Halo City This map can be played on lots of infection gametypes , the best gametype for this map is cops and robbers but it can also play Hide and Seek , Real Zombies and more but its important to remember that the zombie will have to play with the socerball for 1min before it is let out by a timed switch. The Map is basicly is a city with everything you will find in a city, i made this a while back. When i made v1 i run out of buget very fast so it wasnt that great but after i played it a couple of times with my mates they liked it so much so i started to v2 i buget gliched the map but guess what its still not perfect becouse i somehow reached the limmit of items possble to be placed on a map. Give ur selth a pat on the back if you read all that, and now here are the pictures: Overview 1: Overview 2: In the sentre of the map there is a watch tower: The timed switch (closed) : The timed switch (open) : Now the overview of the restarant: Inside the restarant : The toilets , drive trough and kitchen: Overview of the shop: Inside the shop: Another part of the shop and the back door: Storege building: Garages: The Prison overview (front): Prison enterence (automatic slide door): Door open: A window for the cops to make sure that nobody escapes: Prision overview (inside): Armory enterence ( yeah u heard me rigth): Armory inside: The gas station (u may wana keep away from it couse if it blows up...): U may.. Blow up with it: And now as always an awsome shot of the creator: ( man uploding those pictures was a pain) After that u better downlode it : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy and please leve a comment.
looks like a good aesthetic map and ithink thats the longest post ive seen i like the gas station good job
Do you know that you can only post 20 pictures in one post and i have 24? stop trying to act like a smartass
Did you know that you both are going to face infractions. First of all, iTz HLG nOob, your post had no revelance to the thread whatsover...Owner of thread you did double post, I dont think it is a problem, I would either limit the pictures to 20 or get permission from a mod for the double poswt. You did spam up your thread by asking for comments. Ok about the map. I dont believe I see any interlocking or geomerging, but I do like how the map looks. I like how clean it all looks. I really do not think that interlocking would have helped much by how hard you worked on this. Nice job man. This map really proves that a great map doesn't have to have interlocking.
I enjoy its looks and I believe it would be fun to play but it looks more like a map that would be used in a Machinima. Gameplay Wise 4/5
Everyone above me besides eguiatar and the first two posts should be infracted. It is fine to have two posts for a map post. Hell, Insane had like 5. Nothing will happen there. All of you please stop spamming up this thread. As for the map, it looks interesting, but there are several things that are wrong with it. What I like: Cool Urban Feel Switches What I don't like: Armories are never a good idea. Not Aesthetically appealing, but hey, gameplay>aesthetics. Zombie Map I am definitely not a fan of the normal zombie games. Armories never work with zombies. Although this looks like you are a newer forger, and I'd say not bad for that.
Ok I put an armory there becouse I dont think it affects the gameplay for cops and robbers whitch has been tested and enjoyed many times , It doesnt look like it, but I have georged a wall you can see in the shop overview and i did merge alot like the prison door too a long time to make it that smoth. The besic idea is that you can be sent to jail and cince the door is reuble u can unlock and lock it. I did make this map a long time ago and i think this is the 3rd good map i ever made and still remains my favorite. besides i pefer this map then just sitting in a box the whole time waiting to be killed. thx for the coments everyone!
Yeah i saw this on h3artificer, it's cool and all but you're armory is WAY over stocked. Overstocked armory = near impossible task for infected. You generally want to stay away from armories in general, with the exception of very few situations. But still it's a good map.
I dont think the armory is owerstoked also i made sure most of the weapons have a very long respwn and not alot of clips W00T 265 DL!!!
If you want too balance the armoury, stock it with explosives too. Also, I found it excessively easy too get too the prison roof, and in most infection games, zombies with high gravity can't reach it. You jump onto the house roof made of walls, then onto the building with double boxes for a roof, THEN onto the wall part of the prison wall, then onto the fence part at the top, then onto the roof and you can camp from there due too it being in a corner, unreachable AND being high enough too get almost anyone from there. (Edit) Alternatively too jumping onto the prison, you can go from the double-box-roof building too the claw-geometry. (Another Edit) You can get onto the prison wall from the house, then get up the same way. (Edit 3.0) From the prison roof you can get onto a small out-dent on a wall near the top of foundry, from this you can get ontop of a couple more buildings/stay there.
