Welcome to my very first Art Gallery everybody! Have I got a show for you today! Some of the below screenshots are out of all seriousness. Some are just for laughs. And the rest are recent entries of mine to Bungie's plentiful Recon contests. So everybody give a warm welcome to me, Conkerkid11. Please tag the screenshots, rate them, download them, post on this forum and the screenshot's themselves. Although you don't have to do every one of those things, it would be kind of you to do some of them to further increase my popularity, and chances of getting noticed more for my work! By the way everybody, Seering Gorge is my entry to the contest going on right this very minute. The contest is The HSS Landscape Recon Contest and it ends at midnight tonight. So please if you will, pay your utmost attention to the Seering Gorge picture. I request criticism, and your honesty. Thanks, and enjoy! Mai Hiding Spot Bungie.net "No, you can't haz mai hiding spot!" Seering Gorge Bungie.net "From the rocky dephs and beyond as far as the eye can see." Balancing Act Bungie.net "We should join the circus!" Silent Sniper Bungie.net "Who'd you die by? This guy!" Hugz 4 Recon Bungie.net "Giving Recon a good ol' hug!" Beastly Bungie.net "Sometimes I just feel like a tank..."
I love the ones that use the "Heavenly Hog" effect. However, you managed to spell "Searing" wrong. The other pics are just kind of average, and people have taken a picture of that exact same thing on The Ark about 87 million times. I don't think that you have a good chance of winning this weekend's Recon contest, sorry.
I really love the screenshots you used the heavenly hog effect on. The first one stands out really well because of it. The second screenshot is absolutely beautiful. I wish you posted that in the campaign screenshot competition. The third one is pretty funny. All together you have a nice collection of screenshots here, slap on to your fileshare.
These are sweet man.The heavenly hog is the best I love the camo on it.And the first one looks awsome because of the gradient map looking thing that is coming in from the bottom right corner.The shot is always done and overused.Overall the rest are average and I am liking the reconz poor alienz no reconzorz for him.
I really like your Landscape Contest shot. Love how you go the sky in the shot. Im not a fan of the heavenly hog effect but not so much your fault. Your funny ones kinda sparked some lulz in me but its a little early for that. Overall these are average. PS-Show7yme i think he took it on the Campaign level "Halo"
searing gorge is one of the best nature screens i have ever seen, its cool looking, and i have seen the others in your file share before. i like balancing act tho, tis funny and mai hiding spot deserves a more serious name, its an epic heavenly hog pic.
Best: Seering Gorge - It looks stunning. - On the campaign level, "Halo" right? Worst (No offense): Silent Sniper - Too plain - You can see the spartan which is bad because the lighting is not good.
If you give recon a hug, bungie will give it to you so I've heard. That one's pretty funny. The last one is my least favorite... it's kinda like heavenly hog, but I can barely tell what the silhouette figure even is. Is it a spartan with a missle pod? Seering gorge is great as a panorma.
Silent Sniper is best IMO. Heavonly hog effect is now unorginal and many people dont to good with it. Yours is better than most, but still unoriginal. And like noones ever tooken a picture of the ark. The last one is just a random shape ( i know its a spartan with a missle pod) that looks awkward. I dont like your comedy in the description, Comedy ruins seriousniss, other than in the funny recon ones, i wouldnt put humor in it. Evan though you see the spartan, Silent Sniper is best for the angleing and the originality.
The picture on the Ark is unique because it's not just a picture of the galaxy section. It's not just a picture of the mountains. But Searing Gorge is a picture of the perspective of the galaxy overlooking the mountains. I have never seen a picture like the one I have. Every picture is plain, and usualy taken from inside the map's barriers. I used the hidden pan-cam mode to take that picture. Something I'm pretty sure most people have never heard of. The last picture isn't just a random shape. And there is no comedy in the description. The picture is clear and to the point. The point of the picture is to represent a person's hidden feelings. This man with the missile pod for instance feels beastly. This is represented by the scorpion hidden inside him. I don't quite understand why most of what you say are negatives counting towards something that should be a positive. Throwing a little humor into something that's serious is a good thing. If something is too serious, then nobody will like it. And once again, I would love to see you get a better picture than what I got on the Ark. I'm pretty sure you couldn't take the same exact picture. Most people got lazy and took random scenery pictures for the landscape contest. But I took the time to take a picture that wasn't random at all, and that made sense.
Few things wrong with this^ 1.Pan-cam is extremely easy to do and theres many guides in the guides sub-forum. Some one could easily just search around out side the ark and find that. I do see that its a silent but emotive picture, but its just not my kinda landscape shot. 2.Seriousness is serious. If u rnt srious u lose. Just kidding. I love comedy:happy:, but i think that thine between seriousness and comedy should be straight. I think you took serious shots and made them seem stupid ( not the picture, but the outlook of the caption and title). Negative attracts positive and vice versa. 3.I can see only little of the scorpion, Just see a spartan with a missle pod with something behind him. Take a look at that and tell me if you see an entire scorpion. I do admit to did the effect well enough so that the outline was clear, but the inside of him doesnt compete as well to the unoriginality of the effect. ________________________________________________________________ Im not going to start another infraction filled aurguement. I said my opinion on your pictures like you indirectly asked to by posting this. Peace out girly scout.
nice collection i really like the look of beastly. I think silent sniper is the worst because its plain. but nice work. o and recon made rofl