyone else does (Utah Mambo is a good work-around map that blends in with the dunes nicely). You should either stop being such a perfectionist or stop bitching. It's put-up or shut-up time Shaddo and I'd hate to see you go. You never complained while you were making race maps and achieving your premium, did you just want to hold your breath about the issues until now? The forge was actually meant to be a mini-game. Players against the monitor. Then someone decided it should be a bit more flexible than that. Good thing they did, or we'd never have forge as we have it today.
I still do not look at this thread as complaining, look, I'm typing this post, and it will be posted on the fourth page. This thread obviously was created as, shaddo said, to inform why he is not forging any more and why. But, since as most have mentioned because of his rank, this thread was turned into a discussion thread. Im not taking any sides, I look past his rank, I do agree on the flaws of forge. But it is the responsibility of the forger to get past these flaws and do what they love to do, Forge. Thats the exact reason I forge. I just become really lazy sometimes. Did you forget that to him, its not about quality or reading the thread, its about raising your post count. GTFO
Nay, thats the que to move on to co-forging. I know its not everyone's cup of tea, and certainly wasn't mine either. I loved forging alone and swore Id never co-forge..until I came so a very similar crossroads that you are at now. But I eventually teamed up with Creep1ng De4th, then later Vicious Vice, and some other minor stuff in between and in the works, and the rest is history. Do I still have a disdain for the mechanics of Forge and the nuisances of Foundry/Sandbox. Hell yes I do. But like you, I LOVE the finished product, and I love the creative aspect and the ability to sustain Halo 3's lifespan (which is what forging is all about). So I don't know if you've co-forged or not before, but I would really strongly encourage it. Don't co-forge with anyone though, send a PM to one of youre best FH pals and toss some ideas around. It works wonders for motivation. You see results twice as fast, if not quicker, and that only fuels the forgin fire, so to say. It really is worth it. I promise.
don't quit, always try and do your best. also if you lower your perfection standards just a bit then you'll be happy. Look at me of course the only thing that pisses me off is when you make a good map w/ interlocking and you start a new round to interlock something and blam! Game Over Red team wins! shows up and if you didn't save your map is rendered to a piece or sh** and you have wasted 6 hours of your life for nothing at all. At that point I turn off halo immediately to leave the room before my xbox catches fire lol
Take a break. It really helps. Whenever I get tired of Halo, or Forge, I play something else for a couple weeks, to get away from it. Not for 30 minutes, that doesn't help. Anyway, I've never done a collab, but try that, like LS said. could help? PS: I completely agree on the flaws of Forge, but it never really was meant for map making, so it's decent considering that. Also, do you have Garry's Mod? pwnage right there. Get it if you don't.