Debate What Happens After Death?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by M.Jelleh, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Infinite Scores To Win

    The finite nature of our lives is what gives us our sense of urgency. It what gives significance to life's series of moments. It allows us to truly appreciate a great time in our lives. Knowing that the moment in our lives we are experiencing now will never come again, and also that our number of experiences will have a limit, is why we love living. In an infinite lifespan would it be possible for a mother to breakdown with tears of joy at her daughters graduation? Would a die hard baseball fan fill up with overwhelming joy when his team wins the series after 30 years of losing seasons? Would a father teaching his son how to ride a bike still be short of breath at the pride he feels when thinking about this exact moment in his life? The father unconsciously knows that the experience he is having with his son will never come again. He will grow older......his son will one day go away to college and have a family of his own. Eventually after many years they will both pass away. The time limit allows us to give meaning to the events in our lives. Imagine a game of CTF with an infinite time limit and infinite scores to win. It's not a recipe for enjoyment. Eternity and Humanity don't mix.
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Well said.

    And those types of games just last for like, 10 minutes before you realize how horrible it is and must turn it off.

    I feel like we've been over this a lot in the God thread. I remember we had a big convo about it.
  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    You lie down in the ground for a REALLY long time.

  4. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    After experiencing your fond memories over and over again, you wouldn't recall them so fondly. What makes the moment so sweet, as makisupa said, is that you know that they'll only come once in a lifetime.
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Number one, stop this bullshit argument "you would get bored in eternal heaven," no you wouldn't. You think you would because you have values and tradition and these commonly held to notions of reminiscence, preciousness, and perhaps even memory would not exist in a place like heaven.

    A negative emotion such as the wanton desire to die or perhaps the desire to do something that you haven't already done would not exist. Heaven could just be a cloud of positive emotion that you would experience constantly. Love, sexual pleasure, happiness, fulfillment, etc. you name it, if it's positive it would be there and the negative thoughts that were listed before simply wouldn't exist and would not be used in heaven.

    Your eternity would be a happy one, I assure you. Though, this says nothing about the truth claims of a heaven, the vagueness of heaven allows for it to be this place and you can say nothing in the way of discrediting me...unfortunately.

    Two, stop this line of thought. It's not persuasive and it doesn't even resolve any relevant point.
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I couldn't agree more. If there is a heaven, I doubt it would bore you.
  7. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Who knows No-one has died and came back to tell life after death I personally believe that if you're good you go to Heaven and if you're bad you go to Hell but who knows, Maybe we walk the streets of ruined cities in our spiritual selves, Oh and whoever believes that you're going to become part of nature lets say you die and become a tree, Maple, Oak, Ficus or whatever, people are going to cut you down and print the Bible on you. Atheism=life without God/expulsion from God.

    DOOMIRE Ancient
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    I don't really think I believe in a soul, but rather that all form of existence stems from the brain itself, which would imply that we are conscience for maybe an hour or two(pending the type of death) after we pass. Then we'd just cease to exist, mentally, I mean. I find this so hard to fathom that it makes my stomach churn when I think about it on those late nights when I can't sleep.
    I'd rather not know, even though sometimes I'm curious enough to contemplate suicide... If wanting to know makes me consider such desperate measures, what would knowing do?
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    i completely agree, i had trouble wording this earlier, you did it wonderfully.
  10. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    lol is that is a Dane Cook joke.

    But i have one thing to say how many good deeds does it take to get to heaven if that is the case what if you where down one? Or the angel guearding the gate could just tell you that you where down a few and not let you in. But what really is the definition of being good is it being without sin? Because only Jesus is without sin if you had to be good to get into Heaven then no one would be in Heaven except for Jesus because im sure that most everyone sins more than they do good deeds or whatever.
  11. Death Panda x

    Death Panda x Ancient
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    I think your spirit goes into another animal every time you die ( including humans).

    edit : and you can't remember your last life
  12. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    haha like in Brother Bear.
    Are you like Indian or something ? lol j/k
  13. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    As many of you, I believe know, I am Christian, and I believe after a death, you either go to Heaven or Hell. Most of you believe that living an eternity is going to be absolutely terrible. I believe heaven is perfect. There is no sin. It is impossible to sin. There is no hurt, hate, or worry. Heaven is the prize. Its everything you ever wanted, and I can't wait to be there. Some of you in in this thread need to stop posting your opinion as facts. Nobody here has proof that heaven doesn't exist, so stop jumping to conclusions and grow up.
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    But nobody has proof that heaven does exist. This is the problem with atheists and religious people. They make absolute claims.

    I just don't understand why a God ,who supposedly unconditionally loves you, would send you to Hell, to be miserable for the rest of eternity...
    Doesn't that sound, you know, evil? Like the kid with the magnifying glass, heating up and ant to watch it suffer until it slowly burns alive...

    I mean, really? Does that make sense? I get the disappointment the God would feel if you didn't believe/worship him/her/it, but what are we supposed to use for evidence? And that fate sounds a bit too extreme for such a loving God.

    Come on, people. Isn't this absurd!?
  15. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    I believe you cease to exist and your body is simply readmitted into nature through decay.
  16. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    God loves you enough to give you a choice. You have two paths. You either go to heaven or hell. The only evidence for for God is the Bible. There is no other evidence. You just have to believe, and I do.

    I never said there was evidence. I never posted anything as a fact. That is why you see "I believe" in my post.
  17. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    The bible has literally over 9000 mistakes in it.
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ok, if the Bible has 9,000 mistakes in it, why don't you do use a favor and type every single one of them out. If there is one thing I learned in debating, don't be over dramatic..
    #78 EGP, Jun 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  19. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Here's my personal understanding of atheists and agnostics:
    -Agnostics are more around the idea of a 50/50 chance of god. They say that there is no conclusive evidence against god's existence, but also none for it, and that the number of believers in the world counters the scientific discoveries that make god less necessary.
    -Atheists don't exactly believe "there is definitely no god." If you think about it, nothing is ever absolute. If i see somebody wearing green clothes, I would say that that person is absolutely wearing green. However, it is possible that my eyes are deceiving me, and he is wearing a completely different color, but that not likely enough for me to say "He may be wearing green." I still deal in absolutes, even when the probability is more like 1000000000:1, not 1:0.
    This same idea can be applied to an atheist's view of god. There is always the chance of god, a chance that he does somehow exist, but it is so infinitesimally small that we deal in absolutes and say "there is no god."
    #79 RabidZergling, Jun 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  20. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Wrong. Agnostics believe that it is impossible to verify the existence of God. They do not claim to believe in or against a god's existence. Therefore it is impossible to assign a probability to the situation and your "50/50 chance" statement is void.

    Atheism's broadest definition is the "absence of belief in the existence of deities." Atheism itself falls into two categories "Strong" and "Weak." The strong atheist affirms that "no god exists." The weak atheist is all other forms of non-theism. Therefore agnostics are classified as weak atheists as are any other groups that do not explicitly believe in a deity.

    So your claim that atheists don't exactly believe there is no God is false. Strong atheists affirm that there is no God. This is an absolute statement of their belief. Agnostics make no claim about the existence of a deity, only the uncertainty regarding the proof of a god's existence.

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