Sandbox Granite Basin

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Yay,Granite Basin for the win.Lol when we tested this I loved to use the shield door walkway to camp lol jk.I love the walkway up top with the bridge thing you made.Also the overshield spawn is genius and has beautiful asthetics.Overall I love this map so muchorz!
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    wow this map looks pretty awesome. It looks really neat and from reading all the replies i think i want to dl it looks really smooth and looks like it has very good gameplay 5/5 for now. I like how there is a purple colored base instead of red that is pretty cool. I also love the windows made from half walls i have something like that in one of my untested/finished maps but not nearly as neat great job and great map.
    #22 jakob hunter, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  3. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    Probably the most terrain like map ever, like you stated. I have to hand it to you gunner you have just shot up from an average, everyday forger to like one the best currently. And this map damn proves. Happy to have tested such a masterpiece with you.
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    As many others have said, this map is great. The terrain is what really sets it apart from other maps, you've really outdone yourself on this. Flow is important in a map, and as this feels like a mini Avalanche, it doesn't disappoint!

    Grats, man. Cant wait to see you go Premium.
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Holy crap! This looks absolutely amazing! Once live gets back up I will definitely dl, because this looks absolutely godly.

    From the pics and vid it looks almost perfectly forged, only from what I saw one flaw but it may have been a bad view. Ill edit and review gameplay once I dl, but so far aesthetics get a thumbs up.
  6. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    First of all, I love the fact that you gave this map some "terrain" instead of the usual boring, flat surfaces. I also like the horseshoe shape and the way that the lights look on the middle wall. I think the drop down tunnels to the OS is a smart idea as well. Capture the flag looks like it would play perfectly on this map, like you said. I am definitely gonna dl this and play some games with my friends. Nice work!
  7. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Haha who's the dude that put "epic ctf" as a tag? You're my hero!

    So just a heads up to anyone who put the map on their download list: because XBL was offline today, so you may have to try and download it again... So you can blame Bungie for that, not me ^.^

    And what might that flaw be? I may be able to clear it up for you right now if you'd like. My map isn't quite flawless, but I can assure you that every item was intentionally placed in the desired location.
    #27 Gunnergrunt, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  8. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    This looks absolutely incredible, I am going to download this tomorrow and have a forge through, then save it to my disk and play with my friends :)
    The map geometry looks incredible and I love how it's a different terrain to the norm.
    I disagree with the comment about "too many power weapons" as each side has a sniper, and will have to fight for the rockets, which have long respawn and no spare clips. Maybe, just maybe a few too many nades, as I've said I'll look through then get back to you on stuff like this :) My only problem is I hate getting mowed down by turrets mid-game, it seems to really upset the flow of a map, for example on the pit, people rarely use the turrets, but when they do they probably get one or two kills before they are stuck or sniped, but it really messes up the playing. Anyway that's just my opinion :) other than that it looks incredible.
    Did you create the slide jump on purpose? Or did it happen accidentally ? Looks good that somebody incorporated some harder unnecessary jumps into their map :)
    Ima definately DL and get back to you when I've looked through it, does it take all the standard gametypes?
    Awesome map 8/10 :)

    Senior Member

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    nice job gunnergrunt i saw a lot maps of you and they were all very nice and clan.
    to this map i like the good layout you got some good ideas.
    maybe you could merge for example the flag points.
    overall very well don job 5/5
  10. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I did not want to merge them because you could score the flag through the bottom of the base. Plus players need to know where to return the flag lol. Thanks for the idea though. I just think they are much more functional above ground

    Don't worry, they don't have much coverage on this map. You can easily take the turret down from your side of the map. But, if they catch you on their side of the map in the range of the turret, it'll end you pretty quickly... You just need to know where the turret can hit you at
    #30 Gunnergrunt, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  11. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Very good map plays very nicely with 3v3 or 4v4 objective games. My favorite part of this map was the maps natural feel and look. The map reminds me alot of Halo 2's Waterworks and the center base. The map is a medium sized map but it still has plenty of paths to run through and plenty of strong points. Good work over all on the map I'll see you around Grunt :]
  12. Fruitbat7