Thx for the long post now leme answer Honestly the armory did not effect any game i played its more for aztetics i supose. Now i knew u could jump on top of the prison and from there on to the shop if ur just playing infection that could be a problem but the thing is zombies can spawn on top of most buildings. Now i recomend playing cops and robers on this map becouse it was the original purpuse of the map and the weapons dont realy matter there i also think hide and seek would work very well with the map becouse of lots of places to hide and the 1min u get to find a hiding spot couse of the door thats keeing the zombie locked. now if u play the map with cops & robbers you wioll enjoy it 100% i even get messeges from time to time people on xbox live telling how much they enjoyed playing on the map, so go ahead and give it a DL its great when u have a big party and then u could be one of the peps seding me messeges enjoy !Edit 362 DLs! 2 comment on bungie.net: Y Austin Y said "love this map thanks" ManEating Zebra said "Good map guinea!" 76% 8 ratings
Hehe, I like how you made this compatible with several gametypes like Real Zombies and C & R (although I personally hate C & R, others love it, so it's a good idea) However, a common map flaw is not ensuring game balance. If you're going to have an "armoury" on a map, it's wise to make the weapon NEVER respawn, and to limit the amount of ammo in them. Enough ammo for 3-4 fully armed people is about the max you'll want in it. You'll also want to make the armoury uncampable (via killballs or in this case fusion coils), or at least as tough to hold down as any other place. Overall, a pretty decent map.
i'll DL if you put it on you're File share, i can't get it off here or B.net because of problems......
wernt you on my freinds list once before a long time ago the map is very well built and nice i like the door thing and drive throu 4/5
Dl link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details !Edit 394 DLs! 2 comment on bungie.net: Y Austin Y said "love this map thanks" ManEating Zebra said "Good map guinea!" 76% 8 ratings
Got my dl i dont care infraction or not but that post was awesome more pics the better. I love the idea of compatibility and all of the houses. I suggest that u keep the armory but take out the weapons in the other buildings. If u have sandbox u can always work on a v2 in sandbox and time the fx so that when the zombies come out it would turn dark... that would be revolutionary.
Oh guinea, you can do better than this! whilst i appreciate the nerve it takes to post a map on forgehub and have it subjected to public scrutiny i know you've made better maps than this! As for the map...well i guess its ok, it might be fun if you've got a couple of zombies that dont mind getting killed repeatedly, or of course plenty of noob gamers just picking up halo that think ure map is (quote) 'da bomb dude!' (unquote) of which i know you befriended several. ¬_¬ Don't expect this map to get far or over 1000 downloads less you wait a month. Oh but one good thing i have to say bout the map is that im glad someone managed to incorporate this switch canvas that (sorry i can't remember or bother to find his name) built. Now that must have taken a lot of the budget up but you still managed to make a map out of it so good job. i would'nt be so harsh on you guinea but I've seen your other work and this is nothing compared, more like someone who had picked up the game a month ago than an experienced forger... anyway overall 2/5 also guinea for gods sake use spell checker or read what you're typing!
i swear on my life some one else has posted this map before... and it wasnt you. if thats the case then im pretty sure that you can get infractered.... no idea how to spell. the map itself looks alright i supose. the asthetics look okay. some interlocking could have helped make the buildings look more smooth. infection on this wouldnt be too fun cuz i could see people just camping in the armory and not doing anything else. cops and robbers would be pretty lame too since theres not one inclosed building that people have to escape from.
why would i get infracted if someone stole my map i made this idk what u mean by saying cops and robbers dont work they work perfectly and to escape u need help from people on the outside who havent broken the law. i think u didnt read the rules and u r playing the map wrong.# about the weapons they are there to be astetic just play games where they wouldnt affect the game play and besides i put everything on no respawn or 180 respawn. sits not perfect becouse i wasnt amzing at forging when i made this im planing to remake this on sandbox but not for a while becouse i still need to get used to forging on sandbox and latly i havent had much time