Landlocked By JEEF12364 DOWNLOAD Description: Landlocked is a inverse symmetrical two base in the crypt of sandbox. The map layout is an octagon with 9 atriums. With its room-based style, Landlocked provides enough cover to support a great game of oddball without bad spawns. While oddball exceeds the other gametypes it also supports Neutral Bomb, Team Slayer, and CTF. 4-8 players. Weapons: Shotgun x2 120 secs 2 clips Battle Rifle x4 10 secs Plasma Pistol x2 60 secs SMG x2 30 secs Magnum x2 30 secs Plasma Grenades x4 30 secs Over shield x1 120 secs Overview More Screenshots Front base Blue base Red base Red shotgun (changed to shotgun) Spider Red side Blue side Bottom Base There is no sniper there, changed to shotgun Action Shots Grenades! Shotgun room fight Objective Spawn Tactical Jumps To get to the objective spawn. Another way to top base Ninja way to get to shotgun Enjoy DOWNLOAD
This map is beautiful. Perfect interlocking, looks like it'll be great fun to play, and good for a variety of gametypes. Plus it's very original. Never seen a map quite like it. Definite dl from me. 5/5
I believe the correct term is "atrii." Trust me, I took Latin. ;D Anyway...This is a pretty sexy map, man At first while testing I got sick to my stomach playing ring-around-the-rosie with you, Sticky, Hezbolla and all the others. However a few games in the gameplay started to improve with every spawn. I was quite fond of CTF actually. As you know, back smacks were key to being victorious. Love you, Solo
Good to see you finally posted another map I see a sniper on the map, but why isn't it in your weapons list? Are there any other weapons you forgot to include? The bases are the best part of the map for me because it is well constructed and it obviously looks amazing. Can't really get a picture of the map's full layout, but I will figure it out soon next time I go online. But as for now, it looks great. You did a good job with the cleanliness of the structures. Why are your pics LQ?
whats LQ send me a PM, well i took the pictures in a mlg version and forgot to take screens in the FH version. Thanks for the feedback and i hope you get a game on and tell me if everything works out for you.
Okay, so thats what LL stood for in the test games I played with you. I really liked this map. I played MLG Oddball, and it was sick. The ball spawn is cool and made great gameplay in the center, which doesnt usally happen on maps like this. The middle area usally stays empty but I actually liked going there. In those games though, there was a few bumps at the top of ramps that sent you high in the air when going down the ramp. I know its minor, but I hope you cleaned it up a little. I just downloaded it and I wanna check it out again. Is this what you were inviting me to over the weekend?
Could you please explain your reasoning for switching the sniper to shotgun? It seems as though the shotgun would be used just to camp the entrances to the bases. Either way it looks as though it is a great map and I will be sure to play a game on it.
i tapped all the ramps the best i could, but some of them still have slight bumps, and they only have bumps when you look down. and yeah testing was a nightmare, everyon playing halo was forging and wouldnt join
I love the design of this map as it is very unique to competitive gameplay. I tested a lot on Landlocked and found the gameplay to be great. The forging is very clean as well. Everyone, dl this!
thanks monster, i can hear your sassy monotone voice saying that. yeah thanks for testing, only if more people would try this map out. i feel like the week of testing was worth nothing.
Yeah i know what your saying. If more people would just give this map a try then they would love it. It just seems like no one will even try it out. Everyone DL this!
This map is beautiful. Perfect interlocking, looks like it'll be great fun to play, and good for a variety of gametypes. Plus it's very original. Never seen a map quite like it. Definite dl from me. 5/5
Outstanding...I downloaded it. It plays like a scalled down version of Beaver Creek. Perfect for 2v2. Can't believe you've only got a bit more than 100 downloads. I think that this is a map that no picture can really do justice. You should ad a video if you can. There are a ton of free video capture software on the net. Maybe then you'll get the props you deserve. But for now, I'll tell the fools they don't know what their missing.
It is rare for me to find a competetive map that I actually enjoy. This one has a unique feel/play style to it that just revitalizes competetive halo. I will be the first to say that this will be only one of three maps to ever remain on my hard drive (excluding ones made by me). 5/5
Yea I agree with you on that. You should probably reduce the ammo and put a long respawn on each shotgun to prevent camping. Anyways, this looks like a nice map with phenomal interlocking. 5/5 DL'd. ^_^
i got to play on this map the other day and it plays very well i like the part by the window and u are about to die u can toss the oddball out the window to stall time or pass it to ur partner the sniper isnt over powering on the map unless u get someone who is absolutly beast with it this map is very well done hope to see great maps like this in the future from u
good job on this one. it looks very well balanced but could you show more weapon spawns. the spider also looks a little hard to get onto. but the map is well interlocked. the base entrances are my favorite! anyway, nice map 4/5
nice map, all the sides are perfect with the other side, i love the symmetrical idea. you may want to take away the power up and put camo, due to the complexity of the map, this would create an edge for either team. and by the way the jumps aren;t really tactical or ninja they are just ramp to bridge etc.
Wow, how long did it take you to make this? It's awesome! What's Right: -I clearly noticed that you took the time to line up every object symmetrictly, good job- that's hard to do. -Tons of interlocking, with both great gameplay and astheitical features. I may have even noticed geomerging? -The forgehub post is short and to the point. I like it. Criticism: -Why didn't you prepare it for all gametypes? It doesn't take up extra objects if you use the default ones. -More gold would spruce up the stone. Overall an awesome job and a 4.5/5 from me. I'll be playing it for awhile!