i got bored and made this sig in 7 min's so yea maybe not the best but still i think it looks ok, im not entirly done with it yet though, by useing smudging i was trying to mainly create a good background CnC please heres a V2 not much changed just shortaned lenght moved text and made it smaller v3 not sure how good it looks might need to be toned down a bit
You're getting better each sig bit by bit. The size is too long IMO. I like the lighting. It's the best part of this sig. The text could have been smaller though, and I think it would be better if it was placed in the right. Good job.
yea i thought my text may have been to big and i knew it was too long i always make my sigs long to start with then if i fell its neccasary i shortan them, but thanks for the feed back, and the text is in the right side
the flow isnt so bad right now is it?, and could you suggest a way for me to add some more flow, cuz i cant think right now lol
Oh look it's me lol urrm well i don't like the 3rd one too much and the second one the font is too small i'd say so i think stick with the first one but there needs to be a bit more going on in the background
well which version do you like most so i can add to it instead of just stating random crap like you always do
Random crap? You think I state random crap? No, it only seems like that because you pieces of **** can't understand crap. I mean what I mean. The signature is empty, and contrast is too much. Is that too hard for you to understand?
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!one!!111!!11! I really dont like any, im not saying theres something wrong with them, but its just, not my style.