As some of you oldies may have guessed this is a new thread to continue an old one. Based on a thread by skittlemieser,here we post our idea's for new equipment,skulls,grenades,or just whatever,even post ideas for new maps.(one's bungie could make,not ones capable of being forged) I have several rules,like the original thread: 1:no spam,that means dont quote someone and say "thats a cool idea" 2:no things that would be completely unfair in the game like a nuke that kill every enemy and doesnt hurt your teammates. I guess thats it,Ill start the show. type:equipment name:instagoose effect:makes a small robodic device that,after a period of about of five seconds,turns into a mongoose. pros:good for objectives,quick escapes. cons:five second setup and.....GO!
weapon: Spartan Tracer what can it do?:Can see in Infrared vision... And shoots a high intensity beam of radiation that can go trough walls, and basically anything that doesn't conduct and heat. Once it makes contact with a heat source the radiation flows through the body. (very similar to "mag-charger" from time splitters FP) Similar range to sniper Rifle. But, Head shots will not be an instant kill, Takes 2 body shots. gameplay?:It could bring a more intense rate of play, considering you'd have to run from the guy you can't see, and the team in possession of this weapon will surly have the upper hand. color:Mainly black. ammo: 2 rounds per clip. Reload time is about the time it takes to reload a full shotgun. "mainly because you have to take out the 2 main radiation cases, and put new ones in. You can reload a total of 8 times... that's 16 shots.
Halo Grenade Launcher. Pick it up as an equipment and you get too shoot however many plasma grenades you have. 2 maximum.
Type:Vehicle Name:Hawk Description:Hornet with guass cannon rather then the alternates. Pros: Strong anti-vehicular damage Cons:Long Reload
Type: Explosive. Name: C4 Description: Place it in a vehicle, when you get high jacked, you can detonate the C4. Pros: Teaches kids not to Jack you. < No ****... Cons: Suicide rate.
type: Weapon name: Eagle Claw effect: Medium range, what you aim at you get pulled towards, 3 shot kill pros: Quick way to get around and skyjack cons: 1 second charge up before each shot, range of needler That one was kinda half assed. For the next halo, they should have backpacks, like in RFG, it gives you special abilities when activated and are picked up around the map, it makes the game so much fun with different backpacks. The difference with equipment is that it isn't 1 time use and effects the wearer. Theres jetpacks, packs that make you run faster, more damage, invis, and more. IDK if it works in halo, but it worked very well in RFG.
Tracer gun It's an equipment Upon use you pull out a tracer. You can fire it at an enemy, and the enemy might not notice. It would put a waypoint over where it stuck to. Pros: Great for keeping track of HLG players. Cons: If you miss you have a false waypoint.
Type: Equipment Name: Deployable Recon Use: Distract n00bs from the game to wonder about recon in awe. Cons: more prone to banhammer
Type: Grenade Name: Fake Equipment Use: Throw the equipment anywhere and when someone pics it up, it tears them to shreds. Cons: I was on a Running riot! F You Bungie.
Type: Grenade Name: RRB (Rick Roll Bomb) Use: Throw it towards opposing enemies and a hologram and microphone of Rick Asteley's Never Gonna Give You Up appears, driving the player insane and suiciding giving you the kill Cons: It then rolls towards you and you suffer the same effects.