Hopefully this thread gets farther than mine, we desperately need to get ratings gone... (refer to here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/69858-take-away-map-rating.html) Ratings need to go. There is no universal rating system (making ratings altogether subjective, and ratings are supposed to be objective) and they as a product become very misleading.
I dont believe that ratings need to go i just believe the system needs to be changed ------------- ok heres a suggestion....... make it so the only way u can rate a map is when u leave a comment, and what u rated it, is shown in ur comment....... and all the rating that people have given it are averaged and the average rating is shown at the top of the page and in the fourms list.
But ratings themselves are already subjective. You could say that this MLG map has a good flow and gameplay, but someone else might say that the weapon spawns are slow and that the spawning system is mismatched. In general, it's all one's opinion. The best thing to do would just be attaching accountability to your rating, like what was discussed in the preceding thread.
sure there are those few people that wouldn't know what a good map is if it hit them in the face,.... i'm just trying to address the problem of people rating maps 1 star just because they wanna be ass holes.............. trust me it really screws up the ratings
But you'd generally have to download and play it then, which I suppose may or may not help with the spamming.
trust me it would be a **** load better then the rating system now..... at least noone would just give u one stars for the heck of it..... if they did u would know who they were