Sandbox The Tunnel V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mr Fausticals, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    The Tunnel V2
    Created by Mr Fausticals aka A nirty digga.

    Supported Gametypes:
    infection ofcourse! -link to gametype at bottom.

    Map Description

    If you have played the first version of the tunnel than you are probably looking for a scare! With this map you are going to wet your pants struggling for life! The basics: the zombies spawn on the roof or the floor. the humans spawn somewhere inside "the tunnel". The zombies' job is to pick off the humans by sneaking into the tunnel. With this version of The tunnel there are much more ways in! Whether that be from the floor, the cieling, or the walls!!! the humans must work together to stay alive. the map may look dark and unplyable at first, but trust me, you will get use to it and then it will be awesome!!!!! Also, the humans have a shotgun and a BR. there are no other weapons other than fire bomb grenades on the map.

    overview of the map. zombies spawn on roof on the left. humans spawn in tunnel on the right.

    human spawn. you can turn left or right. take your pick.

    some good humans working together.

    zombie starting point. look for ways inside!

    a zombie comes in from the roof to kill the innocent human!

    The falling cieling! a humans nightmare! zombie walks into the custom powerups and then the cieling tumbles down!


    on the floor of the crypt, the tunnel is raised in the air, the zombie will find little openings with mancannons! these will help you get into the tunnel from the floor!

    A zombie jumping up from the floor. it might be easier to slice the pallets first.

    a zombie waiting for a human so he can surprise him with his gift of death.

    Thank you for all the testers who helped me! I'd also like to thank Scobra for the idea of the cieling and underground floor openings. I would also like to thank Uc Gollum for his clean money glitch map. if you want to check it out go here. : Halo 3 File Details-gametype : Halo 3 File Details-map varient
  2. The Violence Within

    Senior Member

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    Very nice! I like this very much!

    This kinda brings to mind manifest, but when the humans get to the end they can still keep going. Very nice ideas, i want to know how you made the caving in ceiling, that's very interesting.

    This is a great idea i would dl but im all qued up :(
  3. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    the cieling

    To make the cieling. first, get a good elevated floor. next, set 2 weapon holders long ways. then, place a damaged block on top of the weapon holders. after this, place a custom power up on the block so it is favoring one of the weapon holders. last, delete the weapon holder opposite the one under the custom power up. and there you have it, a cieling that falls!

    Thanks for the comment aswell, its much appreciated.
  4. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    That is a really brilliant idea and it's nicely carried out. Aesthetics are good, but gameplay here is going to be amazing. It's going to be fun to play with my friends when I just come out of nowhere xD
  5. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    thanks for the comment, when i played with my friends most of them decided to keep running inside and they were instantly shot down lol. so the best idea is to find a good spot to camp out and then strike down when the humans walk by!
  6. MatrixedYOU

    MatrixedYOU Ancient
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    Pretty cool map, but the walls are bumpy due to the glitch. I'll check it out.
  7. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    thats the one thing i wish i could go back and change. the floors. I wasn't aware about the glitch until 3/4 way through the map so... im too lazy to go back and change it... most of the time i find it more fun to jump around when your a human ( don't ask why, im strange.) so you don't really notice the floor much.

    I've added some new blocks in the tunnel to make it easier for the zombies. I've also done my best to "smoothin" out the floors.
    #7 Mr Fausticals, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  8. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Tunnels Review

    Tunnels may be one of the most impressive infection maps ,gameplay wise, that I have ever played on. It has most certainly changed the way I look at casual infection maps. Its very unique concept guns for the top of my list in terms of excitement and intensity. Tunnels is very balanced which is a huge improvement from many of the zombie maps that we've all played. Rounds play very fast. You do not need to worry about being zombies for 10 minutes. At most rounds usually lasted four or five minutes maximum! Overall I recommend downloading tunnels if you like to have fun and play a really good infection map with your buddies!.

    Enjoyment: Tunnels was solid when it comes to excitement. Zombies as well as humans have many different opportunities to have fun. The great placement and variety of entrances for zombies created many chances for interesting kills, assassinations, and bulltrues. Our review party almost constantly had something to laugh about. Whether it be screaming as a zombie assassinates them from above, or laughing as the last man standing shoots a zombie at the last possible second only to be surrounded by the infected horde. The effective layout of tunnels promotes constant movement as humans. Very rarely will the zombie become angry because the non-infected are hiding in a corner. Surprisingly, there is almost nowhere that a human can rest and not worry about getting infected. Zombies were also rightfully given waypoints towards there opposition so that they can make strategic decisions about how they attack their prey. This is the perfect combination for a heart thumping zombies map.
    Overall: 10/10 (Solid excitement for the whole match; Unbelievable)

    Balance: One component of Tunnels that doesn't show up often in casual infection maps is that they are perfectly balanced for both sides. Neither faction has a large advantage over their opponents. We encountered no locations where humans could camp where they could not be easily and efficiently assassinated. An excellent layout combined with strategically placed cover provide many challenges for both sides. Humans, as well as zombies have to overcome countless obstacles in order to achieve victory. Zombies need to use cover to their advantage and sneak up on their unsuspecting prey. Humans need to do everything in their power to prevent this. Including constantly looking around for zombies lurking in corners, and maintaining a good defense with the surviving humans. there can be some luck involved but overall the best player with ultimately rise above the others. Good map Mr. Fausticals!
    Overall: 10/10 (Very balanced; Unbelievable)

