castle vs ?

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by destruction013, Jun 22, 2009.

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  1. destruction013

    destruction013 Ancient
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    [​IMG]1st and 2nd picture is where zombie's spaun.

    [​IMG]This is the 2 turrets to protect the humans from the zombies.
    [​IMG]This is where humans spaun.
    [​IMG]This is the area before the sniper tower.
    [​IMG]The long awaited sniper tower!
    [​IMG]Part 1 of my garage[​IMG]Part 2 of my garage
    This map can be played on fat kid or just normal infection.
    Players 2-16
    Tested many times so ... sorry no ways out lol
    Hope you like it... tell me what you think!
    Link : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Wingsofhalo

    Wingsofhalo Ancient
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    It appears your pictures don't work. Please read a guide on how to correctly post them.
  3. destruction013

    destruction013 Ancient
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    sorry ill fix as soon as possible
  4. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Ok so Welcome to Forge Hub!
    1st, post is not set to standards due to pics not working. you need to upload them to a site such as photobucket or haloscreenshots in order to embed them. Use the search feature to learn more about posting pictures
    a description/weapon list is also helpful too
    2nd I have taken the liberty of taking pics for you




    As for map itself it is VERY sloppy! the floors are all bumpy and there are holes everywhere.
    Interlocking the floor/walls/ etc. will make the holey bumpy floor smoother and more effecient. There are weapons and equipment strewn around the map in no order or plan. looks like you have some good ideas, but you need more practice. I'm sure you'll get better but as of right now 1/5
    #4 Esorath, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I would check out the "Forge 101" section for tips on how to make surfaces smooth by "interlocking" because all of your structures are incredibly bumpy and uneven- this gets aggrivating during gameplay.
  6. destruction013

    destruction013 Ancient
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    well considering the fact that i spent like the last hour fixing the photos and got them up and running but i guess that there is no point in posting them now. but back to the problem with it being slopy.
    I somewhat agree, but does it matter whether or not it looks sloppy? the only part I see would be a problem would be the sniper tower... but as well as it is fun and entertaining why care about it lol like sergent jonson says get tactical marines.
    and ive been on forge hub for awhile but was too lasy to make an account so i know all about all the ways to make a map not sloppy but i was with a friend and we made it togeather.
    #6 destruction013, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    sorry but that looks hella-sloppy. the problem with holes everywhere is it defeats the purpose of the walls and gives you inadaquit cover. the problem with bumpy floors is you get stuck in the middle of a fight and cant move where you want to.
    i personnaly thought this was a joke because it looks like you and your friend just decided to build seperate bases and have a war.
    the map itself doesn't even follow the linear path of the traditional fatkid gametype and it would be hell being the zobies because of all the armourys.
    also the last little piece of your post says "sorry there are no ways out." that sounds as if you wanted us to get out of your map.
    and finally why the hell is there 3-4 overshields right beside eachother? doesn't that seem kinda pointless.
    @ wingsofhalo: what was the point of your post, you could atleast of helped him.
    to end on the positive side..... im done ranting.
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Yeah... that was a joke. Personally, even if my friends forged with me, I'd never post the map without cleaning it up a bit, at the least.

    This looks horrible. It doesn't take much effort to place pieces cleanly. I really don't know what you had hoped to accomplish by posting this map. I'd have been embarrassed to even show this to anyone else. Take pride in your work. Sargent Johnson can stick it where the son don't shine. There's nothing tactical about a n00b map with a wall of turrets to rape zombies. Is there even any place a zombie can go that doesn't have turrets? Why would a zombie even bother playing? I think this map could eventually fall to the last page of the forum.
  9. destruction013

    destruction013 Ancient
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    idk what is your problem but you could be a little nicer and say somthing like I see you had alot of good ideas and try to make your next maps more neat and not as bumpy. its like you all are just flameing me so if you dont like it then leave
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    If you're gonna post a map, you gotta expect the bad with the good... otherwise, don't post. We all get bad posts. Nobody's map is perfect. As you get better at forging, the bad reviews become less frequent.

    You don't become a better forger if we all candy coat our responses for you.
  11. Notoriouslynx

    Notoriouslynx Ancient
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    Pictures aren't working still and its not hard at all. You got to put them up even if someone else have put them up for you. It matters a lot if its sloppy. And your is unbelievably sloppy, all it is a pile of walls with a pile of walls as its roof. And how do you somewhat agree? There are more problems than the sniper tower. It doesn't look fun and entertaining, especially if its a base and a wall. Maybe add more, make it look nice, and have a few things besides a wall. Who cares if your with a friend, make it look nice or don't bother posting it. It could be a lot nicer and you did have a good idea but you represented it so poorly it looks as if you don't have a good idea at all. And no we are not flaming you, we are telling you our opinions and advice. Also, don't tell someone if you don't like it than leave because 1, everyone would leave, and 2, you obviously don't handle opinions good.
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