This is a fun and high action map that will give you goosebumps when you see and hear the spikes coming towards you. You will enjoy playing map with your friends and don't for get to download both the map and the game type. Map: : Halo 3 File Details Game type: : Halo 3 File Details This is ware the peeps Spawn. And the plat-form. Thes is ware the zombies spawn. They pick up the spikers. Then the zombies aim there spikers at the blue line going across the plat-form. Then they shoot at the peeps...but make sure you aim at line or you won't hit the peeps. See :-D Now make sure you dont get hit by the spikes when your the peeps!!! See im dodging them :-D And theres 3 cover things you can throw down. When it says 1 min a wall slit will spawn so you hide behind. But you can still get hit on the bottom and DIE Make sure you Download !!!!
its seems like a really good and original mini game but, are spikers instant kill and couldn't you just hide behind the thickest part of the wall slit
I have seen a map identical to this in the exact same place on sandbox and the same gametype, there really is nothing different. Did you steal the idea and create the map, I don't get it. Also the wall split spawns, its basically impossible to die then. Ill try to find the link to the other thread.
this map is nothing more then a rip-off of a much better map, Porcupine on matrix. Please at least search to see if your using a map idea someone has made the exact same of.
Okay, I was wrong, you didn't steal the map, but the idea and the look of the map are exactly the same as Porcupine. I'm sorry, but this map has to be a remake of the original, the two are way to close alike.
i have also seen this game before, but he did not steel the map, the design and game type are similar yes, but look at all the "duck hunt" maps out there, many are almost identical. People used the game of "duck hunt" and created mew maps that the player saw more fit, or added their own twist to the game. This is what i see here and i do not believe that this will be the last game similar to this. i will report on game play when i get chance to play the map, so far all i can say is the map looks neat and clean.
Hey dude don't worry. It seems your map is very similar to my Porcupine. I never remember you asking me if you could make a remake, but I have bad memory anyways. Now about the map. I like the blue line indicating where to aim the spikers but that wall slit that spawns is a way for the humans to never die. Sure the spikes can hit the underside of it but if the humans just go to the side of that, isn't the part of the wall wide enought to fit a human behind it without any spikes hitting it?
Cat...Cat..Cat.... When I got the message about your amazing new map I thought that I was going to be wowed and amazed but I will regard my feelings on this map in German "Ich bin vollig enttauscht" If you are going to remake a map try to at least make it better than the previous one =[ And by the look of the pics the map isn't exactly too cleanly forged....perhaps u should make a gametype where you create your own idea =] Anyways.. I'll give the map a 3.5 out of 5 because it still is a pretty good idea- also- try to describe the map better and maybe add a little storyline of why you created it and stuff like that- the readers eat that stuff up like dogs on a T-Bone steak =]
Well... The idea is kind of stolen from the map a quite liked porcupine. Though i will admit this one is very neatly forged and honestly, looks nicer then the other. Although 2 zombies may be a bit much, and a bit much for the humans to handle.
You might as well have named this Porcupine v2.5, because it's the same concept and layout. The map that jimbodawg and I are making has a unique spin off of porcupine at least. Anyways, the wall slit is,like geranamo said, a way for one or two people to never die.just delete it and add different cover, maybe merging a wall half upside down into the floor.
I downloaded and played with some friends, i think it was really cool. perhaps it would be better if when the humans died, they spawn as a zombie. that would make for some good action shots, eh
Sorry, but this map is the same thing as porcupine. The only diffference is that porcupine is done way better. Also, the wall slits make it so you can just remain behind cover indefinitely. This is not original in any way, shape, or form, and has been done much better on a previous map.