Crush -Hey there forgers. This is my first map uploaded to this site. So be easy! This map is called "CRUSH" it was recently called Canalows. But with new updates added i decided to change the name. -This map was inspired by GoW's CANALS...i liked the flow and lines of sight of canals. But halo and gears are two totally different types of games so there are changes to the structures to make it play more to halo's style. -Both sides are symetrical and you start by spawing on the backside of the stairs. it is a QUICK race to bottom mid where you can find either ROCKS, BUBBLE, or INVIS. But like in Gears the SNIPES are found on the bridges. SHOTGUN is the shotty-hole that is best shown in picture four (4). There are tactical jumps all over, but the easiest are off doors (bottom-mid to top-mid, and invis to windows) -This is a VERY fast paced map with a lot of action. So be prepared to battle when you spawn...also works well with MLG rules, but i need to take away a few things to make it MLG standard. *** I WILL BE GOING BACK INTO GEOMERGE SOME BOXES INTO THE WALLS AND I WILL ADD SOME EXTRA COVER IN THE SPAWN HALLS DOWNLOAD WEAPONS: BR (x6) 30sec CARBINE (x1) 30sec ROCKS (x1) 180sec SPKIER (x2) 30sec SHOTGUN (x1) 60sec SNIPER (x2) 120sec FRAG (x8) 10sec PLASMA (x6) 10sec *NOTE a such a small map it is hard to place SPAWNS in "safe" don't be surprised if you spawn in swingin'! OVER VIEW OF MID. USE THE DOORS TO GET AN ADVANTAGE!!! RACE TO THE ROCKETS? OR IS A BUBBLE A BETTER WAY TO GO? "A" STAIRS LOOKING DOWN TO "B" STAIRS...BOX OR THE RIGHT IS A GOOD PLATFORM TO SPRAY A VAST AREA WITH A BR....FOLLOW THE ARROWS TO FIND THE SHOTGUN IN THE MIDDLE STRUCTURE. THAT LOOKS FAMILIAR... BOTH SPAWN HALLS ARE THE SAME... "MOWIN' B*TCHES DOWN" DOWNLOAD HERE! ******JUST UPDATED - 6:30pm EST 5.2.09****** REMOVED BARRIERS FROM STAIR SIDES games supported: FFA TEAM SLAYER ONE FLAG ODDBALL SO GO PLAY AND SHOOT SOME FEEDBACK.... please no flamin' or your post will be deleted! ENJOY
Its pretty cool, but it will never be the same as GOW. Halo and GOW are way too different, people can jump, GOW has blind fire and sprint tactics. What i am getting at is that GOW can never truly be made into Halo. Also, are there bubbles in GOW? what does the bubble shield take place in GOW?
This looks really great. The "crowded" feeling is really cool and the fact it is bunched together probably helps the gameplay. I don't see a resemblence to Gears though, sorry. I also like the long lines of sight with the stairs A. That's really cool. I also think the weapon placement is okay too. It doesn't really need any work. The map is fine as is. Good job.
thats why it is a "remake" lol, i also said i made it more halo style then gears...i just used the basic layout of canals. and the bubble shield is just added for protection on the map b/c it is very fast paced....
Yo sick map looks intense an LOTS OF CLOSE QUARTER battles, yet still looks like theres long lines of sight. cant wait to play it 4.5/5 man congrats one question tho....where is the invis at? i dont see it on the pics
I thought this was another map until I read the comment that it was a GoW map. Why is there overshields and camos? You also need to put the door and fence more in the box on the first and second pictures.
looks very good. i really like that you interlock your objects. you have a really good layout and some good ideas. maybe you should geo-merge some of your objects on foundry it isnt that hard. maybe its also a little bit too open.. but overall very good map.
yup sorry i didnt add in my description...they are behind fence boxes, so they are there just to add visual effects...but mostly just for call outs (ie blue/red hall) and for the doors...the are ment to be on onside of the fence oppsite of the other side...its tuff to explain but they are only ment to be jumped on, on oneside...not both to B rockin the R- the invis is best seen in picture one...see the cone undermid bridge leadin into the small corridor...its just inside of that. Also in pic five of b hall, the windows straight ahead is a open area that you an drop into invis from to prefektion- YES i am goin to go back an merge some boxes into the wall an maybe try to add cover to the bottom-mid a bit....only one problem im max'd out on objects so ill have to see what i dont need...thanks for the feed man