Sandbox Hog the Hill: Skyline

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Civil Heroes75

    Civil Heroes75 Ancient
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    This map is so fun! I love the double levels because it makes the game more interesting. This map is awesome and I failed to find any flaws in it whatsoever. The aesthetics are awesome and the gameplay is tons of fun. 10/10
    #21 Civil Heroes75, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  2. DtO Walshy

    DtO Walshy Ancient
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    I believe the map deserves a 10/10. The majority of the flaws (if you could even call them that) are simply those which this classic gametype presents. Nevertheless, you have smoothed over the rough edge's of the gametype with what I personally think are fun, open-minded, and open-ended innovations. That i believe is what leads to the greatness of any forge map. In certain ways the map could be improved to better suit the individual populations that will appreciate them, but this is a fantastic archetype for future developments. This map allows a place for players to have fun, and for forgers to come and dream up their own concoctions and addons. Great Job!
    #22 DtO Walshy, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Although I've grown rather tiresome of monster am maps, this will have me thinking otherwise. The asethetics are great, and I like how you have more than one level, and how it's also not just a flat square in the skybubble. I'll be sure to download this one.
  4. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    fyi, you just brought a tear to my eye

    Ya, your not going to get tired of this.
  5. Trix

    Trix Ancient
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    great map. looks insanly fun and well forged. it does seem a bit small but after I have some fun on it ill soon forget so its not that big of an issue. from pics looks very smooth and creative.
  6. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    It is not to small!!! It just looks small, but it is actually just the right size for 12 players, and just a littlesmall for just 2 or 3 players, but size really doesn't make a huge difference. Too much room is a bad thing, when its small there is a lot of action.
  7. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    I congratulate you for an epic map and game type. Me and my friends probably spent 5 hours playing this and they aren't ones to like new custom maps. But they love it ....10/10 perfect. (the only flaw is when idiots get in the gauss hog turrets and stay outside of the hill and shoot u out till there 2 people in the hill and he comes in)
  8. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I'm very glad you enjoyed Skyline. Only five hours though? Oh well, i guess this game isn't for everyone. And there is a trick for those pesky gauss whores. The minute you hear the gauss get out. Your safe if your on foot. Then get in the drivers seat of the gauss and drive the artard off the edge. It's not a problem for me or anyone who has experienced the wraith of the gauss, but for people who are unawair it can be a quick end of their round.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I know you like the smaller maps, but I just want to say that I like larger maps. Small maps are more fast-paced, but I think they are a bit to random and quick. I like large maps better because you need to think a bit more to get your opponent to fall off. Well, alone that'd be not so good, but with some extras added it's nice. Anyway, I just really don't like small hog maps. sorry.

    But putting aside my preferences I say 10/10.
  10. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    This map isn't small!!! Try it you'll see!!!! I took screenshots of the most hectic and pivital moments of the game so you can see what gameplay potentialy could be like, not what it is on average. Also there are three identical sides, when you see the same side alot in the screens you might think "there really isn't much to this" but there are three times the room you may think! If you still think it's small then so-be-it.

    BTW, 10/10 is pretty extreme. Forgehub should really raise it's standards as a whole.
  11. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    It isn't small, but they way the layout is makes it small. The hole on the bottom level makes it smaller down there, the top level is just plain small. Not that that is bad, but just saying.

    About the rating, I pretty much see a map and am like: "OMG it rocks!" or . . . its a pile of crap. And really, that's what I see a lot, crap or jewels.
  12. Viktor Maxwell

    Viktor Maxwell Ancient
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    After playing this map with groups of three and four people, it has quickly become a favorite in my circle of custom-game friends. The only changes I would suggest would be to play with the spawn points on the vehicle lobby platforms so that extra players spawn nearer the gauss hog instead of near a ghost, and turn down the speed for players outside the hill, we all keep dashing right off the edge. Other than that, we freaking love this game, and would like to see more maps for it in the near future!
  13. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks like a lot of fun! I'm downloading it and I'm going to give it a whirl. I noticed that you have two pictures for the over view, so I cropped them into one for you.
  14. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    Holy crap man, this map is amazing! If it weren't for the aesthetic beauty, it'd just be a plain old derby map..
  15. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Pretty much everyone is split down the middle with size. Either they have played it and they think its a perfect size, or they are looking at the screenshots and think its too small. Everyone has their own opinion, but seeing this split is getting a little frustrating.

    There is a 3/5 chance of getting a warthog in this game, and I like ghosts so if i update it that chance will go down, but not that much, unless it is demanded enough.

    I find the speed in the vehicle lobby too fast too, but there is a reason. Basically, the speed is turned up so much off the hill is so a players fall time is higher so the score will kick in. I can't turn the speed down, what I can do, is make railing on the sides of the lobby so players won't fly off. If i update or make a V2 I will definitely include that.

    Thanks for the help, but I actually have two pictures on purpose. To avoid the bar above and distortion of resized pictures, I divided the first three shots into two smaller separate pictures and lined them up next to each other. There is no resizing and you get the big HD look.

    If it weren't for the aesthetic beauty.... and... the scoring system, and the design that ensures smooth enjoyable gameplay, and the two double box fall, and the vehicle choise, and the amount of players supported.... it'd be just a plain old derby map athankyou.
  16. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    OH DEAR GOD HE DID IT! I DIDNT THINK THIS DAY WOULD COME BUT ITS HERE! IM GONNA GO PLAY THIS ASAP! loved the originaly and am totally pumped to play this beautfiul new map!
  17. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    this greatly reminds me of Mario Kart 64's Skyscraper battle map. I always hated that level... Falling off and losing a balloon. Bollocks.

    But this, this here looks AMAZING. I want to say this has been done before but im not thinking of anything at the moment... This guy left an impact on me way more than the others if i have seen something like this before. Vehicle King of the Hill where you can fall off sounds like a blast. I'd love to get some games going on it sometime. Also, congrats on the feature.
  18. CONER117

    CONER117 Ancient
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    it was always annowing how the driving space was cluttered by vehicles not being used its good you fixed that. im not sure about the ghosts because its pretty hard to ram warthogs with them but other than that its great 4/5
    Also maybe you should make fusion coils fall down a minute into the round to make things more interesting
  19. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I have now played Skyline enough to give you a comprehensive review of its pros and cons. I may forget a few details, but I should cover most of my thoughts. I will have more cons than pros because I'm more likely to notice problems than improvements and saying what I liked isn't as helpful than saying what I think you should improve upon..

    These things are all that I can remember. I may have had more, but I can't think of any. Hope this review helps. I spent a long time compiling it. Don't give up. Learn from this second version of Hog the Hill. The third version should be nearing perfection.
    #39 Sotha Sil156, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  20. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Holy crap I've never got feedback like this before! This is great.

    When the score doesn't kick in, that is because the second last person on the hill either got assasinated or spattered, ending the round instantly, not letting the points kick in. Off-hill gravity is low for when a player falls off out of their vehicle, when in the vehicle they always get the points. But now that I think of it, the speed off-hill can really be toned down, theres no need, from now on the off-hill speed will be changed.

    Inbetween the ramps going up to the top level and going down to the lower level should have a bigger gap, but I would have to redesign the whole top level, which is much to difficult, I would rather start from scratch.

    When designing the map the three sides and the center were designed to be the playspace, with the top being either a getaway or a means of transportation. A few people say that the map is too narrow, but many others don't think the same. Personally, I think that the design is pretty good, and I can't think of anything better at the moment.

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