    Durability: During our review sessions for tunnels I noticed only one major flaw as to where humans could break the map and run rampant amongst the zombie spawn. Humans can easily jump from another players head on top of any ledges throughout the map and roam free in the zombie spawning area. This can cause an annoying spawn killing if the player manages to make it into the corner. A wide range of view and a perfect angle at the zombies main spawn grows really annoying during gameplay. This definitely needs to be fixed. It was decided that there were no major camping positions that either faction could use to their advantage. Aside from one rather major flaw tunnels is relatively clean in the durability factor.
    Overall: 9/10 (Aside from one major flaw it is great)

    Aesthetics: At first glance you may not notice the detail of every nook and cranny on Tunnels. This map is no masterpiece beauty wise, however it does complete its role quite well when it comes to aesthetics. For example, the wooden boards on the ceiling of the tunnel create a ramshackle theme that complements a casual infection map quite well. Red and blue lights do a great job defining which corner of the map players are in. Also, they create an eerie glow that covers the surface of the tunnel making gameplay all that much creepier. Correct use of filter effects do a phenomenal job of complimenting the infection like theme of Tunnels. However, interlocking is quite bumpy which subtracts from gameplay quite a bunch!
    Overall: 9.5/10 (Almost perfect)

    Originality: Overall Tunnels breaks the flow of traditional infection maps and twists it into something new and exciting. Tunnels is a very original infection map. It has many unique features as well as a few, unoriginal parts. For example, The map has a very unique layout with the zombies spawning in the middle, and humans in the outskirts. Also, the general concept of having zombies attempt to break into the tunnel and try to kill humans is one of a kind. . However, there is a features that have been using several times within other maps. Making zombies break into a structure and attempt to kill an opponent is highly unoriginal, and has been used in many maps to this point. Tunnels is a well executed casual infection map that brings many fresh features to the table, while still maintaining all that classic zombie gameplay that everybody loves.
    Overall: 9/10 (A very fresh map when it comes to the world of infection)

    Personal rating: 9.7/10


    Additional Comments
    ~Fix the issue of breaking the tunnel area by jumping from another players head.
    ~Tidy up interlocking and the general structure of the map
  9. RidleyXX45

    RidleyXX45 Ancient
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    Nice idea. This map has alot of potential, however, it is a bit sloppy. But other then that one little problem, very good, I hope to see a cleaner version, but for now, 4/5.
  10. xXDeepStabXx

    xXDeepStabXx Ancient
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    Definiatly a cool idea. I never figured anyone had the idea to go have tunnel idea, especially the idea of multiple entrences. Honestly, i see no holes in this map that make it terrible. 5/5!
  11. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments. ForgeGod117 definitly helped a lot with getting this map noticed! For everyone wondering, Im not going to "tidy" it up. Too many default objects were used so it makes it impossible to relay certain objects. If you haven't noticed, this map required A LOT of objects, so that is why the budget glitch started fighting back.
  12. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    A much, and mean much, better improvement over V1. I noticed that you took my idea of the falling ceiling and multiple entrances. It looks like it adds a lot more to the gameplay and overall feel of the map. That coupled with the full-circle tunnel instead of the prior one-room-to-the-other layout. I'll definitely download this version and play a few games.

    I also appreciate mentioning me at the end of the post. I felt so BAMF reading that. :b

    The best way to fix this in my opinion is to have the humans have a higher (heavier) set gravity. It seems like the only possible way to do it without having to physically change parts of the map.
    #12 Scobra, Jun 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009
  13. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    Very true, It only takes a little tweak in the gravity to stop the head jumpers.
  14. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Yeah, but will it disrupt the gameplay in any other way not being amble to jump over/onto certain blocks?
  15. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    hmm i think if you make gravity at 110 or 125, not sure which is lowest, you can still crouch jump onto blocks and stuff. Other than that the gameplay might be effected a bit.
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    well the idea is pretty good and the replay value is high, not low like most other infection maps and there is no armoury in sight, wewt.
    if you change the gravity so you can crouch jump on the boxes, couldn't you still crouch jump on peoples heads?
    oh well it looks really good but i still like manifest better, not by much tho.
  17. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    there is always the possibility that you tell no1 to cheat the map.... cause it kinda just ruins the fun.
  18. Triple96

    Triple96 Ancient
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    This looks great, the zomies can come in from anywhere! 'm sooo dling, i can't wait to start a game going on this one!!!
  19. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Yes, but by the time you do. You'd be dead because the zombies would probably just mob your ass.

    On another note, the map is a little too dark, in my opinion. Sure, it adds to the atmosphere but it's kind of frustrating at times.
  20. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    I've heard this a lot actually. On my tv the lighting is perfect, but when i went to my friends house on his tv it was extremely hard to see. I think as you can see from my screen shots it isn't bad, but depending on what level you have your brightness for halo 3 it might be very tough to see. Try changing the brightness on your tv or on your halo 3 settings and tell me if you found any difference.

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