I got the dreaded Legendary Edition when the game came out. Little did I know that the Legendary case is hell for any disc that goes in there. So after a year and a half of scratching and falling out, I took it out and heard a crack. Now when I put it in it just says "Open Tray". It's not big, but there's a chip of the plastic that fell out on the top left of the inner ring. Is there any way to fix this?
Oh jeez that sucks. And I wouldn't blame the case. I have the Legendary Edition and my disc is fine. 1) Are you sure it doesnt work? 2) Is this a real game disc or did you just take a mirror shot? 3) If the above questions havent solved anything for you this will. Go to your car, take the game with you, drive to your nearest mall and on your way there throw the disc out the window, once you arrive at the mall go to Gamestop and buy a new one for only $40. There is no remedy for a cracked disc.
Actually, it is the LE case. And it's limited edition, not legendary edition btw. And the disc circle thing that holds the disc in place inside the case is too big. I had the same problem and unfortunately you will need to buy a new copy as this disc is now ****ed.
It doesn't recognize it as a disc because there is a piece missing. E.g. Lets say a disc is rectangular. The disc drive will accept the rectangle. .__ |--| |--| .‾‾ But it won't accept it with a crack in: .__ |/\| |\/| .‾‾
ooooh suck to be you man. i have one of the original copies still (from the day that Halo3 came out!) if you have a broken disk use it as skeet, or try and microwave it to see what happens (i want to know. someone said it unlocks everything in the game, but i think they're full of ****.) you can buy a copy of Halo for more than $30, but usualy less than $50, depending on what version you buy and it's condition.
lol, i know. it's already dead and noone will buy a broken disk, so might as well do an experiment for mavrick!
Thats a good way to ruin your microwave. Sorry I thought LE meant Legendary not Limited. i know i meant the case
It was actually very odd. I could only play DLC but I could not play the original 12 maps. I guess I will do something cool with it. Does anyone know if when I get ODST, I can play Multiplayer right off the disc, or does it just come with the map packs. And I have to play Halo?
I see that the broken part of plastic is like in the middle I believe. I hate that an xbox won't accept that. I am trying to think, there has to be a place that would fix discs.. I dont know..I guess your screwed. Just by another halo3 disc or burn the contents of your halo3 disc to another...(but thats illegal) :O
Wow, this thread is perhaps the most pointless of threads. He already got recognition and was already offered ideas of what to do. Why are people still posting?
When you say people, I know you are referring to me. I have all the right to post in this thread. I tried helping like everyone else. I will have a mod lock this, since its that big of a problem to you.
Well, like the others say, you'll have to buy a new disc. Although the data of the disc is not actually corrupted or damaged, the xbox won't accept the disc because of the chip. Hope you find a cheap copy!
Or instead of buying a new one, be an asshole. 1. Go to your nearest video game rental store. 2. Rent Halo 3 3. Switch your game disc with the rental 4. Return the rental (with your ruined disc inside) and just say that when you got it it did not work at all and that you demand a refund or replacement. 5. Profit
Or rent the game download that game to your hard drive, then put your broken disk in an d see if that works. When the game is in the hard drive the xbox doesnt read the disk, and the disk doesnt spin, but there has to be a disk in there.Then return the good game back. I did that with my farcry 2 disk and now the scratched disk works
Then how did you play matchmaking when there were no DLC? And ODST will come with 2 discs. ODST and halo multiplayer, not the halo campaign.. so when it comes out the only reason to have halo 3 is for campaign mode.
Yeah once you beat the campaign and get the achievements for it there is really no reason to play it anymore. The install-game trick sounds pretty useful, thanks for sharing.
mine has sort of the same problem i got mine cut" ( when they out the disc in the machine and it takes a few layers) but then i coudnt play campagn or original maps i had to save my mates disc onto my hardrive to play - that only worked cuz my xox could still read the disc tho-