I was actually at one of the first demonstrations of this technology at some center in Wisconsin a half a year ago. You drew a circle on a piece of paper, and held it up to a camera. On a screen above the camera, you saw a little guy punch through the circle in the paper, no matter where it was.
Umm @ 2nd post, id edit that before your infracted. @ 3rd post, sounds sweet! Vid? Ps3 has a card game with similar tech
That looks amazing, I knew stuff like that was already created but I didn't think that it would be that accurate or responsive! But I wonder how much it costs...
I see it as being fun for a little while, but it's reliance on the printed out piece of paper means you couldn't use it while travelling, which is what mobile games are for. I remember seeing a game like this for the Nokia n95. The technology is good, but that "helicopter" idea would be the only setting possible for FPS. An RTS on the other hand would be great for this technology. Just replace shooting units with selecting units.
Holy crap. You are completely right. An RTS with this would be absolutely amazing. Think about the possibilities of "printing out" your own custom levels, and then having virtual little guys running around on your table through your touch screen thing. Maybe if they made this for the iPhone it would get mass popularity.
I remember seeing the low-tech version of this, where they used a camera, a projector, and a white board to play pong. It was epic. They just drew the paddles in.
Well that would depend on the software available. Of course it would be possible, but it would be up to a game designer. You would need to do something on the computer if it were to be detailed, but you could make walls and crap by just drawing and the camera could recognize it. But hey, what the hell do I know? Nothing.
Real time motion tracking (augmented I suppose) is really catching on. There was the PSEye, Natal, and now this (though I think it was being worked on before Natal or even the PSEye) However, this seems the most intriguing to me. The ability to lay down a mat (or anything that it will recognize), and just play a "video game" is just awesome. In pocket form too. I will have to agree with everyone else here, an RTS would be really nice, though that Zombie game (though simple) looks awesome and fun.