    Fruitbat7 Ancient
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    if you ask me; this map has a fighting chance at becoming a feature. The only problem i can see is that some of the forging looks a little bit messy, but that could just be me or how the screenshots were taken. Hopefully the gameplay is as good as the map looks :p
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Every piece has it's purpose and the transitions are amazing. The "messy" forging is simply to create a rocky feel, which he accomplishes perfectly.
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    nice to see this finally posted, i was amazed when i first saw and tested this map with you. extremely creative geometry, and well-balanced gameplay. what more could anyone ask for in a map?

    all the comments on the turrets and weapon issues i find to be pretty retarded, ive tested the map and i know that it works amazingly. a turret is frustrating in any map, because it kills you easily. but a skilled player can easily take out the turret operator in this map, and the only time it would seem unbalanced is if its your first time on the map, and someone else knew about the turrets before you.

    the map plays very well, and once again i am impressed as hell by your forging. great job.

    dont forget to put it in the map database, along with your other older maps as well!
    #34 Titmar, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    There are not enough pictures. Just kidding lol. Anyway, as akward as this map looks and seems it looks like it would be fun to play. Like Highground, Valhalla, Isolation and other bumpy/ hilly maps, grenades, rockets and bruteshot are harder to wield making this map more competitive and interesting. The video really clarified its geometry and its overall layout.
  16. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Hey Titmar, I was hoping you would show up! And I agree with your commets about the weapons and turrets. Most of the players that get frustrated with the map are playing it for the first time. It definitely takes a round or two to get used to the layout and whatnot.

    Oh and I already have it posted in the map database!

    Well said, man. At first glance it would appear a bit random and unplanned, but every single item is in its desired position. If something was out of place, I would be the first to notice ^.^

    Oh, and here. This is a fairly accurate display of the turret coverage.
    #36 Gunnergrunt, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2009
  17. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    Wow you did an amazing job with this map. I love all the merging it is all very clean, angled and almost flawless. I can tell that you spent alot of time on this one. The map itself flows together nicely and looks great for br battles, mainly because their is railings. Also the little jump ups you added are cool. I think you should make it into a MLG map though it has lots of potential. I like how you spent the time in your post to outline the map geometry. Anyways I'm gonna play test it and let you know how it does. 5/5 so far.
  18. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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  19. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I already have an MLG version set up, but it needs testing. I'll be testing all day tomorrow (Saturday).
    EDIT: I tested the MLG version of the map today and it worked well, but not as well as the original version. Some liked it and others did not. I'll give it a bit more testing and then put a link up on the front page.

    Holy Shmoly thats an awesome review! (Of course, I can't help but be pleased by the praise). Sheesh man, you nailed every aspect of the map spot on! If you don't mind, I'd like to include that in the original post (in the "Extra" section). You obviously understand the functionality and gameplay of the map very well. I hope I get the chance to invite you to the MLG testing session tomorrow. I appreciate that you took the time to play the map thouroughly and examine even its less-obvious elements. Thank you for the review, good sir! I hope to accumulate more DB reviews in the near future!
    #39 Gunnergrunt, Jun 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009
  20. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    I have a problem, I'm a CTF junkie. Screw king of the hill, ctf is the only thing i'll play. I'm pretty sure you made this map with me subconsciously in mind. Since it has all my favorite stuff in it. Like turrets, multiple paths, CQB, hod on i got to get my inhaler. This map has gone through a lot of versions. One I broke to disastrous effect. I'm not going to complain about the rocket launchers, even though they are as bland as a elementary schools mac and cheese.
    Ok here are the things i would highly suggest changing
    First and foremost ADD SOME MONGOOSES!!!! I took the liberty of trying it out in forge. There hilarious and fun to use, almost impossible to control, and usually are traveling fast enough to splatter someone. They can climb up from the shallowest part of the map, up to the highest easy enough. Just add one on 60 seconds, whos it going to hurt?
    Next put a top on the inside of the canyon. It's not a cave if you can see the sky, also you can throw grenades in, and probably break the map somewhere.
    You know the entrance at each base that leads to the OS spawn? you need to add a light there so it's more noticeable. t's the most underused part of the map.
    Just try and banshee where the regenerator spawns. Test a few games. I miss lockout v1 so much :0(
    still this map is pretty much perfect how it stands. Just consider making a v2
    5 turret whoring penguins out of 5.

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