Source: Iran's Disputed Election - The Big Picture - There are about 40 hi-res images at the above page, so go check it out. Here are just a few:
Don't be an idiot Greatjedi. Yes, it is truly messed up what is happening over there, but if their is anything truly moving about these images, it's that so many people can stand up for what they believe in and unite for a common goal, despite the pain, torture, and death they put themselves through.
I dunno, I kinda thought it was pretty dumb of them Nah, I agree with you. I have to say, the first image with the man with the cane is probably one of the most moving things I've ever seen. It carries so many connotations and has so many symbolic meanings.
I seriously think that the chick in the first picture could take down that old man... but anyways... I'm really wondering what will develop out of this b/c we have had the same news about it for the past 4 days. The best thing to do would be for America to stay out of it.
Those are some moving pictures. Makes me feel lucky that I am who I am. I wish this was fixable and fast, but the world just isn't that simple.. You kind of feel like you should do something, but you know you can't
These two pictures I think are my favorite, because they show that even though they are "enemies" with their own political stances, that doesn't mean they still can't do what is humanly "right". Chances are, those men changed the views of that officer.
WARNING: Hero Worshiping Photos. Zillions Of Them. - PHOTOS Tehran, June 13. (Very pic heavy) I just stumbled these exact images on another site... This is one hell of a big deal I see... It's hard to realize what's going on, on the opposite side of the world, sometimes.
The message I got from your post was that you could well be an idiot. Let's have a little respect and compassion for what's going on elsewhere in the world rather than treating it as raw material for slapping on tired, unimaginitive, cliched captions and trying to get a cheap laugh from morons who merely require the presence of the word 'ass' to find it humorous.
Agreed with Shock. This should be disturbing news to anyone. To think how establishing a secure government could lead to such's terrible.
Wow, this is surreal. Makes us aware of the world we live in. It's just messed up, all of it, nothing should be as bad as this, anywhere.
Yeah, for all you know, that guy could have killed that girl right after that picture was taken. Probably not, but who knows? And here are some more at here: