Ever get really excited and then someone says something negitiveand you die a little? Share your stories. Ive been begging my dad for a laptop for about 3 years, and hes always said no, then a few days ago hes like, come to walmart with me, so we go, he asked the guy there about a laptops, so he gets it, were in the checkout, my heart is pounding, we get in the car, he looks at me, he seen me like dying, we get home, ge sets the laptop up, im watching him, im like, "i love you" then hes like "why" and i pointed at the laptop, then hes like. "This is mine." I could have killed that man.....
This reminds me of that video of the black family who give their kid an Xbox 360 box filled with clothes.
My guess is that he's probably kidding with you. Does no one ever read? In the video's description, it clearly says "...and return the next morning to find he has sneaked a look....just as my mom thought he would, this is the result...and yes he did get the game i will try to post the second video..." Christ.
Getting so ****ed up that the Head Varsity Cheerleader offered me a blowjob, and then I passed out I was so ****ed up.
Close, but I am pretty sure that it would be a man getting raped. @ OP My friends dad used to do that to him all the time, I could never tell is he was serious or not. We were over at his house with a few friends and his dad said it was ok to stay, and he came home later that night drunk, and was all like WTF WHY ARE THESE ****ING PEOPLE IN MAH HOUSE. He was all serious and everything. But then he was liek xD Patriots suck
You know when you're really hungry for some fast food and you're like, "STFU I'M HUNGRY AGHHH" and then after you eat, you're like, "now I feel fat. I shouldn't have eaten that..." Y'know?
This is a generalized statement, with very few exceptions. But who gives a ****? I'd let any cheerleader blow me anyday.
The statement all Russians are Communists is very general, but also very true. We know this as a fact. And unless she's extremely obese, yeah, I wouldn't blame you.