Since I know that you would prefer Rob, I'll point him your direction on Sunday, along with quagmires post. comment? Well, improved from some of your others, not get that on to a bigger canvas and fix your text. well, nice use of defaults, but small, yes I have a thing against small sigs, I know small is easier, but you need to challenge yourself. Good sig, nice text, cept you can read the last e. and some of the liquify messes with her chin/mouth, which IMO doesn't look good.
Very nice, but the text could use some work and I don't like the black and white box thing. Second one is better. Nice use of clipping masks so you can do it yourself. Very nice, but remember not to get stuck on one style.
It's a space stock placed on top, set to lighten, erased over the focal and left side with a couple of gradient maps over it.